I cable tied my fender to the underside of the rear rack. Works a treat and gives it extra strength too.Sheynem dank,
The rear fender is adjustable but it still shakes and rattles like mad when the going gets rough so I will be drilling. Had a mystery rear flat today. Tire looked perfect inside and out but there was a 1/8" cut in the tube near the centerline. I patched it, rode another 20 miles and it seems the patch is holding. Made the repair with the wheel on so that was good. Handlebar Jack just paid for itself today. I should've taken pics but was in a hurry to get it done and back on the road. Word to the wise, ALWAYS carry a patch kit and a pump (or Co2). Filled it to 15lbs with one Co2 bottle. Topped it off to 20lbs when I got home. And yes, I have slime and know about the other preventive methods but the Maxis looked indestructible .. NOT!