Wanted to post that I am liking the HR auto assist feature more... on an Android phone, the EBM App recognizes the HR monitor on startup and the assist is predictable while not entirely consistent.
I would have said the main issue is that its slow to turn off well after my HR has fallen below the threshold set of 130bpm, but another issue is the time it takes to turn on... I've found that I'm going for a minute+ at about 140-150bpm before the assist turns on and then the assist goes from Level 1 to Level 3 pretty quickly. Where the delay in turning on is an issue is if there is a long decline that goes into a steep hill... I hit the bottom of the hill at Level 0 and fall behind my group pushing the 27.5lb bike... but after a while the assist kicks in... usually in time to catch the group at the top of the hill.
I have the sensitivity set to 10 and the HR Threshold set to 130... usually the response time in 60-90 seconds and I find that my HR is usually over 140 before the assist turns on and below 115 before it turns off.
What eBikeMotion needs to fix is the ability to download HR data with the Strava compatible GPX file (kinda a TCX) because without this its hard to analyze what the Auto Assist is really doing. (I've tried to look behind the screens on the EBM website reports but cant get real HR data... just coordinates on a HR chart.
If anyone has any ideas on this... pls post. Even recording with 2 HR monitors does not produce the exact data I see on the EBM app. - E