2019 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Maps

Usually the highest spot in town …
View attachment 35588
  • Channel 9 TV Tower, Mount Coot-Tha, Brisbsne.
  • Trivia: Mount Coot-Tha is not only a mountain (sorta, anyway) but a suburb of Brisbane with an official (2016 Census) population of zero. Beat that!
  • To take the photo, I held my iPhone against the ground and clicked without really knowing what would be included. On the fifth attempt the tower was properly framed – but only just!
Like that rich blue sky.
You could try to use the panorama function in you iPhone to take photos of tall buildings etc. I can turn mine 90° and think it works on iPhone 6 too.
Population 0 - that’s not much of a tax base:D
Deception Bay, Queensland …

Norkfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla) and pandanus (Pandanus tectorius).

Ride : 92 km / 2019 : 9305 km
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Almost 10k km :)

David, about maintenance, did you have to do anything in regards this year? How old and how are tires and break doing?
Coffee Break – #1 of 5 …

I have to admit that I paid too little attention to this espresso scooter. Clearly, a return visit is required next week!

There was no connection to mains power or water – genuinely self-contained!

I think the little three-wheel wagon is a Piaggio Ape – ape as in apiary (bee!) to complement the Piaggio Vespa (wasp). Suggestions, please. I have two more coffee photo opportunities in mind, so there is a need for others to supply some photos.
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Clipped to perfection …

  • Newstead House, Brisbane.
    • Built 1846: Moreton Bay District, Colony of New South Wales.
    • 1850s: Home of John Wickham, NSW Government Resident.
    • WW2: Occupied by US troops while Gen. Douglas MacArthur's Southwest Pacific Area GHQ was in Brisbane.
    • Now a site of US/Australia War Memorial – parts of the grounds are known as Lyndon B. Johnson Place (LBJ also served in Queensland and, as president, returned here in 1966).
  • John Wickman
    • Gentle Scot and second owner of Newstead House.
    • Retired naval commander who had sailed on HMS Beagle's three survey voyages.
    • It was John Wickham who named Australia's northernmost port after his friend 'Philos' (the natural philosopher and Abraham Lincoln's 'twin', Charles Darwin) from the Beagle's second voyage.
    • While living in Newstead House, Wickham oversaw the transformation of an excessively vile convict dumping ground into a gentler settlement but when, in 1859, Queensland became a colony his services were summarily dispensed with (he was not of noble birth) and an aristocratic first governor appointed.
    • Newstead House was deemed inadequate for a colonial governor who represented the sovereign (Victoria) rather than the people.
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Ride to Pelican Park on the Redcliffe Peninsula …

Above: Mural on a wall separating bike path from motorway.
Below: Nowhere to 'land' at Pelican Park except on the water: every one of their favourite landing places atop the motorway floodlights was already occupied! Maybe, they just wanted to stay together. (For once, not taken with the iPhone: I'd tried, and failed, previously.)
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Ride to Pelican Park on the Redcliffe Peninsula …
View attachment 36017
Above: Mural on a wall separating bike path from motorway.
Below: Nowhere to 'land' at Pelican Park except on the water: every one of their favourite landing places atop the motorway floodlights was already occupied! Maybe, they just wanted to stay together. (For once, not taken with the iPhone: I'd tried, and failed, previously.)
View attachment 36018
Great photo of flying pelicans. I can understand you needed something else than your iPhone to get that shot.
Slim fit …

  • Holden Kingswood station wagon – Australia's favourite family car fifty years ago (Ford fans might disagree).
  • Marburg, Queensland (photo at 31 km).
  • The Special Branch Collective Café (post #277) featured on the next page is next to the old red telephone booth.
Ride : 101 km / 2019 : 9740 km
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The almost unknown park …

A suburban backwater – quite literally – that sometimes floods and so cannot be used for housing. The council keeps it tidy and provides a pedestrian and cycle path and a shelter by a pond which is home to a home of dusky moorhens. With no swings and roundabouts, no free public Wi-Fi and no carpark, it's the perfect spot for a break.

Photo at 102.5 km on the map (Keith Boden Wetlands).

Ride : 135 km / 2019 : 9887 km
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