Alternative Display and Controller for NCM (DAS-KIT)

The Super 73 rx motor has the same size as the das-kit motor, only the peak power is 2000W, which tells me that it is just overvoltage. With my ebike I traveled 100km with a fairly short break in the summer when it was very hot and when I arrived home and I put my hand on the engine, it was very cold, not hot at all, and taking into account the fact that the display is unlocked and I can go 40kph. So the das-kit motor which is a rebranded MXUS is very durable and I am convinced that it can work at 2000W without any problem and without overheating. The NCM ebikes do not work with 52v batteries only because the controller does not support it, if you put them another controller can also work on 72v. And last but not least, let's not forget the fact that the stores sell us motors with a 250w label just to be legal when in fact the motors put out much more power.
That looks a lot like my motor, with the control cable coming out on the left side.
My motor is unlabeled though and doesn't say Das-Kit on it.


Apparently, the American version of the T1000 has Das-Kit embossed on the motor itself.

I had a really hard time finding any information on any of the the Das-Kit components.

I did find a MXUS fat bike motor that appeared to be similar, but it was for a snow bike, and I don't know if that would be different or not?

The ammeter on the Das-Kit display is misleading too, because it only reads up to 12 amps, when the actual current draw could be close to double that amount, especially if a motor is "allowed" to draw more power than the rating for peak power, and I don't think that there is a limit to how long a motor can draw "peak power".
The motor may very well be drawing 20 amps all the time until the maximum speed is reached (32 kph in Canada).
I never did hook up an ammeter to the motor to find out the actual current draw.
NCM Bikes is a German manufacturer based in Hanover.So the factory from Germany buys MXUS hub motors from China, which it then renames to Das-kit. There is nothing out of the ordinary, most companies do this. For example, my ebike, which is not called NCM Moscow but something else, but which has das - kit mounted on it. There are many companies that use the same frame and the same kit. It is a reality that 90% of the things we own are made in China but they are also quality products and MXUS taking into account that it is not mass produced like Bafang for example, is given more attention and is much more durable.
Rated Voltage(V) : 48V
Rated Power(W) : 48V 500W
Wheel Size (inch) : 16''18''20''22''24''26''27.5''700C
RPM : 425 for 48V
Rated Speed(km/h) : 25-32/30-35
Rated Efficiency(%) : >=80
Reduction Ratio : 1:05
Weight(KG) : 3.5
Open Size(mm) : 100/135-142/145
Drive and Freewheel : N/6-9S/7S-11S
Cable Location : shaft center right
Spokes Specification : 12G/13G
Hallsensor : Yes
Integrate speed sensor : Yes
Surface : Black
Brake type : V/Disc brake
Salt fog test : 24/96
Noise(db) : <55db
Waterproof Grade : IP54
"Nothing new under the sun." :)
My Et.Cycle T1000 is supposed to have a G20 motor, and it's a fat motor.
I have no idea what the specs are for it?

They are all the same! Only the name is changed and different controller sometimes.So think that the Super 73 Rx has the same motor as yours that you have on the ebike but which is overloaded to 2000w peak power and has no problem. The companies are selling us bullshit, they use the same motors on different ebikes only they raise the prices very high. Just look at how much a Super 73 rx costs, almost €5k and the engine kit costs only a few hundred euros.
I see that the Super 73 rx is starting to raise the price just like it happened with the Stromer ST7 which at the beginning cost 15k € and now I see that they have lowered the price a bit. Even so, both ebikes are overrated!! It costs as much as a good new car.. Wtf is going on with these people? Do they really think we're all stupid?
I didn't know what the heck I had as a motor.
I tried searching for "Das-Kit G20" but had no luck.
I knew about how it was a rebranded MXUS motor, but I had no luck finding a similar MXUS motor, other than the fat motor for a snow bike.
I did a lot of research on many forums and found out how things are.Now you know the true. :)
Here's something interesting: I bought the NCM M3, and the motor is literally a Bafang, says so right on the sticker haha


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If someone needs a display, you can buy it much cheaper on aliexpress, I found it by accident.3 times cheaper than on some sites in Europe,USA...etc. View attachment 155343
Hello everyone,
Following that forum for few weeks now :)
I've an random Aspen, and was ready to change the controler. Seeing the advanced settings of this C300s could be promising. I saw that speed limiter was adaptable but also the controler power amp selection (from 3A to 30A). Not sure if this last stuff will have an impact but I've ordered one in order to see if this display could be a easy solution to unlock more possibilities. There seams to have 2 vendors selling this fake "L7" for NCM (clearly written). Looking forward to get it. I'll tell you if it ran ! Cheers from France (which limits 25 Km/h).
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Hello everyone,
Following that forum for few weeks now :)
I've an random Aspen, and was ready to change the controler. Seeing the advanced settings of this C300s could be promising. I saw that speed limiter was adaptable but also the controler power amp selection (from 3A to 30A). Not sure if this last stuff will have an impact but I've ordered one in order to see if this display could be a easy solution to unlock more possibilities. There seams to have 2 vendors selling this fake "L7" for NCM (clearly written). Looking forward to get it. I'll tell you if it ran ! Cheers from France (which limits 25 Km/h).
Does anyone have any experience with that particular display on a Moscow/Milano, etc.? It looks like it gives access to more parameters.
Here is what I got from the seller, let's wait +/- 2 week :) At least, if all running, could be a cheapest solution to get +10Kh/h.

On another topic, I red somewhere page 4 the topic relate to throttle. Doest anyone could share a link in the cable to use to plug a thruttle ? (Is there a kind of Y juliet cable or something to plug directly on the controler ?)

Here is the hand user :





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Good new :) See attached (not from aliexpress)



  • c300s.pdf
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Well shoot, there's an unlock code on the C300s :(. It boots up fine, but I can't change the settings. Pressing + and - asks for a 4 digit code. I tried 8018, same as the L7, but it doesn't work. I tried a bunch of other codes that I could find online, but no luck so far. I may have to message the seller.
Well shoot, there's an unlock code on the C300s :(. It boots up fine, but I can't change the settings. Pressing + and - asks for a 4 digit code. I tried 8018, same as the L7, but it doesn't work. I tried a bunch of other codes that I could find online, but no luck so far. I may have to message the seller.

Try 8088 if you haven't already.
Thanks, but I finally found the code on the instructions sheet in the packaging that I almost threw away, haha. It's 9234.

Bad news is, the display basically doesn't work. PAS and throttle don't do anything. And the settings that you can change on the display are the exact same as the L7, there's not even a max speed setting. Pretty bummed but oh well.