Stromer ST2 Firmware Update

Update I just finally got Stromer on the phone the are sending a new control module out for replacement and they are also replacing the motor control of that houses the light switch both items will be replaced will keep all posted on what happens after the replacements go in. Thank you all for your help and support
I am sorry to hear about that and thank you in advance for keeping us posted.
That below is from the Stromer Site. I could not paste a link, or I would have. They had another update last month as well and I am confident they are on top of it, although frustrating when you can't use your bike when desired. General Stability Improvements is noted in the update, without specifics given, but this may remedy problem.

I am still wondering if the problem could be driven by the IOS platform used with Omni as they interact. I do not know if the code has the ability to cause issue or if it is a hardware BIOS issue.

It may be able to be isolated to a specific App type or maybe not.


You will find below a summary of the most important changes to the ST2 firmware. You can have the currently installed firmware version displayed via the menu as follows: MENU/SYSTEM/ABOUT

SUI FW = Firmware of touchscreen
TNT FW = Firmware of communication module

To enable your ST2 to receive a firmware update, switch it on. The ST2 will need good cell network reception for at least ten minutes. If you press the OFF switch on the ST2 touchscreen after this period, a dialog window appears. Here you can choose whether to install the update immediately YES or later NO. You can install the update immediately or postpone installation of the update up to seven times. You will then have to install it.

SUI FW 1.5.0 - May 19, 2015

  • Optimization of communication when ST2 is switched on:
  1. Position is updated every 10 minutes
  2. Status is updated every 10 minutes
  • Optimized energy management when locked
  1. Reduced energy demand when locked
  2. More accurate indication of the battery charge level after unlocking
  3. Bike flashes only for the first 5 minutes after locking
  • New error handling:
  1. Smartphone recharged at the USB charging socket without generating an OMNI error
  2. General stability improvements
This is not relative to JFane's issue, so disregard above unless you have not performed updates or realize how frequent they should be checked.
Dear JFane,

As a rider of the ST2 your issue is such a bummer! I've had a few issues too but worked them out quickly. Thanks for sharing and keeping us up to date.

Best of Luck!
Thanks Anthony I was so looking forward to putting on some miles this past long weekend hopefully will get it resolved quickly will keep all posted thanks
Yes, this also happened to me this holiday weekend for the first time as a matter of fact. Yesterday, I went to ride it around, and when I started pedaling I wasn't getting any assist. Checked the screen, said I was on 3, so I tried "-" down to 2. This actually caused all of the power numbers on the screen to disappear (so instead of 1 2* 3, it was just nothing). Still no assist, and pressing the +/- buttons did nothing. I tried powering off the unit by holding down the power button, and this actually caused it to lock up. The screen stayed on bright, with nothing on it, and the headlight and LED array on the front would flash every once in a while.

Had to pull the battery fully out to get this to work again. After doing that, everything seemed to be OK. I was able to ride it yesterday with no issues. However, this morning, it did the exact same thing and I had to do the same song and dance to make it work. While it's nice that there is a workaround at the moment, this is actually quite troubling. If I was out without my battery key, I'd be SOL if it fully locked up on me. At least with it being in "mystery" mode, I can ride it as a regular 20 speed.

The only thing that I've done to it lately was to update it via the phone app to have it auto-lock after 3 minutes of idle time. I'm not sure if this specifically has to do with that setting, or if there is something fundamentally fubar'd with the phone->bike update process these days that screws up the bike.

At any rate, you'd hope for a little better software quality control for a $7000 piece of equipment.
Did you find permanent resolve for your bike? Was it software or hardware related, or is that known at this point?
Did you find permanent resolve for your bike? Was it software or hardware related, or is that known at this point?
No waiting for new contoller unit and mode switch cable that houses the 1-2-3 & headlight function. Will advise when these get installed.
Did you find permanent resolve for your bike? Was it software or hardware related, or is that known at this point?
thank you JFane. I was interested in what ChicagoEBiker may have found for solution , if any or if it rectified itself.
Just jumping in here... I am a Stromer dealer. I also ride a Stromer daily with mileage in the 40-50 range, daily.

The experience that JFane has/is going through is not unique to just JFane. I went through it personally.

On May 10th Stromer sent an email to their dealers regarding the 1.4 FW update.

"The new SUI firmware 1.4.0 has been sent to a large number of ST2 over the past ten days and installed on more than 1,000 bikes worldwide. The new firmware means you will benefit from the addition of a mobile network status indicator as well as a modified display of the battery charge level. On a few bikes, immediately after installation, the update caused an error resulting in the SUI functions (navigating through the menu structure) to fail and affect the charging of the battery. In response to this feedback, we have halted distribution of the new firmware and are working hard to find a solution."

