Comfortably Numb
Well-Known Member
Your grade school failed you. Wow. You really need to see the bigger picture. This CO2 story about trees expiring oxygen and sucking up CO2 that you're spouting continually is real lame. There's a bunch more to it.I've read and watched many a video that seems to show that cloud seeding (A Real thing) is putting a chemical in the atmosphere that is slowly poisonings us. People claim it's conspiracy . LOL . When it's common knowledge they have been cloud seeding for years . They probably didn't know to begin with that this harms the atmosphere and basically burns us. But now they do know it they cover it up because it's to late .
After all look at Wildlife . We've lost over 70% of Land Sea and air creatures since 1977. Most of that is in the last 10 years . Or actually since around 2009 . This is no secret . Anyone can google mass extinction of Wildlife . Again they they cover up the likely idea that we are causing this ourselves . Instead they blame it on C02 ? Think about how silly it is to believe C02 is harming things . Every oxygen breathing creature on the planet exhales C02 . Every plant Tree weed or whatever absorbs the C02 and release the oxygen we need . When C02 levels get to high or higher the planet becomes greener . I learn that in Grade School .