Just thought I would try and quantify relationship between Speed and Cadence for my Gen4 Rohloff Delite. I have used 2260mm circumference for my Schwalbe Moto X with 60 tooth chain ring and 19 tooth pinion for calcs. Rohloff Ratios from here https://www.cyclemonkey.com/blog/calculating-gear-ratios-rohloff-speedhub. Perhaps someone can confirm these ratios are accurate.
I have not found a power curve plot for the Gen4 Bosch motors but this might be helpful to read in conjunction if one is available.
We have 25 kmh nominal limit "downunder" so this fits in with cycling in 11th- 12th gear at around cadence of 60 - 70 which is my experience. I have yet to get to cadence of 90 in 14th gear, I do have a downhill section but it is prone to having cars emerge from side streets so I don't think I will check this out .
Cheers Stephen

which is my experience.
I have not found a power curve plot for the Gen4 Bosch motors but this might be helpful to read in conjunction if one is available.
We have 25 kmh nominal limit "downunder" so this fits in with cycling in 11th- 12th gear at around cadence of 60 - 70 which is my experience. I have yet to get to cadence of 90 in 14th gear, I do have a downhill section but it is prone to having cars emerge from side streets so I don't think I will check this out .
Cheers Stephen

which is my experience.