Tell us about your handles and avatars and why you chose them

Mine is pretty much what it implies. My wife and I spent a couple years cruising (boat) then RV'ing . We still get out road tripping ( this year being the exception) for 45 days most years. My pic is my Dennis Hopper impression, many, many, years ago. It's a '56.
Mine is pretty much what it implies. My wife and I spent a couple years cruising (boat) then RV'ing . We still get out road tripping ( this year being the exception) for 45 days most years. My pic is my Dennis Hopper impression, many, many, years ago. It's a '56.
Sounds as if you would be the equivalent to what we call a “Grey Nomad” in Australia
Mine is just a common term used in navigating, as I have done for over 40 years sailing, another interest. I have raced and cruised our 35 foot sailboat “Respite” for thousands of miles, mostly on Lake Huron (seen in the background of my avatar). My wife is not up to sailing any more, so I am handing the boat over to my daughter and family.


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My handle is pretty boring and perhaps I will change it when I come up with something snappy. I was considering "Obsessed", but compared to a lot of members here, I am not even in the same league.

The Avatar will of course change from time to time, but the story of the current one is a simple one - that's my bike. However, at that moment in time, I didn't own it yet. But it it was at that point that I'd decided to buy it, so I rode down the hill I'd just climbed, back to the shop and committed to it. 2 hours later, with some minor adjustments (stem and handlebar), I loaded it up on the car and took it home.

Lots of exercise has ensued, including those important smiling muscles.
My handle is pretty self-explanatory but in Alberta ground squirrels, commonly referred to as gophers, are the typical burrowing rodents most people are familiar with. Prairie dogs are not found in abundant numbers here as their smaller cousins but I thought that the name had a better ring to it. For the time being, I've used our provincial coat of arms as an avatar. Ho hum. 😩
I cannot stop sobbing from laughter when I see new members with handles such as "Newbie", "Newby" or "Clueless". Such a user would mature on EBR Fora (though I doubt it) and then what? Two-year long membership, a thousand of posts and still "Clueless Newby"? :D (Good it is possible to ask the admin for handle name change now...)

Or, making up the handle from currently owned e-bike name :D @PowerflyLee formerly known as CheetahLee has at least great sense of humour! I cannot wait until @Dallant buys, say, a Trek Domane+ HP :D
@DomaneHPD formerly known as PowerflyD formerly known as Dallant :D
P.S. I used to participate in a guitar forum. A handle such as Kirk Hammett was not uncommon :D
P.S.2. Mine was NiecnyKsiaze (a.k.a. Notorious Knight or NK) :D
@DomaneHPD formerly known as PowerflyD formerly known as Dallant :D
P.S. I used to participate in a guitar forum. A handle such as Kirk Hammett was not uncommon :D
P.S.2. Mine was NiecnyKsiaze (a.k.a. Notorious Knight or NK) :D
I’d tell you all some of my former aliases but then I’d have to kill y’all.🤨