Ultimate Electric Bike - long range, high power, all terrain all weather bike, no registration...

It only means you cannot even read in your mother's tongue...

In German:
Definition Elektro-Fahrrad, E-Bike oder Pedelec
Das Fahrrad ist in der StVO zunächst definiert als ein Fahrzeug, das mit einer Vorrichtung zur Übertragung der menschlichen Kraft auf die Antriebsräder ausgestattet ist. Aber auch Fahrräder mit Tretunterstützung, sogenannte Pedelecs, und E-Bikes, also elektrisch angetriebene Fahrräder ohne Tretunterstützung, sind Fahrrad im Sinne der StVO. Sowohl bei Pedelecs als auch bei E-Bikes, darf die maximale Antriebsleistung des E-Motors 600 Watt nicht übersteigen und die Bauartgeschwindigkeit nicht höher als 25 km/h sein. Von der Maximalleistung zu unterscheiden ist die Nenndauerleistung, also die Leistung, welche über einen Zeitraum von 30 Minuten dauerhaft abgegeben werden kann. Der aktuellen Typengenehmigungsverordnung der EU folgend, beträgt die maximale Nenndauerleistung für Pedelecs 250 Watt. Wird einer dieser Werte überschritten, so handelt es sich nicht mehr um ein Fahrrad, sondern um ein Moped.

In English:
Definition of electric bike, e-bike or pedelec
The bicycle is initially defined in the StVO as a vehicle that is equipped with a device for transmitting human power to the drive wheels. But also bicycles with pedal assistance, so-called pedelecs, and e-bikes, i.e. electrically powered bicycles without pedal assistance, are bicycles within the meaning of the StVO. For both pedelecs and e-bikes, the maximum drive power of the e-motor must not exceed 600 watts and the design speed must not be higher than 25 km / h. A distinction must be made between the nominal continuous output, i.e. the output that can be continuously delivered over a period of 30 minutes. In accordance with the current EU type approval regulation, the maximum rated continuous power for pedelecs is 250 watts. If one of these values is exceeded, it is no longer a bicycle, but a moped.
Austria makes distinction between the maximum motor power (motor peak power) -- and that's 600 W -- and the nominal rated continuous power, which is 250 W. Meaning, Austria recognizes the difference between the nominal and peak motor power (other EU countries do not pay attention to what the max peak power is).

Having said the above:
  • Specialized 1.3 or 2.2 motor has the nominal continuous power of 250 W but the maximum peak power of 550 W
  • Giant SyncDrive Pro (Yamaha PW-X2) offers the nominal continuous power of 250 W but the maximum peak power of 520 W
  • Bosch Gen 4 Performance Line CX motor is rated for 250 W continuous power but reportedly it can pump up to 850 W (such a motor is legal in Germany but technically illegal in Austria if anybody ever cared)
  • Shimano EP8 motor is 250 W nominal, 500 W max peak power.
Sweet dreams about living in America!
you see that redcoat running across them fields of Michigan for that smelly old queen? That's you...
I guess besides getting cars and freedom right, Americans got e-bikes right as well.

Now please feel free to go to some other threads, no one cares about your dumb 250 Watts. If you are not interested in my project, then stop replying
Sadly I am in the EU and 250 W is a joke.... I don't know why are we so scared of anything that can can drive.

E-bikes in the US can have a maximum power of 750 watts and a max speed of 32 km/h (20 mph).

I wish I were an American. This continent is a joke. Whenever I saw Americans do something cool, I tried to copy them (yes I copy Americans, not ashamed to admit it) and they wouldn't let me.

1. making camp fires in Colorado legal (in Austria jail time)
2. erecting a tent in USA in almost all states legal (in Austria you must sit in a parking lot they call camping place and then you can hear the fatso fart in his tent 2 meters away from you)
3. hunting with bow and arrow (illegal in Austria)
4. doing prank calls as a teenager (illegal in Austria, must have consent for recording)
5. having an e-bike that can go 32 kmph (ILLEGAL!!) Seriously

Imagine living in a country where you cannot make a camp fire, cannot erect a tent and your bike is not allowed to go 32 kmph and you are not allowed to use a bow and arrow.
What do you actually do in nature then? So retarded... Literally everyone has that freedom to go to the nature and enjoy a night or two.
Do I have to go on?

