X7 discussion

11w x 25h x55L
Mine just arrived. Box in great shape. Only one small hole where an axis bolt popped through. Here are a few pics. Will put together tomorrow.
Small box has tools, charger and pedals. Last pic

11w x 25h x55L
Mine just arrived. Box in great shape. Only one small hole where an axis bolt popped through. Here are a few pics. Will put together tomorrow.
Small box has tools, charger and pedals. Last pic

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Be sure to check for the shock mounting bolts which many have been missing. Also bolts for front brake mount. Some found them attacked to the packaging, so dont throw it all away off the bat.
So, I got my x7+ and here is my experience. I am so bummed; I can't begin to tell you.

I fired off an email to eahora; hoping for a response/resolution soon

I received my X7+ and I have a problem with the Hub Motor. The motor is making a 'click-click-click' sound but there is no torque or power being applied to the rear wheel. I do hear something spinning (almost like the internal of the hub motor is moving, but not the wheel). I have confirmed that both the front and rear tires will freely spin without any resistance or obstruction. There is no motor or pedal assistance in PAS 1, 2 or 3; and no throttle power at all. Anytime you try to engage throttle or PAS, a click-click-click comes from the rear wheel hub motor. (see attached video). I like the overall bike, but I need your help with the motor; please tell me our options to fix my order. I look forward to hearing from you!

Here are the issues with my Bike that I received. I had to take to a bike shop to have fully assembled which cost me $65; while waiting for the battery to charge. I didn't mind the charge because I was getting a professional assembly and double-check of all bolts, etc. as I watched.
1. Packing Box had multiple holes and the bike had minor cosmetic scratches
2. there were missing bolts possibly having been lost in the holes.
I did not have the bolt for the rear shock suspension to bolt to the frame.
My packaging was missing the bolts for the front disc brake mounting
3. After fully charging the battery, I installed and observed the electric system appears to be working (front light, controller, etc). The problem with the Rear Hub motor is a real disappointment as I am anxious to enjoy my purchase.

I'm having trouble with my display/bike. I changed some settings (my mistake) according to the user manual. I now get a "e 036" on the display and now my bike doesn't work right. I tried putting the setting back to what the original settings are suppose to be but it won't work. Does anyone know the proper settings? or how to reset it?

I have the newer m5 display that is suppose to have to cruise control and anti-theft. Or if anyone has the newest user manual that would be great. Eahora has not replied back.

