2019 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Maps

Centre of the World?

All roads lead to Rosewood? Actually, there are two: north/south and east/west and they intersect right next to this whimsical signpost.

20,000 km is the furthest distance that two places on Earth can be away from each other. Anyway, that was the intention behind the original 'metric system' of 10,000 kilometres from pole to equator.

I took the 17 km option; just another 11,581 km to Hollywood. One small pedal for ebike-kind.
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Centre of the World?

All roads lead to Rosewood? Actually, there are two: north/south and east/west and they intersect right next to this whimsical signpost.

20,000 km is the furthest distance that two places on Earth can be away from each other. Anyway, that was the intention behind the original 'metric system' of 10,000 kilometres from pole to equator.

I took the 17 km option; just another 11,581 km to Hollywood. One small pedal for ebike-kind.
This post reminded me of a sign in Lynchville Maine pointing to towns in Maine that are named after various country's. This sign has been there since I was a child vacationing in Denmark, Maine.

This post reminded me of a sign in Lynchville Maine
That's brilliant!
From timeanddate.com …

I love the way one has to set off far south to get to Johannesburg or Santiago! Someone has a rhumb way of calculating. (Melbourne is near the South Pole.)

Palikir? The places one visits on the internet!
Centre of the World?
View attachment 37521
All roads lead to Rosewood? Actually, there are two: north/south and east/west and they intersect right next to this whimsical signpost.

20,000 km is the furthest distance that two places on Earth can be away from each other. Anyway, that was the intention behind the original 'metric system' of 10,000 kilometres from pole to equator.

I took the 17 km option; just another 11,581 km to Hollywood. One small pedal for ebike-kind.
I’ve ridden a bike (acoustic) to Hollywood. Maybe I should point out that I started in Malibu. :)
And to be completely honest I turned around near Bel Air Country Club or UCLA so - almost to Hollywood.
Borrowed a bike from a girl in Malibu and rode PCH to where Sunset Boulv. starts at the ocean and then Sunset Boulevard up to UCLA, down through Westwood to Santa Monica Pier. Took a taxi from Santa Monica back to Malibu Pier. I was tired but it was fun. Burned my ears in the sun. 😎
From rails to trail …

  • Some day an officious bureaucrat is going to deem these old rails to be a hazard and will have them ripped up, but I hope I'm wrong.
  • Brisbane Valley Branch Line, Lowood, Queensland.
  • Beyond the rail trail fence is Lowood High School's parched playing fields. It's the second day of spring and still no rain! (In Australia the seasons are considered to begin on the first day of September, December, March and June. Television weather pundits invariably include the word 'official' when declaring this.)
Ride : 102 km / 2019 : 10,729 km
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Meet the future past …

More expensive than ebikes? I suspect so. And I'm sure that their owners are just as enthusiastic as we are; probably, post photos and comments on website forums, too!

It looks like they need a few raindrops to keep falling on their heads.
Hot Tin Roof …

Evans Hill, Rosewood, Queensland. It was hot (for September at least).

I've often ridden past this shed and resolved to stop and photograph the overgrown side. Still haven't but today I was heading in the opposite direction (a fast descent) and noticed this side for the first time. Brakes on! iPhone off the handlebar.

Ride : 74 km / 2019 : 10,803 km
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Hot Tin Roof …
View attachment 37766

Evans Hill, Rosewood, Queensland. It was hot (for September at least).

I've often ridden past this shed and and resolved to stop and photograph the overgrown side. Still haven't but today I was heading in the opposite direction (a fast descent) and noticed this side for the first time. Brakes on! iPhone off the handlebar.

Ride : 74 km / 2019 : 10,803 km
Beautiful photo!
Spot the cloud …

Brisbane River near Lowood.

For a long time after the last flood (January 2011) debris remained jammed in the fork in the tree just beyond the Slip Gully Bridge sign.
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Moonshine and Rolinda …

  • Moreton Bay prawn trawlers moored in Cabbage Tree Creek, Brisbane.
  • Photo at 53.6 km on map. Zoom in using Satellite View to see the trawlers.
  • GPS track of the ride makes my turning around to take the photo obvious. (Riding on left side of road, of course.)
  • Photo was taken looking SE.
  • I'm forever in awe of the precision of GPS tracking!

Ride : 148 km / 2019 : 11134 km
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Once there were creaking windmills …

Solar panels have replaced an old windmill. The wooden stumps that supported the corrugated steel water tank are the only reminders of times past.

And the drought continues just as happened so often in the past.

Location: Toogoolawah on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail; about 120 km inland from Brisbane.

Ride : 61 km / 2019 : 11,222 km
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Xanthorrhoeas in bloom …

  • I passed these grass trees about thirty minutes beyond the small herd of cattle in the previous post.
  • You can see greener photos from the same area by returning to post #170 on page 9.
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Ithaca Creek Bikeway …

Some of Brisbane's bikeways are perfect for pootling along on a quiet afternoon, and this is especially so for the trails that follow the various creeks down to the Brisbane River.