Solar Powered Homes

Hydro? We certainly can’t count on that. There are factions trying to force the removal of dams in Washington State. Fortunately, even our idiot governor is speaking up against it though. I guess that’s because his political career is already near its end anyway, so he’s not afraid to say what he’s really thinking.

This next link probably deserves its its own post, but I’ll just leave it here. Yeah, let’s go with electric cars EXCLUSIVELY!
OFFS. We all know there needs to be more infrastructure. Yours is a silly argument.
Follow the money. A bit of warming is a good thing historically after a certain concentration the warming effects of CO2 get smaller, my skin tells Me the sun is more radiant than it used to be, is it possible that we cannot be told the whole story? sort of like the UAP fiasco?
I've read and watched many a video that seems to show that cloud seeding (A Real thing) is putting a chemical in the atmosphere that is slowly poisonings us. People claim it's conspiracy . LOL . When it's common knowledge they have been cloud seeding for years . They probably didn't know to begin with that this harms the atmosphere and basically burns us. But now they do know it they cover it up because it's to late .
After all look at Wildlife . We've lost over 70% of Land Sea and air creatures since 1977. Most of that is in the last 10 years . Or actually since around 2009 . This is no secret . Anyone can google mass extinction of Wildlife . Again they they cover up the likely idea that we are causing this ourselves . Instead they blame it on C02 ? Think about how silly it is to believe C02 is harming things . Every oxygen breathing creature on the planet exhales C02 . Every plant Tree weed or whatever absorbs the C02 and release the oxygen we need . When C02 levels get to high or higher the planet becomes greener . I learn that in Grade School .
Funny how these green guys whole debate tactic is to put you on ignore lol . It is remarkable how so many that appear to be fairly smart are so devoid of basic common sense . And definitely don't like to be challenged or corrected . They spout out impressive figures , until they are put in context along side everything else . It's a shame there can't be intelligent conversation with the other side . There used to be
Where you're mistaken is...
After what you've written so far, no one cares what you or your lobby have to say on the matter. It's all conspiracy nonsense and quite frankly pretty pathetic.
I don't debate with my vegetable garden and I (and others) will not with you.
Hopefully soon enough you and your kind will be in a small enough minority that we can tune you out all together.
I also remember 3rd grade and reading comprehension.
No one here* agrees with you.
And there's plenty of people in your corner so how do you know that you're not the sheep following the flawed facts blindly.
So if we are the ignorant, then it is with bliss.... So please move on as you're stinking up the place with your poop_pee talk (brought it to 3rd grade for you)
Because the facts are common sense . If you remember 3rd grade . How do you not remember that in science class we were taught very basic facts . Humans breath out C02 , plants , Trees , Grass etc . Absorb this C02 and release oxygen .
Green energy is no where near ready to be our life source for power . Putting us on the grid as they say also makes us vulnerable as hell . Something our people admit is a growing concern . Crazy Leaders like in Iran or N korea could shoot down a couple of satellites and then what ? They wouldn't even need to hit anything . The grid would go down , and not for just a few hours . It would be unrepairable .

Germany , France and basically most of Europe is finding that out right now . They are admitting without heat many will die this winter . Putin shut off the gas again . Those countries fell hook line and sinker for Green . save the planet with everything . Now they are admitting it's not working like they were promised .
The vast majority of batteries and solar panels come from where? China . Who themselves have done nothing to filter emissions . They are opening New and bigger coal plants . While the west has really brought emissions way down. America leads the way . Yet the west has fallen for this get rid of fossil fuels and lets go Green . It's destroying us . I don't honestly get how you guys don't see that . Seriously . Nothing I just said is wrong is it?
OFFS. We all know there needs to be more infrastructure. Yours is a silly argument.
Yeah, it’s pretty silly of me to think that we should have adequate infrastructure in place for current demand before ADDITIONAL demand is mandated. Meanwhile, oil and coal obviously aren’t options, groups are lobbying to destroy dams and resisting a move to nuclear, solar and wind aren’t efficient everywhere, so what is the solution? Remember, the game timer is set at 12.33 years. Go!

I’m not opposed to EV’s. I may even have an EV in my garage in the next couple of years. I just don’t care for unrealistic mandates.
I have been off grid over 20 years now with just a 400 watt solar power system that runs my water pump, led lights, laptop, 12 volt fridge freezer, swamp cooler, micro washer and recharges lots of tools and gadgets.

This year I added another 400 watts and two 200Ah LIFEPO4 batteries so that I could recharge my ebike, run a second freezer, microwave and run the swamp cooler longer since it has been hotter than usual.

Prices are great for solar and you can get the 30% tax rebate for an installed system or DIY off grid system like mine and you might also have state rebates.

The average US homes needs a 7kw system if you are using gas heat or a heat pump but you don't have to run a whole house off solar and even a 400 watt - 1KW off grid system like mine will run all kinds of appliances and you can use that if you have a blackout and the grid goes down and to reduce your grid power costs all year.

