Ultimate Electric Bike - long range, high power, all terrain all weather bike, no registration...

Assuming you are at least a little serious and not completely trolling I wish you luck.

It sounds like you are interested only in back country camping (you might call it wild camping) since you seem very concerned with your right to build a campfire wherever you want. That's sort of diametrically opposed to your need to charge regularly.

I would love to hear if you figure out a way to go coast to coast with your ebike and ar15 pitching tents and building campfires (no fire rings, that's cheating!) the whole way. Sounds like a legal and logistic nightmare to me.

For 15k Euros I could build a really serious long distance legal e bike capable of long distance world travel.
The spirit is willing but the "Flesh " is weak, there is one Bike Guru who goes all over the world in a heavily laden "Acoustic" bike, His take is to use a Belt drive and internally geared rear hub, otherwise just get something with a petrol engine on it.
"Ideals are great, reality is a bitch".
I haven´t had a vacation in nearly 4 years. I just want to travel distances without feeling too guilty
about it. 200 mpg minimizes that guilt to some small degree. I tried to have a vacation last June,
but so did everyone else it seems. Made a 350 mi. circuit of WA, bumper to bumper traffic both ways
for the last 90 miles & all my hoped destinations were mobbed, total waste of gas & time. I much
prefer shuffling along at 14 mph enjoying backroad scenery to racing blindly down the highway.
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For 15k Euros I could build a really serious long distance legal e bike capable of long distance world travel.
For 15k euros I could build a solar off-the-grid hideout in the middle of nowhere. My current
ebike is geared to travel without power if needs be, but my body declines the attempt. I used
to tour bare bones with just a bivvy & inframe, but that requires a little more creature comfort
these days.
Easy for you to say. Generally, if I´m not pedaling it´s cuz I´ coasting. I put forth just as much
effort as I would on an acoustic bike, but even electric still wouldn´t haul this busted up old carcass as
far as I´d like to go. So you may smooch my back side.
Thank you, John. An elegant way to put it. I hope you find your perfect bike and that you have a safe and enjoyable adventure.
Thank you, John. An elegant way to put it. I hope you find your perfect bike and that you have a safe and enjoyable adventure.
Can´t ever be sure about the safe part the way things are. I would a simpler, more buccolic highway system
intertwined with mass transit & rail. Paths with fruit trees & flowers..deer ´n´ varmits that wind along a
river teaming with fish.
Can´t ever be sure about the safe part the way things are. I would a simpler, more buccolic highway system
intertwined with mass transit & rail. Paths with fruit trees & flowers..deer ´n´ varmits that wind along a
river teaming with fish.
"The road not taken' or less traveled because it is winding and interesting, People these days do not seem to enjoy the ride, one of my 'chums' was having conniption fits because I was traveling about 35-40 mph on a country road because it was "terra incognita" for Me( as the old "Nissan" commercial sez" enjoy the ride".)

This is nothing... Wait till we have ours done with stars and stripes on it baby... I am so excited
It's cute, I give it that. But my free advice is: Don't waste your money; especially if you have ideas of towing that in the US. Last week here in NJ, we had consistent winds at 30, gusting to near 50. MPH, not KMH; as the storm line that caused so much devastation and death in a 250 mile swath in our country's mid-section, headed east into Kentucky. That front, after crossing the eastern continental divide, still had a strong punch when it traveled over NY, PA and NJ.

Prevailing northwest winds blowing down from Arctic Canada from November till Spring. That arctic jet stream takes up the entire midwest, down into Texas and on into the entire east coast from which then we transition into tornado season... Once the spring tornadoes peter out; the east coast moves into Hurricane season. Oh, almost forgot. The east coast is susceptible to N'oreasters; which are basically baby versions of an Atlantic Hurricane. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time in regards to these storms.......

Did I mention the prevailing winds that blow directly east come summertime in the Plains States???? Cross country cyclists always but always mention how that prevailing wind beats them down, mentally and physically.
Assuming you are at least a little serious and not completely trolling I wish you luck.

It sounds like you are interested only in back country camping (you might call it wild camping) since you seem very concerned with your right to build a campfire wherever you want. That's sort of diametrically opposed to your need to charge regularly.

I would love to hear if you figure out a way to go coast to coast with your ebike and ar15 pitching tents and building campfires (no fire rings, that's cheating!) the whole way. Sounds like a legal and logistic nightmare to me.
There is a guy who does a version of that, without the fire I believe. He is "The Three Mules Guy" - threemules.com. His mission is to travel around camping overnight or for short times in public spaces - keeping the right to do so available to all.

Edit: 3mules.com
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It's cute, I give it that. But my free advice is: Don't waste your money; especially if you have ideas of towing that in the US. Last week here in NJ, we had consistent winds at 30, gusting to near 50. MPH, not KMH; as the storm line that caused so much devastation and death in a 250 mile swath in our country's mid-section, headed east into Kentucky. That front, after crossing the eastern continental divide, still had a strong punch when it traveled over NY, PA and NJ.