Seems like we are having the very same or eerily similar issues with our bikes so here is mine. Got the 2 bikes and as you saw from the pics the boxes were properly wrecked. We started the assembly process and worked on the Green bike first and here is what happened:
The parts did not all come together without some stretching and twisting to fit. The rear shock is missing a crucial mounting screw. I ended up driving to 4 bike shops, came up with nothing and did an extensive search and guess where you CAN find the screws? China... I of course let Eahora know - radio silence. I ordered a bunch online (I can share deets if needed) and they will arrive in about a month! The bike charged to green and powered up no problems but the M5 display settings are set to Ultra sensitive so just slightly touching the throttle can send the bike flying out our 7th floor apartment - we are SURE it will survive the drop however because it is built like a tank and weighs like one also - already threw my back out hauling them into the trunk of our Jeep - but that's for later. In order to get the Green bike rideable - I eventually thought of a temp hack - I went to my local hardware and took the bolt from the other end of the shock and showed them and they matched a screw and bolt to the size and length - it works perfectly so far but will be replaced the minute the bolts arrive. Anyone missing a shock mount bolt I recommend with caution to pay a visit to your hardware and source a screw and bolt - it works but I caution - it is a temporary fix. We decided to keep the settings of the Green bike for now and do some research before toggling the various display pages - we have heard some horror stories about making adjustments and we expect the color screens soon? Ok now the Black bike - Oh before I start - the Green bike is beautiful! Especially with the gold lettering! We got compliments in the street already! The Black (mine) is gorgeous! It's a matte black with white lettering and looks BAD AF! - now this is where the s*it begins! Assembling the Black went just a smidge faster because of lessons learned from the Green - screws missing (so many with both) we decided to forego rear fenders (they hit the chain and we didn't want to cut away so no rain riding for now - they look better IMO) and the racks - they look Really menacing and New York chic appropo and we are not missing much with them for our needs. We finished the Black charged to green and powered up. All fine until I tried the throttle - and like "NYCneedforspeed" - the motor is making a whirring sound but NO power to the wheels! Crestfallen I pass out from shear exhaustion and disappointment - I got up early this AM and started calling all ebike repair shops in ALL of NYC and couldn't find one to help either because of the Q-pause or can't help. Luckily I found one because I decided to search delivery bike shops and called a few and they told me where to go to find the sacred ebike repair shop that caters to all of GrubHub Uber Eats etc so off i went! (This is where I throw my back out trying to get the bikes in the Jeep! Heavy and non-compliant AF!) It turns out the GPS took us 2.7miles to this VERY busy - nondescript place! Ask for the "guy" like a secret 😉 and he tries the throttle - same sound - clicking whirring and squealing! He puts the bike up and grabs out all the wiring - my eyes bug because I am looking on wondering how he will get them back in?!? He tests the wiring - changing polarities etc and gets up and says "the motor is No Good" I feel ill and ask what do I need to do - he says his techs can open it up and repair/replace the clutch? Or I may need to contact bike peeps for a motor replacement. I tell him it will take too long between response and resolution for them and what else I can do. He says his techs are good - (I actually saw them fixing dead and beat up delivery ebikes and bring them back to life when I was SURE they were gonners) so can most likely fix it. I told them to get it done. So....it will cost $200 but I left hopeful - I pick up the bike on Monday. On the ride home I immediately shoot off a vicious email to Eahora and inform them my next steps will be with PayPal if this is not resolved for me amicably. OF Course I am still waiting on a reply! And this is where I am at this point. I will share a few pics because for some reason I have difficulty uploading vids on this forum. Take a look and let me know your thoughts? Thanx!


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I'm having trouble with my display/bike. I changed some settings (my mistake) according to the user manual. I now get a "e 036" on the display and now my bike doesn't work right. I tried putting the setting back to what the original settings are suppose to be but it won't work. Does anyone know the proper settings? or how to reset it?

I have the newer m5 display that is suppose to have to cruise control and anti-theft. Or if anyone has the newest user manual that would be great. Eahora has not replied back.
Hey J-tron check this out. Hope it helps.

Just received this from Eahora customer service. Looks hopeful but I will wait for the tracking information before I start to feel less bitter. SMH :mad:


We are so sorry that I didn't reply to you in time.
According to the video about the motor, we need to replace the gear clunch for you.
We will arrange the shipment of the screws you missed and new replacement clunch to you asap.
We will send you the instruction video to help you assemble the gear clunch.
You can let your local shop to help you with this assemble, we can reimburse the repair for you.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Eahora Sevice
Just received this from Eahora customer service. Looks hopeful but I will wait for the tracking information before I start to feel less bitter. SMH :mad:


We are so sorry that I didn't reply to you in time.
According to the video about the motor, we need to replace the gear clunch for you.
We will arrange the shipment of the screws you missed and new replacement clunch to you asap.
We will send you the instruction video to help you assemble the gear clunch.
You can let your local shop to help you with this assemble, we can reimburse the repair for you.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Eahora Sevice
I am in the same boat as you, but they asked me to send a video showing the problem. Hopefully its something I can handle.

Fortunately, the bike rode fine for the first 5 mile trip, with PAS, throttle and cruise control. It was a blast! Next day the motor got disconnected from the drive train after about a mile.
I figured out the problem, with actual help from eahora. If you ever get a "error 036" check the wire connecting to the motor. It could come loose when riding hard.
Ordered the X7+. Supposed to arrive today... was excited but now I’m pessimistic after reading some of the experiences here.

