Ebikemotion x35 speed limiter "fix"

Yes, above 23 it goes down 2,5% by added km speed and without the dongle there is still something left up t 26. I would be very happy to have the exact same decreasing curve up to 29. That would left 85% of the max power of each level. But it's not the case.

This may be not the case. However as this is the first product available, it does what we said it does and we are taking all comments on board. It is unfortunate that your experience is not that of many others.

May I say, I am finding it quite difficult to address communication between a multitude of platforms where users are using multiple aliases and usernames. I value one on one communication and as such could any queries be posted via the Contact Us form at the bottom of our web page. www.sccarbonrepairs.com
This may be not the case. However as this is the first product available, it does what we said it does and we are taking all comments on board. It is unfortunate that your experience is not that of many others.

May I say, I am finding it quite difficult to address communication between a multitude of platforms where users are using multiple aliases and usernames. I value one on one communication and as such could any queries be posted via the Contact Us form at the bottom of our web page. www.sccarbonrepairs.com

May I say, I had no other choice than using this thread as I never got any response to the e-mails I addressed directly to sccarbonrepairs...
Recibí un segundo dongle ya que el primero estaba defectuoso y no funcionaba.
Este segundo dongle funciona correctamente manteniendo una asistencia del 60-50% hasta 25 km / h. A partir de ahí, la asistencia disminuye: con 26 km / h, la asistencia persiste 40%, con 27 km / h por encima del 30%, en 28 km / h por encima del 20%, a partir de esa velocidad la asistencia varía entre 10% y 15% mientras continúa asistiendo incluso a 35 km / h, pero es difícil de soportar con tan poca asistencia. Por lo tanto, es bastante efectivo hasta 28 km / h. Como ha comentado otro colega, la asistencia a partir de 27 requiere todo el poder de la asistencia en el nivel 3.
No tuve problemas para conectar el dongle.


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Recibí un segundo dongle ya que el primero estaba defectuoso y no funcionaba.
Este segundo dongle funciona correctamente manteniendo una asistencia del 60-50% hasta 25 km / h. A partir de ahí, la asistencia disminuye: con 26 km / h, la asistencia persiste 40%, con 27 km / h por encima del 30%, en 28 km / h por encima del 20%, a partir de esa velocidad la asistencia varía entre 10% y 15% mientras continúa asistiendo incluso a 35 km / h, pero es difícil de soportar con tan poca asistencia. Por lo tanto, es bastante efectivo hasta 28 km / h. Como ha comentado otro colega, la asistencia a partir de 27 requiere todo el poder de la asistencia en el nivel 3.
No tuve problemas para conectar el dongle.
Gracias Evillena. What bike do you have?
[QUOTE = "Wiliertrestina, publicación: 220926, miembro: 25853"]
Gracias Evillena. Que bicicleta tienes
Una Montana Vecktor.
this is not nice. I received my dongle a few days ago but I still have to try it because I have a mechanical problem on my Orbea. We hope to be luckier.
I hope I didn't throw away my money.
hello, after reading all your comments, I realize that my seller in Belgium is right, Ebikemotion and Orbéa have designed a system that it is currently not possible to unlock
hello, after reading all your comments, I realize that my seller in Belgium is right, Ebikemotion and Orbéa have designed a system that it is currently not possible to unlock

@wjc correct. At this stage it cannot be unlocked. However tricked and bypassed, yes.
this is not nice. I received my dongle a few days ago but I still have to try it because I have a mechanical problem on my Orbea. We hope to be luckier.
I hope I didn't throw away my money.
Pierrepi, did you finally test it? I'm curious because there is no clear statement from the manufacturer.
Hello guys. I'm not using the bike because of a mechanical problem with the wheels. I will try the dongle as soon as it is ready and I will do a complete ration on its operation.
Pierrepi, did you finally test it? I'm curious because there is no clear statement from the manufacturer.
Pierrepi, did you finally test it? I'm curious because there is no clear statement from the manufacturer.

I commute 28 miles to work (56 miles round trip) on a Ribble CGR ebike with the x35 system.
I’ve used the dongle for a week now so have done approximately 280 miles on it so thought i’d Check what my average speed has been since fitting it.
Pre dongle the week before my average speed was 17.1 mph with an average heart rate of 125 bpm. This week with the dongle riding under pretty much same conditions (wet and windy) my average speed was 17.1 mph and heart rate 133bpm.
I know this isn’t the most scientific test but my experience of dongle has been disappointing. It does seem to provide a little assistance above 15.5 mph although the level is barely noticeable. It also appeared to cause flat spots in power delivery when climbing which is the main time I want the assistance.
I’ve therefore now taken the dongle back off as prefer the way the bike works as designed by manufacturer, and I can ride comfortably on the flat under my own steam and have some smooth useable graphics assistance when I need it on hills.
Hope this helps

Toby/ebike whisperer, any chance of a refund if I send it back?
hello, here are a few weeks that I use the dongle on my hybrid vilter and if I was disappointed at first because the assistance provided is not as important as hoped, I must still clarify that this assistance is still appreciable because there is no abrupt cut after 25 km / h and beyond I really appreciated this help especially in false flat amounts and against the wind. Here, of course I hope that one day there will be a real unbridling but I must admit that finally I do not regret my purchase.
@wjc correct. At this stage it cannot be unlocked. However tricked and bypassed, yes.
hi all, after an interview with Mahle, it turns out that the winding of the engine is different for each brand and especially in the USA, so it is impossible to change the speed except to make another winding, everything is said
Hi guys, I am looking at getting an Obrea Gain D30 next year, I say next year as I doubt I would get much use out of it over the winter here in the UK and the price will hopefully be cheaper. I currently ride a Trek Checkpoint ALR4, a fantastic bike that I can swap out road/gravel wheels. I am however finding it harder and harder to climb hills, mostly due to ongoing ailments, and keep up with social rides. Looks like a Gain is the answer for me going forward.

I have read this forum from start to finish and picked up some great advice that confirms my choice.

I was wondering if those here with Ebikemotion X35 systems and a Garmin unit have ever tried using Ebike Field or anything like it?

Also I need to figure out how I manage to get a n+1 circa £2600 without the Mrs knowing....
Hi, everyone. First post here. I’m thinking about buying an e-road bike for a 22 miles commute. Initially I was looking at orbea gain or Ribble e-bikes but having read the forum it looks like it is very hard to hack the speed limit. What are people’s thought on other systems like focus paralane2 with Fazua, Cannondale synapse Neo with Bosch and Giant road e+ with Yamaha (these are the ones I can find around)? Would the orbea owners consider one of these in the future because it’s easier to hack? I don’t want to get an ebikemotion then regret it because it feels slow. Thanks