Watt Wagons Critical Product Availability Status

🙁 Tuesday. Frigging TNT.
You may want to update the status page on the WW website as soon as you have updates. Otherwise, people will keep asking, which defeats the purpose of having said status page. Just a thought.
Just a Comment....
There is nothing good to say about the miserable parts shortage.... it's affecting everyone worldwide.... in many industries... just like Covid. I guess it'll be a good story to tell the grandkid one day... I happened to stumble onto the Wattwagon website via a thread. After comparing what Pushkar is building to anything else I could find, I decided to significantly trash my budget and order the Ultimate Commuter Pro. That was last June.... Now, I'm an old guy... this will be the first.... and most likely... last Ebike I'll ever own.... there's no way I'm gonna settle... Soooo... I patiently wait, like everyone else here... hoping for parts to show up.
I have the most empathy for Pushkar... having to deal with all the migraines, struggling to grow his business. I can't imagine how busy he must be dealing with the manufacturing and customer queries... has to be immensely frustrating as well as a huge drain on potential revenue. Frankly, I'm amazed at how he's been able to keep up... Pushkar is a stand-up guy who's doing all he can to get our bikes built. So, I just want to say Thanks, Pushkar... for all your efforts... I truly appreciate your commitment to building Ebikes like no other.... Fred Fischer
Just a Comment....
There is nothing good to say about the miserable parts shortage.... it's affecting everyone worldwide.... in many industries... just like Covid. I guess it'll be a good story to tell the grandkid one day... I happened to stumble onto the Wattwagon website via a thread. After comparing what Pushkar is building to anything else I could find, I decided to significantly trash my budget and order the Ultimate Commuter Pro. That was last June.... Now, I'm an old guy... this will be the first.... and most likely... last Ebike I'll ever own.... there's no way I'm gonna settle... Soooo... I patiently wait, like everyone else here... hoping for parts to show up.
I have the most empathy for Pushkar... having to deal with all the migraines, struggling to grow his business. I can't imagine how busy he must be dealing with the manufacturing and customer queries... has to be immensely frustrating as well as a huge drain on potential revenue. Frankly, I'm amazed at how he's been able to keep up... Pushkar is a stand-up guy who's doing all he can to get our bikes built. So, I just want to say Thanks, Pushkar... for all your efforts... I truly appreciate your commitment to building Ebikes like no other.... Fred Fischer
Said by many but never so eloquently... Cheers
Man, tough crowd 🤓
You should hear what's being said on the Biktrix Users Forum if you think this is tough. I have a Biktrix and just ordered a Hydra and I can tell you there is a world of difference from my perspective between how Pushkar communicates and how Biktrix communicates, Biktrix makes a fine bike, nothing along the likes of WW but solid bikes. They are going through large growing pains right now due to the demand and the path they've chosen to go down with regard to polices, communication and view of the customer is 180 degrees different from WW and Pushkar. Their CEO honestly admits he doesn't care if he loses customers due to complaints as demand is lining up outside the door for anything they care to deliver, he is riding the wave. My experience here is very limited with WW but I couldn't be happier with the transparency and honesty I get from WW and Pushkar. While I hate waiting just like the rest of you, I feel like Pushkar is there with us. Very different story at Biktrix.
I put in my Hydra order today. I've been reading every thread I could on WW, watched all the videos I saw available. I feel like I'm buying a Hydra even more because I believe in Pushkar and his vision than because of the make up of the bike - which I love.

I believe that as he transmits his values and dreams out into his company culture and grows it in that environment he will have a company and products that not only make fortunes for all invested but also change the culture of the ebike world in general.
You should hear what's being said on the Biktrix Users Forum if you think this is tough. I have a Biktrix and just ordered a Hydra and I can tell you there is a world of difference from my perspective between how Pushkar communicates and how Biktrix communicates, Biktrix makes a fine bike, nothing along the likes of WW but solid bikes. They are going through large growing pains right now due to the demand and the path they've chosen to go down with regard to polices, communication and view of the customer is 180 degrees different from WW and Pushkar. Their CEO honestly admits he doesn't care if he loses customers due to complaints as demand is lining up outside the door for anything they care to deliver, he is riding the wave. My experience here is very limited with WW but I couldn't be happier with the transparency and honesty I get from WW and Pushkar. While I hate waiting just like the rest of you, I feel like Pushkar is there with us. Very different story at Biktrix.
I've gotten the same impression from reading here on EBR.
First off Biktrix is selling nothing special with their off the shelf bike... add thier attitude and small band of cheerleaders always at the ready... it's all a huge turn off and I wouldn't give them a nickel.
Probably not in the market for a new bike until next year, but WW is at the top of the list and thier commander and chief is one of the main reasons why.
Quick update: One box of controllers is scheduled for today AM. We should have it by mid-late day today. Tech is scheduled for controller swaps later today so we can start the process.
How many controllers are in a box and is there an eta on the additional boxes you’re waiting for?