They are trying to sell to Europe...

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You can write whatever you want to secure investor financing. I'd like to see a Rad here yet.
It is very naieve to think that the investors will provide any financing without verifying the claims. They are still a small player, but have a growing presence in Europe. You may not have seen them yet, but that is not proof that they do not exist.
It is very naieve to think that the investors will provide any financing without verifying the claims. They are still a small player, but have a growing presence in Europe. You may not have seen them yet, but that is not proof that they do not exist.
40 years ago that may have been true. Today there is so much money in the hands of a few investors with such low yields, that investors will make a lot of apparently bad investments hoping that one or two will pan out...Gamestop and other Ponzi schemes come to mind.
Nothing to do with Rad or any other specific product . If RAD can sell their bikes cheaply enough, people will still buy them.
"If you think these places will become overflown with Rad Power laughable contraptions then you are very naieve."

When ones choices are limited one buys what's available. In North America we can buy a fat tire,a skinny tire bike or anything in between. We have many choices of motors etc. and if we don't like what's on the bike we can swap it out for something else. The one thing we don't care for is anyone telling us what we can or can't buy and ride. We have a two word saying for those that do. It starts with F and ends with U.
I only said Rad Power Bikes stood no chance in Europe. And that the brand apparently didn't like negative comments of the potential buyers.
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Don't be pathetic Gordon. You can ride the (proverbial now) pig in slop in your great country. I don't care.

I only said Rad Power Bikes stood no chance in Europe. And that the brand apparently didn't like negative comments of the potential buyers.

The American reaction to that post has been... Interesting 🤣
That place is full of Vespas, They will ride rad LOL
It could be a good idea. EU has got used to mid-motors. If Rad can find a 250 W Bafang mid-motor that is equal on performance with the big players, that could be a way to go. They need to win Germany first. 2020 sales of traditional bikes were 3.1 million, and it was 2 million of e-bikes.

There was an article (cannot find it now) in which high Yamaha officer promised entering the European market through the Yamaha dealer network. Nothing seems to happen though. Now, are Rad bikes Chinese imports? If they are, the EU was keeping such imports out. Rad Power EU looks like backdoor for such imports.
Very true. I have no idea how they will deal with the Chinese import thing. In this, I don't know who is dealing with that correctly. We have loads of white box bikes, rebranded to whatever. You could say competition is good, but if there are 50 brands selling essentially the same bike and no company sells enough to succeed, there are a lot of bike owners with orphaned bikes. No support. In my opinion fewer brands can offer success to those brands and good support for buyers.

Did the EU do a better job in fostering the industry? Yesterday we would have said yes. Tomorrow? Is what happened here in NA about to happen in the EU? Hopefully not. This forum is filled with owners of orphaned and unsupported bikes. My first ebike is orphaned. Fortunately I have been able to deal with it. If the EU is to get bikes like Rads, they would likely be there for the long haul.
This forum is filled with owners of orphaned and unsupported bikes.
Interestingly, Specialized have been able to revive a 2017 Vado 5.0 in 2020, and to bring it to the current level. The battery format has been the same since 2017, too, for Vados and Comos.
Don't be pathetic Gordon. You can ride the (proverbial now) pig in slop in your great country. I don't care.

I only said Rad Power Bikes stood no chance in Europe. And that the brand apparently didn't like negative comments of the potential buyers.

The American reaction to that post has been... Interesting 🤣
Sounds like a great plan Stefan.

Your projection of calling others bullies is funny. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just wanted to tell you that.

You can ride your 1 donkey power bike (250w) in your wonderful country and we dont care

Since you dont care, how about you dont post snide comments on what other people ride, whether or not they meet your snobby elistist criteria, have throttle or choose to ride a bike more powerful than yours.

Better yet still, how about you dont mention poland several times a day in threads in which that would be considered "off topic". Nobody cares about poland.

How about you dont pollute threads with "off topic" high bandwidth pictures from poland including you. We all know what you look like and it just gives me more ammo for future avatars. There is a thread for posting ride pics, keep your ride pics there where they are considered "on topic"

The best thing for EBR would be for you to only post to threads where you are the OP. You seem to think you are entitled when you are the OP yet you dont respect the same for other OPs. I would agree to never post to your threads if you keep all your posts/ideas/opinions confined there.

