By way of background. My wife and I run a yacht charter business in Alaska, taking small private groups on week long custom cruises. I was the captain and she the chef. I had a major heart attack at the end of August with cardiac arrest. I was on my boat in Alaska, 80 miles from the nearest town, at night, in fog and rain. We have carried an Automatic Electric Defibrillator on board for ten years but never had to use it. In addition, one of our guests on that trip was a cardiologist. That is why I am still alive. I am incredibly lucky.
I was a pipe smoker and weighed 238 lbs. I had two stents put in and later and implanted defibrillator. I stopped smoking and started losing weight via diet. I then started cardiac rehab, a medically supervised EKG monitored exercise program. In late February I bought my first e-bike and have put over 400 miles on it. I am now down to 208 and have not felt this vital and fit in decades. I have never really enjoyed deliberate, dedicated exercise until I got on this bike. Now I look forward to it every day. We have hired a captain and chef to take our places on the boat but still own and are responsible for the business. We are looking forward to our first summer of leisure in 25 years and have plans to do some serious bike touring.
If there is anyone with a legit claim to using the bike as a life saving, health enhancement it is me. However, I would not even think of trying to get a tax deduction for the purchase of my bike and frankly do not think much of someone that would. I use the roads, someone has to pay for them and I have the ability to do so.
I am frankly ashamed of our generation. Our parents and grandparents built the interstate highway system, put a whole generation through college on the GI Bill, funded NASA and all kinds of fundamental research that has led to new technologies and given rise to all kinds of businesses. Oh, and they also fought a world war on two fronts. They paid taxes to make all this happen and provide opportunities for us.
In the eighties it became politically fashionable to cut taxes and cut government. The result is that we have failed to pay forward the kind of tax funded common efforts to make our children's lives better the way our folks did for us. I am proud to have built my own business but I never forget that I got a major head start from those who went before me.
So for me this whole topic hit a real nerve. I don't need a tax deduction and would be ashamed to ask for one. I suspect most people who can afford to buy an ebike don't need a deduction either. I know I am in the minority, but I am proud to pay taxes. It means I have succeeded. It also means that I care about the kind of world that my children and grandchildren get to live in.
My apologies if some find this too political but discussion of tax breaks is just that...political.