These are my current systems and lots more videos on my channel for off grid DIY help.

Where you're mistaken is...
After what you've written so far, no one cares what you or your lobby have to say on the matter. It's all conspiracy nonsense and quite frankly pretty pathetic.
I don't debate with my vegetable garden and I (and others) will not with you.
Hopefully soon enough you and your kind will be in a small enough minority that we can tune you out all together.
You don't debate period . I get the impression you don't have the ability . So pretend to by being offensive . How is it conspiracy about Germany and France and the rest of Europe ? Did someone make a fake News Video ? u guys are funny
You don't debate period . I get the impression you don't have the ability . So pretend to by being offensive . How is it conspiracy about Germany and France and the rest of Europe ? Did someone make a fake News Video ? u guys are funny
What some don’t seem to understand is that little in life or nature is black-and-white (For example, scientists can’t explain why were there no named storms in August, for the first time in 25 years….wasn’t global warming supposed to create more than usual?), and listening to opinions from all sides is an important step toward a solution. Instead, they seem to think hurling insults is a win, and that people with different opinions than their own, or even those with questions, are evil. Against that mindset, your comments are of little value.

However, I’ll bet there are plenty of reasonable people reading this thread. 👍
What some don’t seem to understand is that little in life or nature is black-and-white (For example, scientists can’t explain why were there no named storms in August, for the first time in 25 years….wasn’t global warming supposed to create more than usual?), and listening to opinions from all sides is an important step toward a solution. Instead, they seem to think hurling insults is a win, and that people with different opinions than their own, or even those with questions, are evil. Against that mindset, your comments are of little value.

However, I’ll bet there are plenty of reasonable people reading this thread. 👍
Yeah I agree and it's the only reason I bother . Thanks
Living in calif the solar investment is a no brainer. My roce (return on capital employed) is 5.2 years at the current rate (which increases every year. The panels I bought have. 25 hr mfg warranty as well as 25 yr performance warranty. My pg&e bill went from $300-$600 a month to $30 a month after true up.

as to power outages the easiest solution is a service disconnect and portable gas powered generator connection to critical systems, well pump, fridege outlets, etc . Roll out the 6kw generator from the garage and you can run it on nat gas, propane, or gasoline for as long as you have fuel. The tesla powerwalls are a joke at $12k for 2 and you get 2 days of minimal service. The portable solar “generators” are as well as they don’t work in inclement weather or provide anywhere close to enough power to run a minimum needs. TBH you could likely build a much better lead/acid battery storage bank with 2x the capacity at 1/2 the cost of the tesla stuff.
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Because the facts are common sense . If you remember 3rd grade . How do you not remember that in science class we were taught very basic facts . Humans breath out C02 , plants , Trees , Grass etc . Absorb this C02 and release oxygen .
Green energy is no where near ready to be our life source for power . Putting us on the grid as they say also makes us vulnerable as hell . Something our people admit is a growing concern . Crazy Leaders like in Iran or N korea could shoot down a couple of satellites and then what ? They wouldn't even need to hit anything . The grid would go down , and not for just a few hours . It would be unrepairable .

Germany , France and basically most of Europe is finding that out right now . They are admitting without heat many will die this winter . Putin shut off the gas again . Those countries fell hook line and sinker for Green . save the planet with everything . Now they are admitting it's not working like they were promised .
The vast majority of batteries and solar panels come from where? China . Who themselves have done nothing to filter emissions . They are opening New and bigger coal plants . While the west has really brought emissions way down. America leads the way . Yet the west has fallen for this get rid of fossil fuels and lets go Green . It's destroying us . I don't honestly get how you guys don't see that . Seriously . Nothing I just said is wrong is it?
You are so wrong in so many ways one can't count them. Do you even know where France gets its power from?
Living in calif the solar investment is a no brainer. My roce (return on capital employed) is 5.2 years at the current rate (which increases every year. The panels I bought have. 25 hr mfg warranty as well as 25 yr performance warranty. My pg&e bill went from $300-$600 a month to $30 a month after true up.

as to power outages the easiest solution is a service disconnect and portable gas powered generator connection to critical systems, well pump, fridege outlets, etc . Roll out the 6kw generator from the garage and you can run it on nat gas, propane, or gasoline for as long as you have fuel. The tesla powerwalls are a joke at $12k for 2 and you get 2 days of minimal service. The solar “generators” are as well as they don’t work in inclement weather or provide anywhere close to enough power to run a minimum needs. TBH you could likely build a much better lead/acid battery storage bank with 2x the capacity at 1/2 the cost of the tesla stuff.
Only problem with a fuel generator backup is costs and access of fuel in an emergency.

