To the "Karens", and the "Carls" out there😂 Those riding dirty too.

I wonder if they actually wonder about anything while they're wandering around staring at their phone?

Do they even have a moment to think for themselves?

Does the device dictate the wander and the wonder?
I wonder if the dog wonders about anything while it wanders about?

Dogs probably need phones too.

I wonder how big that fish really is?
If you hold a fish way out in front of you and get the camera up close, the fish looks as big as the person holding it.

PS,.. Tube jigs work AWESOME for catching big bass, but you need good tweeters for lots of treble.
Dogs are woofers too.
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I remember going into a stereo shop in the early 80's to buy a receiver with a spatial expander to increase the stereo effect between the left and right channels.

I asked for the receiver with the "Spat-e-ul" expander.

The guy smirked and pointed me to the receiver with the "spatial" expander.

Why not "spacial" expander?
Then I could read it and say it properly. 😂

Increase the "space" between the speakers,... "spacial",..



I don't care about the derailleur, but I'm going to fight for the Spacial revolution, because I've got skin in the game.

I embarrassed myself in the 80's. 😂
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What were we talking about????
A sick man creates an abusive thread.
A guy who thinks a $1,600 e-bike is any better than a $500 e-bike.
We've put some humour into it :)

(Apologise for my British English! I still think it is a "mudguard" not a "fender" and a "flyover" not an "overpass") :D
Your turn to deraille the thread. 😂
It's "derail", my friend :D
Or, "hijack"!
Still going strong. Timeless designs. They got it right, but I’ll keep my Martins.
It was a joke, of course! I owned a Japanese copy of a Fender Precision Bass by name Greco Electric Bass 1978, and there was no better bass guitar I ever had!
I owned a Fender Telecaster 50th Anniversary. The guitar was not good for my style; replaced with a Pearl Custom Export 1979.

Both guitars perished in a fire...

You can shortly see my Greco in this video.
I'm Polish. We name the derailleur a "przerzutka" in Polish. Literally: A flipper :)

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Flipper. I like it. I think that most Americans call it a thingamabob, doohickey or the bent thingy.

  1. used to refer to or address a person or thing whose name one has forgotten, does not know, or does not wish to mention.
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Flipper. I like it. I think that most Americans call it a thingamabob.

  1. used to refer to or address a person or thing whose name one has forgotten, does not know, or does not wish to mention.

I always thought Flipper was a dolphin ?? 😂

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It's deraille if you're French. 😂

Actually, Canada has French as a second language.
In the late 70's we switched to the metric system and we spelt "litre" because of the French Canadian influence.
It's pretty much spelt as liter now except maybe in Quebec?
We had to take French in grades 7&8.
I hated it, but I can still count to 10 in French.
Actually, Canada has French as a second language.
In the late 70's we switched to the metric system and we spelt "litre" because of the French Canadian influence.
It's pretty much spelt as liter now except maybe in Quebec?
We had to take French in grades 7&8.
I hated it, but I can still count to 10 in French.
In the late 70's we switched to the metric system and we spelt "litre" because of the French Canadian influence.
"Litre" is the British English spelling. Same as "metre" :)
I wonder how many people make the mistake of writing kph instead of km/h. "k" means "kilo" (one thousand), not a kilometre ;)
"Litre" is the British English spelling. Same as "metre" :)

I thought it was a French thing.
I don't remember "metre" in school, but we were British math before metric.
Our gallon was 4.54 liters, not 3.78 liters.

I wonder how many people make the mistake of writing kph instead of km/h. "k" means "kilo" (one thousand), not a kilometre ;)

Kph is an accepted way of saying km/h here. We all do that.