I guess that number is incorrect!
it's more like ~12,000 calories. I was exhausted by the end of the ride and the tricky part is that you can't eat a lot when you are riding. It makes you heavy and sluggish.
It was my first ~300+ mile ride and I had used up 6 charges and was on 7th.
So, 814Whr pack for every 50 miles. So, 4700 KCal of battery. if it was a mid-drive, the drivetrain would be under tremendous stress. That is why when folks who have never ridden a good hub drive, start commenting on it, it makes me super annoyed. Hope you are enjoying your ST5.
Your rides are inspiring Ravi.
For the past week, I have done 2 nice climbs with Stromer(and 5 smaller climbs).
I would like to talk about a 29mile circuit. Start around shoreline, climb and pass Monte Bella preserve then back. the elevation gain is around 2250feet.

I did this climb with a normal bike and my bosch cx mid drive previously. Of course I was slower on my regular bike but I have a 2x drivetrain that keeps me at a comfortable cadence. On my bosch CX I have installed a 20T chainring and my maximum cog is 36 hence it is quite limited. So on my cross I have to go a bit fast to keep a comfortable cadence hence I use tour , it is nice but I pretty much cap the motor so going above tour gives me no additional boost.
I should also state that for the past several months I have been riding only for fitness. I regularly take all my bikes, including Stromer, and do shorter %20 climbs everyday.
Back to the recent Stromer climbs,
-So the first climb was not fun. My quads hurt and I had to get out of the saddle. Although I was not gassed and I still managed to climb fast enough, it was not fun and I had to use setting 3 frequently.
Next day did a smaller climb, including a couple of shorter %20 percent grades(I had to use level 3). Well, I realized that at an average grade around %13 (it varies between %11 to %20), my speed was way lower than before. I am still feeling like I am putting in the effort (mind you, in those short climbs I can push around 350-400W).
Went home. I calculated my input, how much the motor will supply( I really like Grin's simulator), added weight penalty etc. and still something was off. Moreover I was much faster before on similar climbs. Needless to say I am frustrated.
Next day, did a smaller climb, this time used more support so that I was fresh when I came to the steep section. I tried not to push too hard, checking my breathing as a guide, once again I was way slower, 7-9mph. I stopped half way and decided to play with the settings to see if I can make a difference. When I checked Torque sensitivity I saw that it went back to %50 again!. I don't know why it dialed back to %50. Cranked it up to full. I completed the second half at 13mph!!! (And I think I can push more). This happened before but since I was doing on ok the lesser grades I always thought everything was fine hence didn't check...
Back to today's climb. Since I identified the problem, today I did the 2250 feet climb again. What a difference!!! I was in setting 2 (2 is custom set to Tour in the menu hence it is not very powerful, the standard setting is too much) I enjoyed every bit of the climb. This has got to be the one of the most fun climbs I have had on an ebike.
On the way back I was feeling great so did two smaller %20 climbs on top. I managed to do both climbs on mode 1 (Eco on Stromer)!!! I never thought I would be able to but well I did it. And it was not bad(I wouldn't call it easy, it is still a challenge, but it was not very hard, I was enjoying both of the climbs). I didn't need to get out of the saddle, I was not gassed at the top. Maybe because I had to push more in the past two weeks (because of the torque settings) my fitness level increased but still so nice to see that this is doable.
Some statistics,
total distance ~29 miles,
total ascent ~ 2400 feet
Total battery consumed ~ %34 (1kw battery)
Also I recouped %6 back on the descent (I think previously I got back %8 once) which is really nice.
That is not bad at all. I remember consuming around %80 on my Bosch CX (powerpack 400 ) for a similar ride which is very close to Stromer (maybe a little less consumption).
Overall I am very happy and this thing can climb. Another ride where my experience is similar to what Ravi said.
Unfortunately ebikes are not allowed on the trails.
Note: I am not saying one should buy a Stromer to climb %20, we have explained pros and cons countless number of times. If you need to constantly climb grades of %20+ get a mid drive and a wide cassette.