Prevailing northwest winds blowing down from Arctic Canada from November till Spring. That arctic jet stream takes up the entire midwest, down into Texas and on into the entire east coast from which then we transition into tornado season... Once the spring tornadoes peter out; the east coast moves into Hurricane season. Oh, almost forgot. The east coast is susceptible to N'oreasters; which are basically baby versions of an Atlantic Hurricane. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time in regards to these storms.......

Did I mention the prevailing winds that blow directly east come summertime in the Plains States???? Cross country cyclists always but always mention how that prevailing wind beats them down, mentally and physically.
This german trailer has a bed in it.
It has huge sides and the frontal cross-section .
That is a very smart thing you have questioned... Hmmm

Talking to people here has been so helpful. Having a bunch of solar panels on it, definitely would cause a lot of troubles with wind. So we gave up on that idea. Having this kind of a design like that German fella in the video, is also a problem because he basically is wasting valuable weight on having a bed and wooden door and walls. We will not do any of that now that we did some calculations, we realize how silly it all was in the beginning what we imagined and how little we knew about this stuff. We will not jump to any conclusions, we will of course do testings , and slowly decide how and where we go. Please understand this thread I made was exactly made for this reason to get criticism and so we can modify and change our plans and ideas. It is a speculative discussion that has helped us a lot actually.


Since I planned to go out in Siberia with it and cycle through the U.S. I definitely would not make a trailer like that man. I just shared it because it was interesting.
Since we are making it with stars and stripes anyway, we might consider a full metal jacket kind of trailer. What else can penetrate through the entire Russian Siberia? Full metal jacket with stars and stripes on it :D

No air inside and just cargo and batteries (both the bike and the trailer should use the same batteries) and a more powerful engine. The surface area is very small and it should be elongated to reduce the air resistance because of the the frontal cross-section.

Further more, a such shape should allow it to be pulled as a sledge if one gets stuck in deep snow or mud. (the metal jacket will be below it, and on the top, a very very thin layer of metal or maybe some other lighter material. ) Since the "full metal jacket" trailer will be packed with cargo and batteries and have 0 cm3 of air in it... It will have low surface, high weight and will be more resistant to the winds.

We realized that sleeping in the trailer will make it very very hard to tow, this will be attached to the trailer on it's lateral side:

Also I contacted one lawyer and he told me the following:
1. you can install any kind of an engine in your bike and make it as powerful as you want, what matters is what you programmed and how it was running when it was on the street. HE also said about meeting some "heat" release standards idk
He told me these kinds of things are very important especially if one gets into an accident, he could get into a whole lot of trouble if the bike was using more W than allowed or drove faster than allowed.
2. He said that any engine can be programmed to pull more Watts so just an engine on its own cannot be judged whether it is legal or not.
3. He told me that having a 2000W engine programmed to use less W and to stop support at 25 kmph is legal in Germany. Because it does not matter how many Watts an engine can POTENTIALLY go up and how fast it can potentially reach. What matters is how much it was actually doing and if it was programmed to worked that way. He also said an excellent example are cars that have been reprogrammed and can provide you more horse power, even though you register them with less horse power. He says that kind of stuff is illegal but it serves to show that what an engine "can do" is not what cops, insurance and the state sees as what an engine is "actually doing" .

this what he said is about Germany. I will definitely keep doing some research on this topic.
0 cm3 was a joke and full metal jacket association is just cool... Don't get triggered :D But yeah, we will name it full metal jacket
I saw recently that there is a solar panel company which is producing thin panels which they anticipate could be a part of tent walls, roof, etc. Their focus was that any emergency tent village would carry with it its own power supply.

I'll try to reaquire that and link it here.
So, noob, do you ride an acoustic bike much? There have been plenty of people who have bicycled all over the planet. Look up Dervla Murphy, for starters.

Seems like the first thing you need to do is minimize what you need to haul. The next thing to consider is to make your target daily distance to be covered less, in other words, more realistic. What's your hurry?

I've got an electric mower, and a large lawn to mow. Just about the time the battery needs to be recharged is when my back starts telling me I need a break. Same happens when one rides an ebike. Moderation in all things.
So, noob, do you ride an acoustic bike much? There have been plenty of people who have bicycled all over the planet. Look up Dervla Murphy, for starters.

Seems like the first thing you need to do is minimize what you need to haul. The next thing to consider is to make your target daily distance to be covered less, in other words, more realistic. What's your hurry?

I've got an electric mower, and a large lawn to mow. Just about the time the battery needs to be recharged is when my back starts telling me I need a break. Same happens when one rides an ebike. Moderation in all things.
you are absolutely right!

I don't mind having to make camping breaks more often and longer. Besides, one wants to explore the nature and enjoy the ride. Right? :)
I am so happy and excited about this
So, noob, do you ride an acoustic bike much?
yeah, lately I have become obsessed with it. Every day 4-5 hours. In my town there is this company called " velofood" and you can deliver food and make around 20-30 usd per hour, just cycling...

I do it A LOT, whenever I have some free time because it is very healthy as well. I lost around 10 kilograms around 22 lbs I think...