Open letter to Yamaha re: 2nd battery promo (please sign)

The local display on my 2nd battery did not react to short to few seconds long button presses out of the box, but after installing it in the bike and connecting the charger three bars of charge showed up on the bike's display (after turning it on, obviously). It charged to 100% (ten bars) in a normal time.
If I remember correctly what I read about lithium ion battery shipping requirements, they have to be below 30% charge state in order to be shipped.
The local display on my 2nd battery did not react to short to few seconds long button presses out of the box, but after installing it in the bike and connecting the charger three bars of charge showed up on the bike's display (after turning it on, obviously). It charged to 100% (ten bars) in a normal time.
If I remember correctly what I read about lithium ion battery shipping requirements, they have to be below 30% charge state in order to be shipped.
I did find the same thing with my second battery. Appears like they are, basically put to sleep when they are shipped. This is something that I have seen before in BMS. But it appears like if you plug it into charge that wakes it up and it goes about normal. I did get my end cap and I will try out the second battery sometime in the next day or two to see how it does.
I didn't receive an end-cap, so I didn't install it on the bike.

But a red LED lights when I press the button on the battery. And when I hooked it up to the charger, the charger light went on and the battery LED flashed. So, it looks good, but just has a low charge.
I also received my endcap the next day. I found the same as you, when you plug it in, that tends to wake up the battery that is in a sleep mode until you plug it in. Put a full charge on it and I will check it out in the next day or two to see how well it is working.