My personal bike experienced this very early after the update compared to other users that experienced the problem, possibly one of the firsts. Stromer and I were in constant communication regarding the issues that were taking place. For 2 solid days and late nights we were communicating issues and trying fixes. It was unclear if it was a software related issue or if it was possible water damage and hardware related. After a few more bikes started to experience symptoms they immediately released a statement warning dealers that this might take place. I have never seen a bike company react to a reported issue this quickly in all of my 23 years in the bicycle industry.

On May 13th they released a "Step 1" in the solution. A replacement SUI sent to each Stromer reporting issues with the old 1.2 FW to insure that the user could still use their Stromer while they worked to stabilize the 1.4 FW into the 1.5 FW that they estimated would take them 5-7 days.

6 days later they began to push the 1.5 software to insure that no more of the 1.4 users would start to develop the symptoms and the users still with 1.2 would be given the features that were promised in the 1.4 upgrade.

In all of my years in the bicycle industry I can not recall every hearing about a company reacting and solving an issue in such a timely and precise way. s*it happens folks. Software is a buggy beast at times and these guys reacted with a customer service I doubt is matched in other industries that deal with technical issues with products.

I hope that the end users of Stromers that experienced this issue had a shop like mine that stayed on top of and informed of the issues and had the answers for their customers to leave them faithful in Stromer because my faith in the company now matches my faith in the bike that is under me.

The unit that JFane will be receiving will be more than likely a 1.2 FW unit and after installation will require access to the service menu to calibrate the end users specific torque sensor to the new SUI after the 1.5 FW has been received by the 1.2 version. This process only has to be done if you have are sent a new SUI that was not OEM to your bikes serial number. It is a simple process that should only take minutes for shops to handle for their customers.

*Edit. Just so everyone is aware, once Stromer begins the push of FW it can take days for it to actually be received. Each bike is in a que, so to speak, and is waiting for the server to send it to their unit. Some may receive the update the first day, some may take 10 days.
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Just jumping in here... I am a Stromer dealer. I also ride a Stromer daily with mileage in the 40-50 range, daily.

The experience that JFane has/is going through is not unique to just JFane. I went through it personally.

On May 10th Stromer sent an email to their dealers regarding the 1.4 FW update.

"The new SUI firmware 1.4.0 has been sent to a large number of ST2 over the past ten days and installed on more than 1,000 bikes worldwide. The new firmware means you will benefit from the addition of a mobile network status indicator as well as a modified display of the battery charge level. On a few bikes, immediately after installation, the update caused an error resulting in the SUI functions (navigating through the menu structure) to fail and affect the charging of the battery. In response to this feedback, we have halted distribution of the new firmware and are working hard to find a solution."

My personal bike experienced this very early after the update compared to other users that experienced the problem, possibly one of the firsts. Stromer and I were in constant communication regarding the issues that were taking place. For 2 solid days and late nights we were communicating issues and trying fixes. It was unclear if it was a software related issue or if it was possible water damage and hardware related. After a few more bikes started to experience symptoms they immediately released a statement warning dealers that this might take place. I have never seen a bike company react to a reported issue this quickly in all of my 23 years in the bicycle industry.

On May 13th they released a "Step 1" in the solution. A replacement SUI sent to each Stromer reporting issues with the old 1.2 FW to insure that the user could still use their Stromer while they worked to stabilize the 1.4 FW into the 1.5 FW that they estimated would take them 5-7 days.

6 days later they began to push the 1.5 software to insure that no more of the 1.4 users would start to develop the symptoms and the users still with 1.2 would be given the features that were promised in the 1.4 upgrade.

In all of my years in the bicycle industry I can not recall every hearing about a company reacting and solving an issue in such a timely and precise way. s*it happens folks. Software is a buggy beast at times and these guys reacted with a customer service I doubt is matched in other industries that deal with technical issues with products.

I hope that the end users of Stromers that experienced this issue had a shop like mine that stayed on top of and informed of the issues and had the answers for their customers to leave them faithful in Stromer because my faith in the company now matches my faith in the bike that is under me.

The unit that JFane will be receiving will be more than likely a 1.2 FW unit and after installation will require access to the service menu to calibrate the end users specific torque sensor to the new SUI after the 1.5 FW has been received by the 1.2 version. This process only has to be done if you have are sent a new SUI that was not OEM to your bikes serial number. It is a simple process that should only take minutes for shops to handle for their customers.

*Edit. Just so everyone is aware, once Stromer begins the push of FW it can take days for it to actually be received. Each bike is in a que, so to speak, and is waiting for the server to send it to their unit. Some may receive the update the first day, some may take 10 days.

Spencer Thank you for putting this out there!! After numerous conversations I pesonally had with Stromer directly since Friday of last week up until Wed. of this week none of the above was even brought up in any of the conversations with me. In fact what lead me to this forum for help oringinally was to do my own troubleshooting and reach out to other ST2 owners to see if they were having the same issue. It seemed that Stromer didn't have a clue what I was talking about. They spent Friday and Monday trying to send a signal to the bike after I told then 100 times the bike had no cell service no "Bars" and no "G" both of which are needed for the bike to communicate to server. This is very disconcerting to me that a customer that spends $7000.00 on a bike that they wouldn't communicate this issue directly to me. Also never heard a word to alert me from my Dealer. I am happy I found this forum and I believe this community will better the MFG if they monitor what their customers are talking about on their products. I understand this is a very technical bike and know we all deal with software issues now a days so for them to drop the ball just on a simple communication of the facts would have had no issue for me to understand and not just feel I have a lemon.
Thank you again for the very important information.
I had made arrangements on Wed. to bring my bike to a new dealer I felt they had more technical experience with this bike. I will keep all posted they can't take me in for service for 2 weeks so will jump back in with the out come.
Spencer Thank you for putting this out there!! After numerous conversations I pesonally had with Stromer directly since Friday of last week up until Wed. of this week none of the above was even brought up in any of the conversations with me. In fact what lead me to this forum for help oringinally was to do my own troubleshooting and reach out to other ST2 owners to see if they were having the same issue. It seemed that Stromer didn't have a clue what I was talking about. They spent Friday and Monday trying to send a signal to the bike after I told then 100 times the bike had no cell service no "Bars" and no "G" both of which are needed for the bike to communicate to server. This is very disconcerting to me that a customer that spends $7000.00 on a bike that they wouldn't communicate this issue directly to me. Also never heard a word to alert me from my Dealer. I am happy I found this forum and I believe this community will better the MFG if they monitor what their customers are talking about on their products. I understand this is a very technical bike and know we all deal with software issues now a days so for them to drop the ball just on a simple communication of the facts would have had no issue for me to understand and not just feel I have a lemon.
Thank you again for the very important information.
I had made arrangements on Wed. to bring my bike to a new dealer I felt they had more technical experience with this bike. I will keep all posted they can't take me in for service for 2 weeks so will jump back in with the out come.

Sorry for the late reply, I do not get on here much.

Stromer was trying, in your situation as well as mine, to still push the 1.5FW to your SUI because even though you did not have an icon for a signal to a network it did not mean that it was not possible to still connect and push the new FW. In 1.2FW you did not have an icon for signal ever yet it was still connected. If they had been successful with pushing the 1.5 to your damaged 1.4 then the fix would have only taken a few hours. It was an attempt to fix your problem in the fastest way possible. It failed. It usually did from my understanding via conversations with Stromer. But it did succeed for some users. Plan B was to send out a new SUI.
Sorry for the late reply, I do not get on here much.

Stromer was trying, in your situation as well as mine, to still push the 1.5FW to your SUI because even though you did not have an icon for a signal to a network it did not mean that it was not possible to still connect and push the new FW. In 1.2FW you did not have an icon for signal ever yet it was still connected. If they had been successful with pushing the 1.5 to your damaged 1.4 then the fix would have only taken a few hours. It was an attempt to fix your problem in the fastest way possible. It failed. It usually did from my understanding via conversations with Stromer. But it did succeed for some users. Plan B was to send out a new SUI.
Spencer.justin thank for the reply will advise to all on the outcome
Had to wait till next week to take the bike to the new dealer Stromer is sending parts out will advise to all one parts go in
Spencer.justin thank for the reply will advise to all on the outcome
Had to wait till next week to take the bike to the new dealer Stromer is sending parts out will advise to all one parts go in
Just jumping in here... I am a Stromer dealer. I also ride a Stromer daily with mileage in the 40-50 range, daily.

The experience that JFane has/is going through is not unique to just JFane. I went through it personally.

On May 10th Stromer sent an email to their dealers regarding the 1.4 FW update.

"The new SUI firmware 1.4.0 has been sent to a large number of ST2 over the past ten days and installed on more than 1,000 bikes worldwide. The new firmware means you will benefit from the addition of a mobile network status indicator as well as a modified display of the battery charge level. On a few bikes, immediately after installation, the update caused an error resulting in the SUI functions (navigating through the menu structure) to fail and affect the charging of the battery. In response to this feedback, we have halted distribution of the new firmware and are working hard to find a solution."

My personal bike experienced this very early after the update compared to other users that experienced the problem, possibly one of the firsts. Stromer and I were in constant communication regarding the issues that were taking place. For 2 solid days and late nights we were communicating issues and trying fixes. It was unclear if it was a software related issue or if it was possible water damage and hardware related. After a few more bikes started to experience symptoms they immediately released a statement warning dealers that this might take place. I have never seen a bike company react to a reported issue this quickly in all of my 23 years in the bicycle industry.

On May 13th they released a "Step 1" in the solution. A replacement SUI sent to each Stromer reporting issues with the old 1.2 FW to insure that the user could still use their Stromer while they worked to stabilize the 1.4 FW into the 1.5 FW that they estimated would take them 5-7 days.

6 days later they began to push the 1.5 software to insure that no more of the 1.4 users would start to develop the symptoms and the users still with 1.2 would be given the features that were promised in the 1.4 upgrade.

In all of my years in the bicycle industry I can not recall every hearing about a company reacting and solving an issue in such a timely and precise way. s*it happens folks. Software is a buggy beast at times and these guys reacted with a customer service I doubt is matched in other industries that deal with technical issues with products.

I hope that the end users of Stromers that experienced this issue had a shop like mine that stayed on top of and informed of the issues and had the answers for their customers to leave them faithful in Stromer because my faith in the company now matches my faith in the bike that is under me.

The unit that JFane will be receiving will be more than likely a 1.2 FW unit and after installation will require access to the service menu to calibrate the end users specific torque sensor to the new SUI after the 1.5 FW has been received by the 1.2 version. This process only has to be done if you have are sent a new SUI that was not OEM to your bikes serial number. It is a simple process that should only take minutes for shops to handle for their customers.

*Edit. Just so everyone is aware, once Stromer begins the push of FW it can take days for it to actually be received. Each bike is in a que, so to speak, and is waiting for the server to send it to their unit. Some may receive the update the first day, some may take 10 days.
Update just picked up the bike today all is perfectly working at this point. New SUI installed along with a new plus, minus, light control switch on the handlebars. It's been a long three weeks not being able to to use the bike and of course today it's pouring rain hopefully will have a better day tomorrow and will advise how all is functioning thank you all for your help
Update just picked up the bike today all is perfectly working at this point. New SUI installed along with a new plus, minus, light control switch on the handlebars. It's been a long three weeks not being able to to use the bike and of course today it's pouring rain hopefully will have a better day tomorrow and will advise how all is functioning thank you all for your help
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Took the bike out today did 45 perfect miles with the new SUI installed now fully updated with the 1.5.
Only one question to our ST2 owners running on the new SUI FW1.50 does your day LED running lights on the front fork only go on when you press the control switch on the handlebars. It seems that my LED running light will only function now when I turn on the headlight control switch. When this is done the headlight and the running light stays on at the same time. Going into the menu for the light the function in ON when I turn the function OFF and turn on the headlight only the headlight goes on just wondering if this is a new feature in the 1.5 to have the headlight and the running light on at the same time. Since the 1.5 was installed it does not go on automatically anymore when the bike is turned on. Thanks for any fed back
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Took the bike out today did 45 perfect miles with the new SUI installed now fully updated with the 1.5.
Only one question to our ST2 owners running on the new SUI FW1.50 does your day LED running lights on the front fork only go on when you press the control switch on the handlebars. It seems that my LED running light will only function now when I turn on the headlight control switch. When this is done the headlight and the running light stays on at the same time. Going into the menu for the light the function in ON when I turn the function OFF and turn on the headlight only the headlight goes on just wondering if this is a new feature in the 1.5 to have the headlight and the running light on at the same time. Since the 1.5 was installed it does not go on automatically anymore when the bike is turned on. Thanks for any fed back

It is a new feature and you're correct. When it's turned on, both headlights and day light comes on but unlike before, the daylights don't turn on automatically with the bike. Also, they are working on making the Bluetooth connection robust, so you'll notice that Bluetooth connect icon is missing right now.
It is a new feature and you're correct. When it's turned on, both headlights and day light comes on but unlike before, the daylights don't turn on automatically with the bike. Also, they are working on making the Bluetooth connection robust, so you'll notice that Bluetooth connect icon is missing right now.
Thank you Ravi. Interestingly I got a call for a following up on my ST2 Service on the SUI issues from Stromer this morning. I I thought that was really nice that they personally called me. I also asked them about this light issue they told me there is an internal way to go in and change that but they use it for the dealers on the service end. He is going to send me the instructions to do so I will share with you once I get it.
Look for another SUI update in the coming weeks! :)
This change enables the app to lock/unlock the bike remotely and has really cool changes as well.
Hey Ravi I've had this little phone bar icon on my software since my last update 1.5.0 what is the new firmware update version you have now?
John, I have 1.5.0 as well. In the next few weeks, SUI 2.0 should be available.
Thank you Ravi. Interestingly I got a call for a following up on my ST2 Service on the SUI issues from Stromer this morning. I I thought that was really nice that they personally called me. I also asked them about this light issue they told me there is an internal way to go in and change that but they use it for the dealers on the service end. He is going to send me the instructions to do so I will share with you once I get it.

Hi JFane, I just purchased an ST2 and I'm seeing this same light issue. Did you ever get instructions on how to correct it?