2019 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Maps

Almost there …
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All roads lead to Roma?

Well, not really; Queensland’s Roma has a Greek rather than an Italian heritage, and takes its name from the beloved Contessa Diamantina di Roma – from the United States of the Ionian Islands (of all places!) – who was married to the man who became Queensland’s first colonial governor.

And Darwin?

It was named by the great scientist’s shipboard friend, John Wickham, who really should have been the colony’s first governor (he lacked nobility) rather than Diamantina’s husband Sir George Bowen (who obviously had it).

Ride : 81 km / 2019 : 7158 km
Looking at your current mileage, you have been to Darwin and back already this year :D You really are living the dream :) How are your winters there? is it still possible to get out and enjoy your cycling?
Ready to ride …

So where will the middle kookaburra perch when it's time to go? Suggestions, anyone? (No, not on me; not with those beaks!)
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How do you get them to display in the large size when you post them?
Marci Jo …
  1. Place the cursor where you want the photo to appear.
  2. Press Command (or Control) together with P.
  3. A box labelled Drop image / (Or click here) appears.
  4. Click in the box and select the photo from your files.
Most important: reduce the file size of the photo before posting. For example, the kookaburra photo is less than one-tenth of the file size of the original iPhone photo; 90% of the original has been discarded.
  1. All photo apps will help you to reduce the size of a photo; I choose a width 1500 pixels (file size is immediately reduced to around 20%). Save the photo at medium resolution (file size halved – down to 10% of original). Simple.
  2. Alternatively, email the photo to yourself. You'll be prompted to choose between Small, Medium, Large, Actual. Choose Medium. Even simpler: your email app does the work for you!
… David
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Citroën 2CV …

It's almost Tour de France time and we'll be seeing plenty of these old cars on display. This1988 example, now in poor condition, would have been one of the last to have been manufactured (probably in Portugal).
Looks like not bad weather for riding!


For those who are interested in such things: the solstice is not so much a day as a position in the earth's jaunt around the sun that can be pinned down to an exact moment. For most of us that moment occurred sometime on Friday; for Brisbane it was very early on Saturday morning.

Is that a photography bag in front for a dslr?
Almost all my photos, including all on this page, were taken on my iPhone 6.
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Looking north …

  • Foreground: Shorncliffe (northern suburb of Brisbane).
  • Centre: Bramble Bay (part of Moreton Bay).
  • Left (extreme distance): Glass House Mountains – named by James Cook in May 1770 because they reminded him of glass furnaces in Yorkshire.
  • Centre (beyond Bramble Bay): Redcliffe Peninsula (childhood home of the Bee Gees).
  • Right (distance): Pacific Ocean.
  • Photo taken at 50.5 km on the map.
Ride : 112 km / 2019 : 7797 km
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David, you are certainly having an awesome year of bike riding. You appear to be on track to reach 16,000 km (10,000 miles) this year. I am curious as to what camera you are using. This chronicle of the beauty and variety of Brisbane and the surrounding area should be turned into a book at the end of 2019.