Tell us about your handles and avatars and why you chose them

Hi EBR team,
I notice a lot of members have interesting and off beat handles and avatars, so I have always been curious as to their origins
Tell us about your username and avatar and why you chose them, and let’s have some fun
I decided on my handle as I thought it was appropriate for an ebike forum
Once I decided on my handle, I Google searched for an avatar that complemented it (hope I haven’t contravened any copy-writes) ;)
Looking forward to getting the back story to some of the assumptions I have made on a few members handles and avatars
Your avatar resembles the German car company Opel :)
Boring story here. Dave, live in Saratoga County near Saratoga Springs, NY... not a bad place at all to live on the East Coast.

Hey Dave Matthews, I never made the connection on the PRS guitars. The absolute dumbest thing I have done in a long time was to sell a late 90s McRosie, 10 top and birds. I knew I was making a mistake as I watched the UPS guy put it in the truck on its way up to a new home in Canada. What I wouldn’t give to have that back again!
It’s common with double first names in Sweden, often but not always written with a hyphen. Examples are Lars-Olof, Per-Erik or Karl-Oskar. If no hyphen you are often know or called by one of the names. I was always named with both like it would have been just one name, Per Anders. So one day in my teens I started writing my name Peranders and my signature has been PaD.
I was always interested in the double Scandinavian names but was shy to ask such a question. Thank you, Per Anders!
Boring story here. Dave, live in Saratoga County near Saratoga Springs, NY... not a bad place at all to live on the East Coast.

Hey Dave Matthews, I never made the connection on the PRS guitars. The absolute dumbest thing I have done in a long time was to sell a late 90s McRosie, 10 top and birds. I knew I was making a mistake as I watched the UPS guy put it in the truck on its way up to a new home in Canada. What I wouldn’t give to have that back again!
You did what now? :eek:
Lol! Of the 4 in my avatar, the one on the right is a 2001 McRosie with birds and a 10 top. Since then I've gotten 4 more PRS. I guess I need a new avatar.
I hope you got something worthwhile for such a lovely instrument!
Here's 5 of the latest acquisitions with the McRosie on the far left...

I wouldn't expect many would guess my handle's meaning. I'm 74 and have always had a gift for fixing stuff. I call it a gift because I've being fixing things since as far back as I can remember, but had no formal training. My step Father's hobby was fixing cars and he encouraged me and allowed me to use his tools. CQI (cqi) stands for continuous quality improvement, which was a work ethic taught to me in my career as a power house operator for Ontario Hydro. It fit right in with my ethics as I can't just leave something that dosn't quit seem to do the job it's supposed to do, I have to "fixer"...
My user name (Deacon Blues) is the name of a song from Steely Dan's Aja album. I thought it was a really cool name.

My avatar is from a photo I shot of a sign at a local railroad crossing. The tracks cross the road at an angle, so the sign was to warn bicycle riders. Interesting, the signs (one each way) disappeared about six months ago. I'm not sure if the government took them down or someone stole the signs.

Not surprised the signs are gone.....they would make a unique collectable
You did what now? :eek:
Lol! Of the 4 in my avatar, the one on the right is a 2001 McRosie with birds and a 10 top. Since then I've gotten 4 more PRS. I guess I need a new avatar.
I hope you got something worthwhile for such a lovely instrument!
Here's 5 of the latest acquisitions with the McRosie on the far left...

Hey you Axemen is a link to my old chum Johnny K. Do you like it?
My handle was simply something I thought of quickly which would roughly reveal my age bucket but which I'd never have to change (I mean I'm not going backwards). My avatar is what is now Franklin Mountains State Park (El Paso). As a kid, it was almost my backyard but not yet state park. Spent a lot of time in those hills hiking, occasionally camping, catching rattlesnakes. As a young adult, a lot of time riding rocky trails on a subpar bicycle that definitely wasn't built for the beating I gave it.
My avatar shows a buddhist temple about a 5 minute walk from the Holiday Inn in Beijing in 2005. We took a walk shortly after sunrise and happened upon a monk sweeping the tiles. Such tranquility, and in 2 hours, 8 million people would wake up, I put my folding ebike in the picture.
My handle comes from the place I love and earned a living in for 35 years. I spent the first ten as a commercial fisherman, fishing for salmon and herring from April through August al across coastal Alaska from Ketchikan to Nome. For the next ten I worked as a pension and benefits consultant and the next 25 as owner operator of a charter yacht, taking small groups on weeklong, private, luxury cruises in Southeast Alaska, whale watching, kayaking, fishing, hiking, etc. Although I spent 35 summers in Alaska, I never spent a winter there. My winter port was Bellingham, Washington which is where Nancy and I live now in retirement. I guess I should change my handle sometime as we no longer live and work in Alaskan half the year.

Here is a link to some photos from our cruises in Alaska over the years.

View attachment 50549

Great photos... love the whales!
My EBR handle and avatar came naturally as live near Big Sur and like to drive an old-school flat-six engine on occasion. ;)

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My EBR handle and avatar came naturally as live near Big Sur and like to drive an old-school flat six engine on occasion. ;)

View attachment 50582
I guessed you had a 911. What MY
My user name (Deacon Blues) is the name of a song from Steely Dan's Aja album. I thought it was a really cool name.

My avatar is from a photo I shot of a sign at a local railroad crossing. The tracks cross the road at an angle, so the sign was to warn bicycle riders. Interesting, the signs (one each way) disappeared about six months ago. I'm not sure if the government took them down or someone stole the signs.

Have some Steely Dan songs on my playlist!
Ok, I'll go first.

Nothing unusual here and not much fun I'm afraid.

My handle is my old Bell System mainframe logon ID. Back in the day, every Bell engineer practically had theirs tattooed on. Like my SS#, it's committed to memory and something I'm not likely to forget.

My avatar is self explanatory. I keep my bikes in my pickup during the season so they're ready to go on a moments notice.

I have lived in the Scranton area for five years. The first year the spring riding season weather was sunny so much, not so much the last few. With my new e kit, I am now able to ride the hills here, that I would have to otherwise walk.

My handle is my bike brand and model....Lightning P 38. I have the full fairing also, and that model is called the F 40. But the bike is the same P 38 model under the fairing, except for the the little peg on the front of the bottom bracket, that accepts the front fairing mount that is clamped to the bottom bracket using two hose clamps. I rode it a lot for the 10 years in my pre heart attack time. Not so much the post ten years.

You can run the bike with just the front fairing, which I have done. Most of the 17,600 miles I have on the bike are with the full fairing , when I lived in NE Iowa. Lots of smooth paved roads in the farm country, where you could ride with very little car traffic. The full fairing adds a lot of speed. Any wind adds to the bike speed as the fairing acts like a sail a quarter tail wind, or even a side wind, as the tail piece has a 12 degree angle. In a 20 mph head wind, I could ride 6 - 7 mph faster than my riding partners. A straight tail wind had very little affect on my speed, but how often do you get a straight tailwind?

With the e assist I no longer use the fairing, as who wants to go faster over pothole patches! But when I do find a smooth road or trail, the e assist does get me up to the 25 mph speed limit, or a bit more. There are not a lot of electric P38s out there, heck there are not a lot of P38s out there at all!