Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Another beauty of a day in D.C. with a blissful break in the biblical level rains we’ve been having. The graceful Key Bridge (undergoing some repair work) spans the Potomac, connecting Georgetown in DC (my stopping point here) and Rosslyn in VA on the left side of image.

I love all of these photos! :) This weekend we plan to try out our new bike rack and drive to a trail that's outside of our usual orbit.
Great idea.
I didn't take any pics, but next day after the Pitt Lake ride I did Delta Watershed. So many trails! Too busy not wiping out.
Lots of roots, stones, rocks, downhills etc.
Tough ride but worth it.
Dry as a bone Thomas!
34C here today, and that's nowhere near the max which I believe was near 40C today!
Not going to complain though.:cool:
I will, I retired north to escape 30years of Caribbean and desert SW heat.. thank deities for eBikes and the riders breeze!
This morning ride along the Sunset Coast from Mullaloo to Burns Beach, Perth, Western Australia
Nice! I'm very excited to be just start the planning process of my 2020 trip to Australia! However it will probably be wholy on east coast and southeast plus New Zealand… Still, super excited!
Riding the towpath through the "haunted" 3118 foot Paw Paw Tunnel. It shares the tunnel with the C&O Canal on the Great Allegheny Passage near Cumberland, MD. The only place in the U.S. where a bike trail shares a tunnel with a canal.

For GPS users, a detailed file is available for this trail in .GPX or .CSV format here:

C&O Paw Paw 1.JPG
C&O Paw Paw 2.JPG

A good you-tube video is available here: