What Do You Do During The Lockdown?

After getting the shot, a person still can become infected and be a spreader .... fearfellas know that, right?
Bought a house...


Damn, Dave, I had a McRosie of that era that looked just like yours! I sold it to a guy in Toronto and regretted it the moment the UPS guy carried it out to the truck. NEVER should have let that one go.

And Tim, wow! Love that gate, among other things.
Ok. You win the biggest project award. In what part of the world is this house situated?
Art, it's in Paradise Valley, Arizona, more or less between Phoenix and Scottsdale.

Less than 1/4 mile from an extensive bicycle trail system!

Edit - forgot to mention that we're still not traveling due to COVID so we bought this sight unseen 😱 My much younger and healthier sons toured it for us twice and did I mention, my wife REALLY likes it 🤣

We'll both have our second shots my month end so we can finally see the house in person.
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Art, it's in Paradise Valley, Arizona, more or less between Phoenix and Scottsdale.

Less than 1/4 mile from an extensive bicycle trail system!
I have distant relations that live outside Phoenix. I don't recall them losing electric power in the decades they've been there, so that's good too.
No big trees for an annual serious fire season either, but lots of summer heat.
Yep. My relatives say they keep their a/c at 85 F, and it feels too cool when they enter the house. Low humidity is important for riding bikes. I used to live near Hotlanta . 99 degrees and 99 percent. On a mild day.
Enjoy !
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No big trees for an annual serious fire season either, but lots of summer heat.
That's a beautiful place you bought!

My wife and I were in southern AZ a few summers ago. We considered renting bikes to use on the great trail system they have. It was 105 F that day so we decided against it. There were plenty of folks out riding though. Someone would have had to call 911 if we had tried it. I suppose you get acclimated to the heat after a period of time.
That's a beautiful place you bought!

My wife and I were in southern AZ a few summers ago. We considered renting bikes to use on the great trail system they have. It was 105 F that day so we decided against it. There were plenty of folks out riding though. Someone would have had to call 911 if we had tried it. I suppose you get acclimated to the heat after a period of time.
More than 20 years living in the desert SW. I worked outdoors year-round. I found the desert heat to be just as painful as the MN deeepfreeze