Yes it from Qiroll. I don't have permission to reveal it yet but definitely i saw it and will do a test once it arrive at my door step. They didn't have name yet for their new unit, its still a prototype. It claimed to be able to conquer steep hill with power wattage over EU regulation. If they allow me to post picture and test details then i will share it given permission but for now i'll keep it a secret while doing intense test ride. Everything looks the same except it has slightly bigger roller but i can't see what friction tape it use. So i'll be detaching the PRO and install the "power monster" soon. Looking at overall spec from my email it seem very promising.
Hopefully it have a new function that detach itself from the wheel or switch to power off.
Hopefully it have a new function that detach itself from the wheel or switch to power off.
Can't say much but hopeful, guess i'll have to wait until it arrive.
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Looking forward to your report.

Prototype QIROLL 400W+arrived!
Good news! I received the prototype/test unit QIROLL 400W+ today. Happy to say the overall size of the unit "almost" the same as PRO slightly few grams heavier. The motor/roller diameter is 0.5cm larger than PRO version. The USB and power connection power, cable, remote and accessories remain the same + quick release adapter. It can be use on H70 battery pack but i don't know if it can be use other rated battery pack. However it still using that same stock rubber friction tape, i'll be using back my DIY 3M grip floor tape as usual.

I can't post the picture of the unit yet unless QIROLL representative or Jason gave me permission to post it here. Will be doing installation this weekend and do some real test on hills climbing soon during my daily commute. Looks very promising.
QIROLL 400W+ preview (test unit).
Ok got green light from QIROLL Mr. Jason to share you this 400W+ unit in this forum. So far they have not assigned any naming type to this unit like PRO, MUTE or FLEX hopefully it will have a name soon once they announce a final production unit. Attached are the photos i taken this morning.
*Note: Its not a final production unit, but there going to produce it soon.



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