I just wish we had Mr. George Washington instead of all this dumb "culture" and "tradition". I hate my life yeah....
However, yes I plan to use my bike in Russia and USA. My fiance has a house in California. So the laws of Europe will hopefully not apply to our trips
I'm a little confused as to why being able to make prank phone calls as a teenager is considered some sort of inalienable right that you imagine we in the US have. Such a silly thing to have on your list. And as illegal here as anywhere else.

Also, you think that people have the right to plant a tent and a campfire anywhere they like here. They do not. Try that on private property and you are at risk for a backpocketfull of buckshot, or at least of being rousted by the county sheriff or state cop.

In our national and state parks there are designated campgrounds, and areas (indeed entire parks) where no camping is allowed. We have laws and regulations here just as in any civilized country. Do you see pictures of tents everywhere in cities? Those are homeless people, mentally ill and addicts. Is this what you aspire to?

I really think you should test ride a few ebikes. Because right now you really have no idea what the different wattage means. Stefan rides a Class 3 or speed pedelec, which allows him assist up to 28mph. Is this not enough for you? All you have to do is pedal harder then.

But no matter how hard you pedal, you cannot outride yourself.
I'm a little confused as to why being able to make prank phone calls as a teenager is considered some sort of inalienable right that you imagine we in the US have. Such a silly thing to have on your list. And as illegal here as anywhere else.

Also, you think that people have the right to plant a tent and a campfire anywhere they like here. They do not. Try that on private property and you are at risk for a backpocketfull of buckshot, or at least of being rousted by the county sheriff or state cop.

In our national and state parks there are designated campgrounds, and areas (indeed entire parks) where no camping is allowed. We have laws and regulations here just as in any civilized country. Do you see pictures of tents everywhere in cities? Those are homeless people, mentally ill and addicts. Is this what you aspire to?

I really think you should test ride a few ebikes. Because right now you really have no idea what the different wattage means. Stefan rides a Class 3 or speed pedelec, which allows him assist up to 28mph. Is this not enough for you? All you have to do is pedal harder then.

But no matter how hard you pedal, you cannot outride yourself.
You want to put up a tent and a camp fire in someones property? By definition you are violating the freedom of another American. It seems to me, you confuse that to the government VIOLATING your freedom.
It is so sad to see not even Americans believe in American exceptionalism anymore.

When I become an >> American << next year, I will make sure I don't allow people like you to reduce 750W down to 250W and prohibit tents and camping fires and buying guns.
It is crazy how easily people given in their freedoms to the government, without any clear reason.

And if you like having 250W and no tent no camp fire when you go to nature, no guns and mandatory vaccines... Then come to Austria and stay here forever. You can submit yourself to the government and be their slave.
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I am going to get my 750 W bike and build a giant tent and a giant fire and have an AR 15 and I will put up a sign made out of camp fires "Come and get it, communists"
Clearly you are lying to me... America is still a free country

The way things are going here you will fit right in Noob your timing should be just about right also.
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A Freedom of Austria party supporter explaining to Americans how America works :D
I am not a supporter of FPOE in fact I promote freedom of movement and that includes the black people of Africa as well.

I simply think governments should not have power over a human being. A government is supposed to be the servant whereas you as a citizen should be the master.
In Austria it is not allowed with restrictions or guidelines. It can only be made on a freaking parking lot they call a "camping place".

This is the third or fourth time you are trying to put me in a box. First you assumed I was a Russian, then idk... you said "oh you are that type of a person". Now you are calling me an FPOE supporter.
I really am sick and tired of this. I want to be an individual. I don't know what political party promotes that or what political direction that is. But I simply think that Americans created their own government and Americans had their rights as a birth right or a gift from God. They created a government of limited powers to protect their rights and protect their freedoms and that's it. I do not follow any party nor political ideology... I just read their constitution and draw conclusions out of it. What makes America a uniquely trusted country in the world, is their ideas. Far more than their military might or their financial wealth. Not far away from here, just 3 hours south there was a raging genocide just 20 or so years ago in Bosnia. Everyone watched it or supported it until Americans decided to step in. There is a reason why in Europe there is always a danger of a new genocide. Last two were against the JEws and against the Bosnians. Next one? Against who? Jews are well... Jews and Bosnians are... Well Muslims.

It was America that made us stop doing that. President Clinton.

