What Do You Do During The Lockdown?

Progress on my garden shed “pub sign”.


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Here's Mark Zuckerberg behind the scenes caught saying he needs to give caution wrt to "vaccines" that change our genetics. He doesn't know what he's talking about, though.
Then he changes his tune with Fauci, and Fauci makes a little face and then just lies with some incoherent nonsense of everything being "cleared out".
Zuck's thought would be censored on Facebook because they won't allow YOU to share such thoughts.

P.S. The thread title could be "What Do You Do During The Lockdown For The Rest Of Your Life?"
This is getting ridiculous! If you don't believe in the vaccine, don't get it. The choice is yours. Those of us who want the vaccine can't get it. Many of those who have had their first shot can't get the second because that dose was given to someone as a first dose by mistake! The clock is ticking! Many where I live are waiting in long lines only to be told they ran out of vaccine! When you call for an appointment, you get a busy signal, or a recording that says none are available!

This vaccine roll out is a national disgrace! Since the wartime production act has been instituted to produce the vaccine, why not have the military distribute and administer it? Designate National Guard armories as injection sites and use military planes & vehicles to transport the vaccine instead of UPS, Fedex and the USPS. They are subject to weather delays while the military is much less affected.

We are at war and the enemy is the Corona virus. We the public are the troops and the vaccine is our ammunition. Why isn't the military playing a bigger role?
I’ve stopped by a key pharmacy for distribution and they told me there was no list.🙄
Seems to me it’s all a very chance kind of thing to even get the vaccine.
I’ve stopped by a key pharmacy for distribution and they told me there was no list.🙄
The Mayo system here used their database and prioritized vaccines for the most vulnerable. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. But in the city we reside in the rollout is horribly slow.
Typical of the poster, and typical of the memes that never get vetted. Once again the facts are obfuscated.

2nd vaccine yesterday. Two more weeks and I'll be out more, AT LAST!!!
Not sure what facts you're referring to. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you got your second dose! I wish I lived in your part of the country. In the section of northeast PA where I live, only 8% have received their first dose.
A good read.

those twisted facts spewed by the Canadian member I block. Only caught the source in a quote.
Could Thomas name one incorrect thing?
"memes that never get vetted"
It's on record. Veritas wins the lawsuits against the mainstream media because it's real work. Pay attention, Thomas.
Once again the facts are obfuscated.
Nope. Once again your claim is unsupported. If you could you would, but you can't. I'd be glad to be corrected, Thomas. :)
What are "twisted facts"? Does that mean you know it's true, it's factual, but I've slanted it?
Every fact is opinion on some level. What you see as fact is what you appraise as fact...it's your appraisal of something based on criteria you impose, as is human nature. You may say that since certain experts believe it to be true, then it is fact. You may hold that if whole scientific bodies announce something is factual, then it is factual. You perhaps believe a judge or jury has that power to confer factual status.
We're not discussing arithmetic here.
Your opinion reigns because whoever you choose as expert, it depends on your opinion or you entrusting some expert or body to give you an opinion. Period.
Nevertheless, I like to prove things through sources that the "opposition" trusts. 😁
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Thank you Dave. I notice of the many many reports they say there are 6 instances of false or misleading.
That's very low isn't it?
I bet they are not correct in the 6.
You believe them, right?
First they go by opinion to smear. I agree that Veritias is right-biased. Everyone is biased and so is the fact checker group...extremely biased.
Second they say "several failed fact checks".
That's not exactly the same as something being false, is it? I mean, the check could be careless or they could change the actual claim and check something that wasn't even said, by paraphrasing or altering wording, which they do.
so let me get back to you regarding these 6 claims they made. The claim shouldn't stand if an admission of error and correction was made, should it? Corrections are accepted by sane people.
So I'm going to look at their claims, because you chose them.
This is the way to proceed in good faith. Agree?

"Overall, we rate Project Veritas Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and propaganda, misleading videos, and several failed fact checks."
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It's funny, Dave. The first one I picked shows that your site was being misleading in making up a claim that Veritas never made and then pretending to prove it was based on "no evidence", when in fact there never was such a claim, and then even labeling it "False".

Take that number 4 claim, Dave. Take. Follow it to link to an article, you will see it is not to Veritias video. On the NOT VERITAS video they make a charge of lying. Your site does it's typical job on you. There they snag half of you without going further. You got cheated.

So go to the Veritas video. No claim of lying was made by Veritas. Your dishonest site has you believe Veritas made that claim. This is exactly what I told you about them.
Staffing volunteers were all intimating that their candidate was mostly posing and was not really being forthcoming and "had to do it" and one made that statement of it being a lying game. Not Veritas. It was one of the volunteers in one of her offices.
You got fished in.
You're a good guy. You just give your trust too easily.
Imagine how low that group you trusted, really is, to do that kind of stupid deception on you. You entrusted them with your reputation in a kind of way, Dave, with your judgment, in a way, because you are left holding the bag, so to speak. Awful, really, what they do to good people.

Thank you for posting, Dave.
I provide evidence to support my claims by using the sources my opposition trusts.
So thank you for stepping up like a good man.

BTW, the next one I checked (number 2) is the same. Sorry. They just are not your friend.
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