Anyway I noticed the company removing negative reviews from their website. Bummer.
Yay, it finally came. 3 days late lol... Miraculously nothing missing. Even all the screws. Box very was badly falling apart. It was actually falling off. I was buggin' for sure. I accepted it because the box was so badly falling apart (and I stress falling apart and not particulary beaten up). As I have mentioned previously I have just had surgery. I can't lift more than 10 pounds until at least the 5 weeks. A friend is gonna come over and do the lifting so I can assemble it and make sure everything is in order. I had a nice long conversation with the UPS guy and he gave me some very good input. I decided to forward our conversation to Eahora in hopes that it may help those in the future. Here is a paste of an excerp of it :

It finally came. Thank you. The box just about fell off of it when it arrived, broken open in both top and bottom, as well as a break through at the derailleur side but it looks like all of the parts and screws are here. I will let you know if anything is missing or the electronics are faulty. I spoke with the UPS delivery man and he pointed out the things wrong with packing.

1- You need to make handles for the box or at least make strong gripping cuts so the delivery man can grip the box. They work two in the truck load and one on the actual deliveries, it's almost impossible to risk box damage when 1 person is trying to lift.
2- You need to put very thick bubble wrap specifically taped and fully covering the derailleur.
3- You need to put more filler packing to cushion any impact during shipping and keeps things from jiggling around in the box during shipping.
4- You need to fully wrap the taping, even longways multiple times (more than 2) around the box.

I am sharing this in hopes that it may help you. A little more effort into the shipping and you will avoid quite possibly 75-80% of the issues and the headaches I'm sure they bring.
I am in the same boat as you, but they asked me to send a video showing the problem. Hopefully its something I can handle.

Fortunately, the bike rode fine for the first 5 mile trip, with PAS, throttle and cruise control. It was a blast! Next day the motor got disconnected from the drive train after about a mile.
Agreed! I rode the (Green-Mean) bike and it is a Blast! Climbed hills like an ATV on steroids at PAS 3. At one point I almost crashed I was going so fast uphill! Can‘t wait to pick up my (Black-Beast) LoL!
Also, anyone know where I find the serial number for the insurance company ? Lol... it's hard for me to pick up and manipulate the bike at this time (post surgery). Thanks.
Anyone have any input about how these tires will react to NYC streets ? They look skimpy as compared to the Kenda tires.
Hey Buddha, the bikes ride like a Rolls Royce on NYC streets. We have already tried it (Green-Mean) in mid town, West Side promenade, Chinatown, Williamsburg and the hills of Riverdale and they ride like a dream. The rear shocks are rated for up to 1000 lbs (or so it says) so if you are a bigger person it will handle just fine. Regarding insurance we have both of ours insured with our homeowners insurance company GEICO and they only asked for a make, model and electronic receipt so we didn’t provide a serial number (and couldn’t find one anyway). Hope you feel better soon and your post surgery downtime is swift and smooth!

Here is a pic of the shock for reference:


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This is gonna sound dumb, but this is my first e bike. I am not able to ride it right now because of surgery, however I want to make sure the thing works. I have it propped on a stack of book so the rear wheel is mid air. I want to to see the motor kick in and turn the wheel. Then I at least know it works. How do I get the rear wheel turning electrically ?
This is gonna sound dumb, but this is my first e bike. I am not able to ride it right now because of surgery, however I want to make sure the thing works. I have it propped on a stack of book so the rear wheel is mid air. I want to to see the motor kick in and turn the wheel. Then I at least know it works. How do I get the rear wheel turning electrically ?
Hold the m button, it should turn on, hit up button to turn pas on, push throttle button to see if rear wheel moves.
I see the M button, I see the Up button. I have no idea where the throttle button is. Isn't it usually on the right ?

It should be a thumb throttle like this.


They might also be using a hand twist throttle.


Left vs right just depends on your comfort and gear shifters orientation.