Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

A few from Stockholm, Sweden. City and surroundings. Cycling in the evening as days have been hot lately



10 oct.jpg
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Agreed. People and the places they live and ride in are more interesting than things, even bicycles. heading out on a new rided today down the west shore of Whidbey Island. from deception pass to Coupeville. I'll see if I can get some good pix through the smoke.
Take care in the smoke. The sunshine is ORANGE out there. We went for a ride yesterday and had to come home after just a few miles because my son's eyes got all puffy and swollen. I gave him a couple of benadryl and took him to the urgent care. I realized that benadryl might be a good medication to keep in my bike kit, since there are natural hazards that can cause allergic reactions. He's not really an allergy kid in general, so his reaction was a surprise.

BTW, the benadryl took down the puffiness and itchiness while we were waiting at the urgent care, so we were able to leave without treatment.
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Take care in the smoke. The sunshine is ORANGE out there. We went for a ride yesterday and had to come home after just a few miles because my son's eyes got all puffy and swollen. I gave him a couple of benadryl and took him to the urgent care. I realized that benadryl might be a good medication to keep in my bike kit, since there are natural hazards that can cause allergic reactions. He's not really an allergy kid in general, so his reaction was a surprise.

BTW, the benadryl took down the puffiness and itchiness while we were waiting at the urgent care, so we were able to leave without treatment.

It seems the least bad air the last few days has been on Whidbey and Fidalgo Islands. Apparently it is supposed to dissipate soon at least temporarily.

Air quality figures from around Washington State today:
  • Twisp -- 225
  • Anacortes -- 117
  • Oak Harbor -- 119
  • Chelan -- 312
  • Paradise (Mt. Rainier National Park) -- 89
  • Bellevue -- 176
  • Seattle -- 184
And around the world for comparison:
  • Beijing -- 43
  • Kuala Lumpur -- 43
  • Jakarta -- 126
  • Mumbai -- 145
Yeah, it's really nasty. My son was so sad today not to be able to ride. My husband's Pedego City Commuter is ready for pick-up today (new motor!!!! Warranty service!), but I didn't want to do the hour-long ride with my son today to swap out the loaner for my husband's bike. He was soooooo sad when he heard his dad's bike is ready for pick-up!!!! So, husb will drive to get the bike tomorrow. Instead of ebiking today, we stayed in the house all day and went out to a shopping mall this evening to play some Pokemon Go and at least stretch our legs a bit. How long is this supposed to last??????