Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Western Connecticut (right near upstate NY.)

(Also - apologies for all the selfies! 😅 Browsing other photos on the thread, it seems like the more common thing is to just take a photo of the bike by itself in the scenery… but I originally took these photos to send to my family so… 😅)








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Crater Lake, OR. We did not see the “old man” but he was spotted as still floating.
Nor are these our ebikes but instead from our tour group.

Weather was spectacular that day but we had previously canceled one day’s ride up through McKenzie Pass from Sisters due to smoke so bad the local government officials posted the AQI as “off our charts.”
Crater Lake, OR. We did not see the “old man” but he was spotted as still floating.
Nor are these our ebikes but instead from our tour group.

Weather was spectacular that day but we had previously canceled one day’s ride up through McKenzie Pass from Sisters due to smoke so bad the local government officials posted the AQI as “off our charts.”
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Thank you for that information, and the memory's, it's been a Long time (55+ yrs).

I have to get the better half and kids and G-kids to see Crater Lake they have never been there.
I'll bring the spotting scope and find the "Old Man", that was the game between
G-pa and me, we went (whole family) at least once a month from K Falls,
until the snow closed down the roads.
I have seen the main lodge covered with snow, with just the chimney smoke coming out of a HUGE snow bank, that was over 25' + tall, there was just a walk in tunnel to get to the lodge.
Thank you,
Third ride this weekend was 30km lazy cruise around North Surrey. I had to go to the pharmacy for a small item and from there the random direction generator said NORTH young (old?) man!
Anyway, this weekend was 89kms across 3 rides, less than some of you do in a single ride...

First stop was in Bridgeview where the Patullo bridge replacement project is coming along...

First set of towers can be seen on the right...

Just around the corner is an ancient "dive bar" called The Turf...

OK OK!!! I refuse to dump... OK?
Yeesh... do I have to sign something?

Under the elevated SkyTrain tracks...

Don't see this kind of wide bike path often around these parts...

This area is... um... kind of... erm... sketchy let's say... There are a few nice buildings though...

Found a park with some Hip-hop music being blasted... not too bad... People had put up stands relating to a "Cannabis Substitution Project". Did not stop to ask any questions. Probably should have...

Tripped over my usual greenway and headed home...

I should add that approximately 10 blocks from home I was stopped at a red light. I pressed the button to cross the road.
About 30 seconds later my light turned green.
As I started off I saw to my left a car doing 50kph or more heading into the intersection! o_O
Had I blindly/foolishly not checked my 9 and 3 o'clock I would have been PLASTERED all over the road by an idiot running the red light!
My reaction was... um... er... NSFW indeed. :mad:
A nice young lady walking her dog heard what I said and I immediately apologized for my guttural language. Her response was "I don't blame you!"
Moral of the story of course is NEVER TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED.
Rant over...:)
I should add that approximately 10 blocks from home I was stopped at a red light. I pressed the button to cross the road.
About 30 seconds later my light turned green.
As I started off I saw to my left a car doing 50kph or more heading into the intersection! o_O
Had I blindly/foolishly not checked my 9 and 3 o'clock I would have been PLASTERED all over the road by an idiot running the red light!
My reaction was... um... er... NSFW indeed. :mad:
A nice young lady walking her dog heard what I said and I immediately apologized for my guttural language. Her response was "I don't blame you!"
Moral of the story of course is NEVER TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED.
Rant over...:)
Checking the sides when crossing an intersection is good practice whether driving or riding. People just don't care anymore. Last week I almost got hit by a mail truck with a female driver, so maybe it was a femail truck. She blasted through a stop sign right in front of me. I grabbed both brakes and barely stopped before hitting her while stopping from 25mph. I confronted her and she said she stopped, I told her she didn't. She said she did, but she stopped further back from the sign. I looked, she was stopped at the last mail box, 30' behind the sign dropped mail and then went right through the sign. She said she looked, either she didn't see me through the trees on my right, or she misjudged my speed. No camera footage though, SD card in my gopro was full so it shut itself off.

I did get to report her to her supervisor though, so there's always that.
Checking the sides when crossing an intersection is good practice whether driving or riding. People just don't care anymore. Last week I almost got hit by a mail truck with a female driver, so maybe it was a femail truck. She blasted through a stop sign right in front of me. I grabbed both brakes and barely stopped before hitting her while stopping from 25mph. I confronted her and she said she stopped, I told her she didn't. She said she did, but she stopped further back from the sign. I looked, she was stopped at the last mail box, 30' behind the sign dropped mail and then went right through the sign. She said she looked, either she didn't see me through the trees on my right, or she misjudged my speed. No camera footage though, SD card in my gopro was full so it shut itself off.

I did get to report her to her supervisor though, so there's always that.
Gender notwithstanding, she was an idiot. Glad you are safe.
I’m really excited about this. The Foothills Trail extension to Enumclaw, with a new bridge over the White River, is actually happening. They started earlier this year, and expect to complete it in early 2024. When completed, it will run from Puyallup to Enumclaw, for a round trip distance of 44 miles. Eventually, it will be extended into the foothills.

I’m really excited about this. The Foothills Trail extension to Enumclaw, with a new bridge over the White River, is actually happening. They started earlier this year, and expect to complete it in early 2024. When completed, it will run from Puyallup to Enumclaw, for a round trip distance of 44 miles. Eventually, it will be extended into the foothills.

Sounds like it will be nice. I'd like to get down that way to ride that trail and the Cedar River Trail sometime. In theory, the FHT is only about a 5 mile bike ride from my door if I take the 2hr Sounder ride down. The north Sounder is pretty useless though unless you only work bankers hours in downtown Seattle.
Sounds like it will be nice. I'd like to get down that way to ride that trail and the Cedar River Trail sometime. In theory, the FHT is only about a 5 mile bike ride from my door if I take the 2hr Sounder ride down. The north Sounder is pretty useless though unless you only work bankers hours in downtown Seattle.
I’ve ridden the Cedar River trail. A portion of it runs next to a highway, so it’s rather noisy. But, the river section made it worth it for at least one ride. That section is gravel, but was in pretty good shape when I was there.

The Cedar River Trail connects with the Burt Gilman trail, and I believe with several others. I’ve not ridden those though. The Burt Gilman in particular doesn’t interest me, as my understanding is it runs through through largely industrial areas.