Texas blackout lasted 2 weeks and a portable fuel generator might at best get 15 hours and most get half that.
Potential is the key word . And at what cost ? From what little I have read on this . While it's renewable it's also quite inconsistent . The factories cost 10 times what a normal power plant would cost . It's very damaging to marine line . And the locations are limited . However research is a good thing . But they are funding this all with mainly middle class money . It's definitely limited to areas . In the meantime they are destroying the sources of income to fund these things . By taking away the middle class's means of employment .
That's my whole issue. This technology isn't a wow moment . Not enough to eliminate fuel use like they are doing .
From everything I have looked at . The Benefits of all this green energy don't outweigh the overall cost . Plus the goal is supposed to be to save the planet . Yet they appear to be destroying the life it supports along the way .
The real energy we should be working on is nuclear . It's by far the least expensive . We have the safe guards and technology . Very little can't be reused .
Yet they give the excuse that someone might use it to destroy . Doesn't that already exist? Seriously what's the difference of one big bomb verses 2 to destroy a whole nation ? Of the 3 lets say ways to supply energy . From what I see Nuclear is by far the best over all method .
The problem is that it doesn't make the Powers that be Money

After all an Al Gore couldn't become a Multi Millionaire by claiming the planet was going to explode . Like he has for the last 30 years .
Exactly! Our calif govenor is pushing eliminating gas powered vehicles in 10 years. Our infrastructure can’t even handle current non ev demands and rolling brownouts are the norm all summer in some areas. Additionally our cost of electricity is sky high (35-45 cents a kw!). Now, about 1/4 of the homes in my neighborhood have solar and export power to the grid helping ease shortages. There is now talk of raising the grid tie fee from $10 to $100. They already get the surplus electricity for damn near free (3 cents a kw) and make a ton reselling it. I suspect many will just disconnect and go off grid if the fee increase is enacted.
our state can’t handle 3% evs. Can you imagine the chaos with 20%? Smdh
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Only way I would have a generator for backup is if it ran on propane and had at least a 100 gallon propane tank in my yard.

NG lines can be cut off (ask Germany) and diesel and gas do not store well for long periods.

Propane can be stored forever and is much cheaper and propane is a bastard gas that they have to flare off at the refineries if not used. It is also cleaner and in appliances like new furnaces it burns 98.7% clean. I use propane for my stove and OD water heater with a wood stove backup system.
Your assuming everyone has just 15 gals of gas. Part of an installation is determining what outage durations in your area are the norm and stockpiling what you need. In the event of extended power outages like happened up by the dixie fire. Pg&e brings in portable generators to cover protracted outings after a week or so. Heck between my motorhome, and 3 cars I probably have 150 gals of fuel onsite at all times. For folks with nat gas, they have unlimited run time, and those with propane tanks can easily run few weeks on a typical sized tank.

and as to your comment on costs, a tesla powerwall will give you a few days of limited power use IF the weather is conducive it will partially recharge daily. If it isn’t your out of luck. That’s what you get for $12k. For a quarter of that you can install switchgear, a generator, and whatever fuel storage you need. And it works in any weather!
Only way I would have a generator for backup is if it ran on propane and had at least a 100 gallon propane tank in my yard.

NG lines can be cut off (ask Germany) and diesel and gas do not store well for long periods.

Propane can be stored forever and is much cheaper and propane is a bastard gas that they have to flare off at the refineries if not used. It is also cleaner and in appliances like new furnaces it burns 98.7% clean. I use propane for my stove and OD water heater with a wood stove backup system.
Propane generators are the most common installation with many already having an existing 500 gal storage tank.

as to nat. Gas disruption, comparing what’s happening in europe to the us is ridiculous as us has an overabundance of supply. Our risk on the west coast is earthquakes damaging transmission lines not so,e other country holding us hostage.

as to flaring propane, you obviously never spent time in a us refinery or oil field. Clean air act prevents flaring except in emergency and drilling operations produce nat gas not propane. Propane is mfg’d in the distallation process at refineries and stored in giant sheres to be sold. There is plenty of demand for the supply.
Propane generators are the most common installation with many already having an existing 500 gal storage tank.

as to nat. Gas disruption, comparing what’s happening in europe to the us is ridiculous as us has an overabundance of supply. Our risk on the west coast is earthquakes damaging transmission lines not so,e other country holding us hostage.

as to flaring propane, you obviously never spent time in a us refinery or oil field. Clean air act prevents flaring except in emergency and drilling operations produce nat gas not propane. Propane is mfg’d in the distallation process at refineries and stored in giant sheres to be sold. There is plenty of demand for the supply.
I live in the oil patch with a gas transfer plant less than a mile away.

It has flared off over 20 times this year.

No one drills for propane and it is a biproduct of NG processing and crude oil refining. If it wasn't used it would have to be flared off.

A Giant Flaw in Texas Blackouts: It Cut Power to Gas Supplies​

  • Power plants needed natural gas, but natural gas needed power
  • A vicious cycle left producers unable to supply gas in crisis