This has been an issue in Nyc forever. They banned them for a while then when CITIbike made the rental ebikes possible they change the law just for them and legalized ebikes and now LOTS people in Nyc WFH (work from home) , order online , click on delivery ASAP and Expect the ebiks to go slow, doesn't make sense... either a cold dinner from a slow E bike or a hot dinner from a fast E bike. Or no dinner delivered , pick it up.
Keep In mind that in NYC we're talking about big buildings so the order has to go to the building sec., could be a looooong elevator ride and going past the security desk is more time so they are always under pressure, pressure to make the trip fast.
The people who complain about fast restaurant ebikes should quit asking for take out and walk or jog to get their food...They r all mostly fat anyways( >60 %) , a little exercise will save them.
Lazy , rude , self entitled Ny'ers. Better yet, learn to cook NYC !
Those ebikes used for food delivery and the Revel moto scooters are mostly to blame, but WHY r the drivers going fast ?
The food is geting cold....well
we got the bottom of the issues.
If they ban them , the grubhub orders will be postponed unless Ny'ers will go and pick it up.
Does anyone know how they do this in Eu or Canada ? I mean , I know they also have food delivery with the ebikes but I'm saying do they also have lots of accidents ?
It will be a shame to illegalize the ebikes in Ny just because of the laziness of the take out crowd who wants it fast(we all know that we have an option in the delivery apps to choose our delivery and I'm sure most ppl.choose ASAP). The same crowd then when in the street is asking for civility and for the food ebikes to go slow...doesn't make sense.
Fyi, when i order , i always go and pick it up . Or just make a delicious red quinoa with farm raised sauteed goat

that no rest . offers.
As far as the Revel scooters, I don't think that those are mentioned in the article or referred to but some of the riders may not have the experience to use those.