Ann M.
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  • When you hope for the best, but expect the worst you can overcome obstacles without anger or frustration. In the context of the thread "Talk me out of cancelling...." it means: DO NOT cancel. If you receive a bad battery or have to wait an extra month there is no anger or disappointment. If all goes well, then you got what you hoped for. Its unfortunate you find that inflammatory.
    Is anyone else reporting the Forum being flooded by Chinese spam postings?
    • Like
    Reactions: keithd
    Definitely... tried emailing Ann and Court over the last 2 days but don't know if they've received my emails...
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    Hi all, yes, we have gotten all of the emails; just have been overwhelmed with getting the garbage off the site. Not ignoring you. KEEP SENDING the emails; I see those even when I'm not logged on the Forum. Matter of fact, this was the first thing I saw checking email at 7am today. We had everything cleaned up as of 1am CST last night and some other blocks in place; however, they aren't stopping these spammers yet.
    Hi Ann, I'm not a rude person and I didn't attack anyone. Chris M. Initiated that, all I said was that bike looked like a nice deal but I wouldn't buy anything from juiced because I have a legitimate gripe with them but I will leave it alone in the future. I'm sorry if I offended anyone on this forum, my gripe is with Tora. Thanks, Rooster.
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    Thanks Rooster, much appreciated. Many people have had a good experience with the Juiced Bikes, sorry it wasn't that way for you. Hopefully you've found some ewheels that work for you, that's the most important.
    Hi Ann,
    I would like to see a section in the forum for member to get together for local rides. I know there is a section for Events, but I was thinking of a area where we would be looking for others to ride with. I know they are out there & can't be the only person who would like to find several others to go for rides in my local area.
    - Steve
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    Hi Alphbetadog, One of the purposes of the Events, Rides & Shows is for you to post a thread looking for other riders or post a regular ride in your area. Then folks can PM to set up the time, etc. Please give it a try :)
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    Bob, sorry I just saw your post! You are not the only one who has been asked to drop the C. Lenny's references. It's a constant issue. I really appreciate your posts on EBR, you add a lot to the community and are very supportive of the newest here :)
    Thanks so much Ann for helping with your resolution with the post by Mike's Ebikes and your acknowledgement. Not sure why he would be so aggressive in a forum that does not advocate violence in any way! Not only that, it is just bad for business on all levels when you are a struggling entrepreneur in a sensitive climate like ebikes.
    Still happening.

    I understand it’s a free site and all, but a timely response is a reasonable request.

    Oh well, guess it’s not important enough. :(
    Ann, I haven't received anything from you.
    Could you just post here what's being done to correct these issues?

    Love the site, it is solely responsible for me getting in very deep with electric bikes. I've bought 6 so far and have kept two....Bulls Monster E FS and Haibike's Sduro Full FatSix 7.0.
    Absolutely LOVE 'em.
    This site is very slow to respond and often I will get a message saying "too many redirects" and it freezes up.....the site that is.
    I've tried different computers and browsers with the same results.
    Are you aware of this issue and are you working to resolve?
    Thanks !!
    I had posted comments regarding my OHM 750, last one being in December 2016. Trying to sign on today, I got a message saying I was not recognized by the system. Subsequently, I created a new account. Is there some kind of user guide that I can refer to?
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    Norm, I'm sending you a PM so I can get a few more details to better help you.
    Ann. Protocol qs. I am a new member on EBR. I am considering purchase of a high-end US made electric bike. BBB feedback for this company shows a consistent pattern of complaints. Is it considered acceptable to post in that specific manufacturer's forum on EBR asking for people's experiences with regard to ethical business dealings by said company? Thanks
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    Prabha, yes, it's ok; as long as you don't phrase the post as a fear issue but rather how the company responded to the issues, you will get more honest information.
    How does one follow a forum? I can find the selection of how I am notified, but can't seem to select a forum and follow it.
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    If you want to watch a whole forum, not just one thread, click on that forum's name and select the 'Watch Forum' button located on the right above the list of threads in that forum. PM if you need more help Velome.
    Why do we generally use three phase BLDC motor than single phase BLDC motor? What are all the advantages associated with three phase over single phase??
    Ann: EBR is a daily stop and I read several forums at the site. Occasionally, I've had a page pop up saying my IP addy has been banned. Jumping to another EBR forum or reloading the site gets me back in. Just an FYI, it seems like a bug.
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    @emco5, we have occasional database issues still. You're ok. Did this happen recently? And yes, even I experience this and the web guy knows; he's just got a lot on his plate for EBR. Just PM or let me know so I can do the temporary fix.
    Ann - I did a write up on the Juiced forum for their new Ocean Current - I did not see it post - thought they posted immediately - can you see anything on your end?
    Should I re-write and re-post - I was pretty sure i hit 'create thread' after i previewed. thank you - dale f aka pasopete
    How do I change my profile so that the real name doesn't show up in the posts? Couldn't find it anywhere in settings. Thanks!
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    Anton, start a PM with me if you still need some changes made to your profile.
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