We could all then simply look at the thread, the OP and move on. Perhaps EBR can add a feature to not even display threads people dont want to see,

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Interesting coincidental encounter today on my daily ride. The park I usually stop at had maintenance workers making some noise so I stopped on the other side of the lake just off the path at a bench for a piece of fruit. Not long after an older gentleman walking by stopped and first complimented and then began to inquire about my bike..I told him it was just an entry level mtb with a Bafang BBS02B. He was intrigued and asked me a few more questions.. and then began to tell me about when he was a boy in Poland how he and his brothers would ride bikes everywhere and how much he missed riding. I asked him if he considered getting an ebike now but he replied with his current state of health it probably wasn't the best idea. We went back and forth about bicycles for a bit and we ended up talking for near an hour covering everything from chasing girls to our first cars. We parted with a hardy handshake and I thanked him for his company.
As I rode away I thought, what a gentle soul... and then shortly after this conversation. The narrow point of view portrayed here isn't an EU one, or even a Polish one...It's a Stefan one.
So tho he thinks he speaks for an entire continent, it's really just the babble of the obtuse.
You met a Polish American Gionni.
Not a Pole of today. Not a European of today.
You should have asked him how it was to ride Ukraina bike in his youth.

Gionni et al.: You seem to perceive the world as depicted in this satire:
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You met a Polish American Gionni.
Not a Pole of today. Not a European of today.
You should have asked him how it was to ride Ukraina bike in his youth.

Gionni et al.: You seem to perceive the world as depicted in this satire:
View attachment 93294
I give him a lot of credit.. One for being such a nice and pleasant man and two for being smart enough to leave Poland.
And it didn't matter where his bike came from or it's status... He enjoyed it! That's the Point!
And how's that map tied to what I said... I didn't talk badly about the rest of the world as you have... I said you alone are the a$$hole.
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Polock jokes? Seriously?? My bike is better than your bike! The country that made my bike is better than the one that made your bike! My country is better than your country! My Richard is bigger than your Richard! Nyah nyah!

Enough with all this "us guys vs youse guys" crap! This thread (couldn't call it a discussion) needs to be locked down.
Polock jokes? Seriously?? My bike is better than your bike! The country that made my bike is better than the one that made your bike! My country is better than your country! My Richard is bigger than your Richard! Nyah nyah!

Enough with all this "us guys vs youse guys" crap! This thread (couldn't call it a discussion) needs to be locked down.
Do you know why Polocks pick green tomatoes?
They say it's to make more room for the red ones 🤣 🤣 🤣
That place is full of Vespas, They will ride rad LOL
There's a whole market of under 25 folks who don't care about riding traditional bicycles, spandex, or much of anything else suggested by their parents who would love some less expensive forms of transportation than the current popular ebikes. I think RAD is going to continue to work on straddling the various EU requirements and fill a market need for that spot where existing EU suppliers of lower end ebikes haven't (primarily because they haven't been able to meet specific price points).

You'll start to see more RAD products in pockets across the EU (where local markets fit them better), and then that will translate into more broad acceptance over the next few years. I don't expect the entire RAD product line will be embraced in the same manner as in the US but RAD is very good at reading what their customers want and supplying it.

Oh and I'm particularly enjoying the Polish v. American bun fight. It's particularly humorous for those of us who don't call either home as Poles are probably the most American like out of all the EU countries ... well southern American (below the Mason/Dixon line). ;)
The European Union is full of quality e-bikes in the first place.

An "American" e-bike you cannot buy in the United States, how odd.
The European Union is full of quality e-bikes in the first place.

An "American" e-bike you cannot buy in the United States, how odd.
Looks like one of those cases where a specific product is produced and targeted to a specific group of weak minded for maximum profit.
1 mule power for 1 mule @ the cost of 2 horses
I think I like Specialized
Looks like one of those cases where a specific product is produced and targeted to a specific group of weak minded for maximum profit.
1 mule power for 1 mule @ the cost of 2 horses
I think I like Specialized
No, we simply ride better e-bikes here.
The idea someone used a voltmeter to assess the battery charge is not Euro style. It's backwards. We use smartphones and displays here.
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