But this American government now takes it as their right to dictate pretty much everything in their lives as well. What drugs they can take, what food they can eat, what shows they can watch, what shows they can't watch. American freedom is under a threat from the GOP and the democratic party. Both of these parties are a threat to the American republic, more than any other threat.

So whenever you think it is okay to make it illegal to make a camp fire because something bad can happen (and that is true, a single camp fire can cause billions and billions of damage and irreversible damage to the nature). Then why not be considerate and provide some guidelines how to make a fire safe or something before flat out saying "this is completely illegal" the way it is done in this dumb Austria. Make the guides then very strict okay. Somebody could set the entire forest on fire.

But 250 Watts? Seriously? I mean...

This man wanted to sew sweaters in his old stable

and they didn't allow him to do that. Imagine that... It is his building, his farm and he wants to sew some sweaters from wool from his sheep. And they wouldn't let him.
And you try to compare us to America? Really?

Our GDP per capita is lower, we have no military, we hold no major core technologies, we have less freedom and we don't even have a constitution. What a joke....
And you try to make a bike and everyone is happy that you are not allowed to do it. What a joke! I hate Europe... seriously.

After WW2 Americans made a huge mistake taking us as their allies. They would have been WAY better off building up some peaceful more reasonable country such as India or Pakistan as their ally or some of those south American countries. This is a joke... They invested money after WW2 in brain closed idiots. That's what we are. Brain closed idiots.
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They need to watch this video...

I would make Europeans listen to Tom Cruise speech this every morning they wake up 5 times before they go to their dumb work. Until they eventually become powerful in their minds like the Americans are.
That is the only thing I would allow government to force people to do.
Noob, you're welcome in my neck of the woods any day. ;) Congrats on your upcoming move, we'll be lucky to have you.
BUDGET: 15 000 Euros (around 17 000 USD)
THE AIM: Build a highly reliable, long range, high power, all terrain, all weather bike....

Hello, I have a question:
1. Can you build a bike that is 10 000 watts?
2. Can you reduce power down to 1000 Watts for light cruising speeds on the road so it is still legal
3. Has storage for many battery packs on the back so it can go very long distances.
4. Instead of 5 or 10 battery packs, can you build 1 big battery pack?
6. Could such a bike pull a trailer?
7. Can you make that bike drive on its own without peddling at all?
8. How many miles could it do without any peddling and just using its own power?
9. How big of a trailer could it pull legally I mean the volume, are there some limitations? Or can you just pull a huge bike...
10. Could that trailer be long and have a bunch of solar panels on it and provide let's say 500W of power on a sunny day or somewhat higher to make it easier to ride?
11. Could somehow the rear tire be modified be turned into a track, sort of like a ski jet?
12. Could the trailer be quipped with a gasoline motor sort of like an ATV to provide extra boost in off-road environment or snowy terrain? (this is extremely practical and would not be used on the road at all, so the bike is still legal?!)

I am asking this because I have saved some money and I want to go around the world with a bike and a small trailer where I would store a tent and food and other important things like clothes and some food.
THE AIM: Build a highly reliable, long range, high power, all terrain, all weather bike.... Not an electric motorcycle so (one can still pedal it and it is legal without registration)

Please share your thoughts and enumerate answers so that we know about which part (aspect) of the idea you are referring to. I am sure there are many people out there who would want a bike that can go anywhere as far as they want under any conditions.
10,000 watts? That´s 13+ hp.. get a Honda Super Cub; what you want is a motorcycle.
What year do you figure you and your fiancé are traveling around the world?
You should raise money for a good cause and be on TV for this EPIC endeavor.
How are you going to get to America with these tricked out bikes? Plane? Boat? FedEx?
What year do you figure you and your fiancé are traveling around the world?
We are getting married in February and I am getting a green card based on that but I could get a green card most likely because of my USMLE score as well, but that would be a tricky path...
When are we going to travel? Not sure yet... We need a 1. blueprint 2. calculations 3. actual bike being made before we make the second one. I know my ideas are a little bit off the chain but hey?! Can't skip the calculation parts and stuff :D

How are you going to get to America with these tricked out bikes? Plane? Boat? FedEx?
So my engineer friend who will build a bike with me said something about transporting batteries is an issue. But we were both drunk that night, we meet today again to discuss this whole thing while sober