Ann M.
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  • Hey Ann, It looks like the forum is working better! It hasn't done the weird blanking thing to me for a while. Seems to be working fine again!
    Ann, I posted an answer to how I got my older IC2 Bionx bike back on the road and a plea for an old dead bionx case. Do you think you know anyone who would sell/give me one?
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    Kathy, I don't know of anyone right off hand that's got a battery case to donate but I'll keep you in mind as my customers' BionX batteries age. Thank you for such a detailed post; much admired.
    Hi, I'm still looking for parts for the Nuvinci N171 hub. Let me know if you still have anything for sale. Thanks
    Ann M.
    Ann M.
    Thanks, SimiGuy, I've got stuff stored in a couple of different places and haven't been able to locate the Nuvinci parts yet but will keep looking! Thanks for the reminder :)
    Dear Ann thank you so much I would be glad to talk more to you about it . To be quite honest my computer skills are the Pitts I have epilepsy so using text and Email are a chore and one more frustration my story is long and complicated my name is Jamie I should have been a stunt man feel free to call anytime Jamie 714-858-8805 the phone is easiest
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