Can over heating cause permanent damage?


New Member
Bafang 48v 500w Rear hub motor, system switched off going up a steep gravel hill with throttle and a push! After a few minutes I was able to turn back on.
Riding now, it keeps turning off, likely under load - so far I am able to turn back on and get home - this is on my handbike.
We switched controller and batteries - still does it.
Display also doesn’t show speed anymore.
Any advice - urgent as set to travel with handbike next week.
Many thanks
Not familiar with your set up.
Figure out why the display isn't showing speed anymore as that might be your problem.
Does it use a spoke magnet? Is it properly aligned?
In general only repeated overheating would cause damage... but anything is possible under extreme circumstances.
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I like the idea of fixing the speedo as well. Then if the problem continues, it's time to have a look inside the motor. My bet is you won't have to look hard. The smell is going to answer any questions you might have....
Thanks guys - there’s been no smell. Bafang RM G020.500.DC, i havent seen a sensor on the spoke is it internal?
wires are undone as we tried a different controller, reassembly this morning


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Thanks guys - there’s been no smell. Bafang RM G020.500.DC, i havent seen a sensor on the spoke is it internal?
wires are undone as we tried a different controller, reassembly this morning
Some of the newer Bafang geared hubs do use an internal you may not have one on the spokes.
Could be a low battery. Going up hill will cause more voltage sag and your controller MAY hit the low voltage cut off, disabling the bike. Try charging the battery and trying on the same hill.
Latest theory - motor doesnt know its moving so it shuts down and will immediately restart. SO a sensor or magnet - if the sensor is that replaceable?
Latest theory - motor doesnt know its moving so it shuts down and will immediately restart. SO a sensor or magnet - if the sensor is that replaceable?
I haven't messed with one, but I understand it's buried in the windings.
Most sensors are mounted on a circuit board. If you have time, it;s worth buying a $15 ebike tester on ebay as they will test your wheel sensors in about 30 seconds. This is a G020.

Typical testers. Might get them overnight on amazon for 2x more.
Overheating can melt the varnish on the windings on the armature and render the motor useless.
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Thank you everyone, successfully found help to switch motor core with my other handbike. I will try and get the motor repaired whilst we are away. So thankful!
I have two of these G020.500 motors on two different bikes myself, although mine are FM's (Front Motor). The speed sensor is internal and there are six magnets glued directly to the casing inside. You should be able to see them in a circle.

It does sound as if the motor may be cooked, though. If the copper wiring is black or black-ish then thats the sign of overheating you don't want to see. There's no repair for something like that if it happens. Only replacement.
Great info thanks, we have the faulty motor out of the hub but we couldn’t seperate the cover plate from the motor to check the magnets!
For moderator To posters, I apologize but couldn't sort out how to send a screenshot to moderators. Will delete it as soon as I hear back,View attachment 151846
I'm chuckling on the part you didn't say (e.g. who you DO have blocked), but also don't think Mods are super-active in chasing admin-type-issues, or they may or may not see it.
As a possibility, you can try searching for Jedidiah posts or profile, and try blocking then go to blocked list and unblock and see if you can fix it yourself.
As tempting as it is sometimes, I don't have anyone blocked to confirm the above flow would work, but 'maybe'...
I'm chuckling on the part you didn't say (e.g. who you DO have blocked), but also don't think Mods are super-active in chasing admin-type-issues, or they may or may not see it.
As a possibility, you can try searching for Jedidiah posts or profile, and try blocking then go to blocked list and unblock and see if you can fix it yourself.
As tempting as it is sometimes, I don't have anyone blocked to confirm the above flow would work, but 'maybe'...
long ago solved. just a forum software gremlin.

glad it’s fixed i missed some good posts. an interesting fellow to read.
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Uplate- Succesfull biking trip to Tuscany 450km on my hybrid handbike!! (We switched motor cores)

Now I am home trying to fix the broken motor - we cannot get the cover off to look at the wiring, I did change the display and removed auto off function, that stopped the 5 min shut off that was happening. Testing it home, screen stayed on but PAS stopped. Throttle still works, PAS does not. Any ideas?
With the hourly rate at bike shops I am unsure its worth trying to repair unless I can do it - is it possible to order just the motor core - or a new 26“ wheel but leave the existing controller and wiring.
Power is fabulous when it works and a real PITA when it doesnt!!
Great info thanks, we have the faulty motor out of the hub but we couldn’t seperate the cover plate from the motor to check the magnets!
Remove the screws, then hold the motor with both hands, one on each side, axle facing down and cover plate side up. Gently bash the axle directly onto solid ground (like cement pavement). This will force the motor apart. Common technique I have even seen used at the Bafang factory.