Anybody Hit A Deer While on Their eBike ...

reed scott

Well-Known Member
Or for that matter any other animal capable of doing real damage to life, limb and bike? Deer are one of the main reasons I quit riding motor cycles here in Texas. Lots of the guys I used to ride with had bad collisions with deer. We used to put louder pipes on our bikes just to let them know we were coming. Now with ebikes we are almost silent. Couple guys I knew were hit BY deer rather than being the hitter. At least at 15 mph the collision will be unlikely to do terrible damage but still .....
Got hit by a sparrow and broke the skin on my arm. Worst was a bee that ended up under my glasses and stung me. By the time I got home, my left eye was swelling badly. But no life and limb situations.
almost got as cat, several squirrels and rabbits and almost got a few snakes. I don't think hitting a animal would be good on a bike though.
IDK if they still make them, but the auto parts stores up here in PA used to carry small plastic ultrasonic whistles that attached to the fenders of cars to scare off deer. Suppossed to work at anything over 15 mph IIRC. I had them 20 years ago when deer were a problem. Might help.
IDK if they still make them, but the auto parts stores up here in PA used to carry small plastic ultrasonic whistles that attached to the fenders of cars to scare off deer. Suppossed to work at anything over 15 mph IIRC. I had them 20 years ago when deer were a problem. Might help.
Yeah, I still use those. In 25 years, all in deep stix Texas I have only hit one deer and that one was running so hard he never heard my whistles. The whistles put out an oscillating sound and supposedly this puts the deer in sort of a mesmerized state of alertness and they sort of freeze for a few seconds. Often they just stand at the side of the road looking intently at my truck. I've driven through areas where there are up to five or six deer per mile at night and they all just stop and stare. I did have one hit me. Still carry the dent in my left front fender. She was moving fast too.
Another animal hazzard ... chickens. Really. A friend of mine was almost knocked off a motorcycle on a country road that ran through a farm when a chicken paniced and tried to fly out of the path of his bike. Hit him in the chest.😳
Another animal hazzard ... chickens. Really. A friend of mine was almost knocked off a motorcycle on a country road that ran through a farm when a chicken paniced and tried to fly out of the path of his bike. Hit him in the chest.😳
My vet's wife had a Vulture come through her windshield. But she always drove way too fast. I honk at them from a couple hundred yards off and they usually fly. Come pretty near to hitting a couple of them though. Rode my bow wave like a porpoise. 🤣
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My vet's wife had a culture come through her windshield. But she always drove way too fast. I honk at them from a couple hundred yards off and they usually fly. Come pretty near to hitting a couple of them though. Rode my bow wave like a porpoise. 🤣
culture ? vulture?
I came very close to hitting a deer that bolted across a paved trail in the woods earlier this year. Missed it by a couple of feet and scared the HELL outta me!😳
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everytime I get an ebike above 25 mph now, I start doing a real intent scan-I imagine the deer would get up and run while I would probably die with a broken neck.
Passed one in broad daylight today. Just a yearling eating greens by the bike path, Around dusk in the same area, odds are 50-50 we'll see them heading toward the river,

Also this week, missed a squirrel by milliseconds, If he had gotten tangled in the front wheel, I'd have gone over the vars.
We were doing a MTB night ride a week or so ago on a single track and a deer jumped out in front of us. Missed him by a foot or two. Have hit three of them while driving over the past few year in the Fredericksburg, TX area. We're covered in deer over in Central Texas.
We were doing a MTB night ride a week or so ago on a single track and a deer jumped out inmfront of us. Missed him by a foot or two. Have hit three of them while driving over the past few year in the Fredericksburg, TX area.
Cody Dog, Hey fellow Texan. I'm down in south Edwards County. My good friend lives out towards Tiveydale. Where do you ride around Freddysberg?
My vet's wife had a Vulture come through her windshield. But she always drove way too fast. I honk at them from a couple hundred yards off and they usually fly. Come pretty near to hitting a couple of them though. Rode my bow wave like a porpoise. 🤣
Vultures are really big. All we have here are turkey vultures .. half as big maybe .. but I still wouldn't want to hit one.


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Or for that matter any other animal capable of doing real damage to life, limb and bike? Deer are one of the main reasons I quit riding motor cycles here in Texas. Lots of the guys I used to ride with had bad collisions with deer. We used to put louder pipes on our bikes just to let them know we were coming. Now with ebikes we are almost silent. Couple guys I knew were hit BY deer rather than being the hitter. At least at 15 mph the collision will be unlikely to do terrible damage but still .....
I ran over a squirrel the first month I had my first ebike, a juiced RCS. Was actually a traumatic experience for me and I still think about it sometimes. It was worse than how I’m describing it because the squirrel actually got tangled in the wheel spokes not literally run over. Terrible experience and worse for the squirrel. Didn’t deserve to die that way as it was an innocent animal minding its own business foraging away until I came barreling through a forest trail.
Getting swooped by magpies and butcher birds is a seasonal hazard here in Australia. I swerved for a snake once - juvenile green tree python I think, it was night so I only caught a glance. Dog owners here are a lot better at keeping their animals on leashes than in the states from my experience, but if any are loose I slow right down. Can't say I've heard of anyone being hit by a kangaroo, not to say it hasn't happened.
I've had plenty of deer cross in front of us or stand at the roadside watching us but never hit one. Once, a chipmunk scampered across the road and ran right between my wife's tires without getting hit. We were doing about 15 mph.
No Joke. BigNerd's lucky to be alive. He went OTB at speed into a concrete barrier.
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