The Super 73 rx motor has the same size as the das-kit motor, only the peak power is 2000W, which tells me that it is just overvoltage. With my ebike I traveled 100km with a fairly short break in the summer when it was very hot and when I arrived home and I put my hand on the engine, it was very cold, not hot at all, and taking into account the fact that the display is unlocked and I can go 40kph. So the das-kit motor which is a rebranded MXUS is very durable and I am convinced that it can work at 2000W without any problem and without overheating. The NCM ebikes do not work with 52v batteries only because the controller does not support it, if you put them another controller can also work on 72v. And last but not least, let's not forget the fact that the stores sell us motors with a 250w label just to be legal when in fact the motors put out much more power.