Weather isn't cooperating with riding right now with cold temps and ferocious wind which is typical seasonally where I live. Given the time of year I might not have much opportunity to test until the odd nice weather day if I don't have other plans or spring. The throttle mechanism seems well thought out in that besides the thumb throttle there are + and - buttons that allow for toggling between 5 levels of continuous assist along with brake cutoffs (besides a shut off button) so a quick blip of the brakes cuts assist. I'm hoping it will work well enough to use on train and ride plans for the spring/summer. Amtrak has restrictions on ebikes so that even my Yamaha powered bike technically wouldn't be allowed as it isn't UL approved. This friction drive is much quicker and easier to install than the Qiroll so I'd carry it seperately from the bike and install it at the destination.
I finally got around to make the DIY S2 switch with the 2 flat buttons that EMGX recommended. It feels much more natural on the grip. I haven't had a chance to really test it on a ride yet because the weather has been below freezing temperature. I also ran the micro usb cable inside the bike so it looks much nicer now.


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Not surprisingly the stock friction layer slipped some on a wet tire so I decided to try something else.

When I get another chance I'll retest it.

BTW the throttle mechanism is a step up from what Qiroll offers. Besides the thumb throttle there are 5 levels of assist that remain constant until either of the brakes are blipped which turns off assist and retracts the roller until it is reactivated or the thumb throttle is used.
Cześć. Kupiłem. Zamontowałem na tern verg d9. Dokładnie to, czego szukałem. Mam pytanie. Czy ktoś zna przybliżoną żywotność silnika? Teraz zamów akumulator b70 na zapas i na duże odległości.
Kurcze fajne ale qiroll lepiej wygląda bardziej dyskretnie
I finally got around to make the DIY S2 switch with the 2 flat buttons that EMGX recommended. It feels much more natural on the grip. I haven't had a chance to really test it on a ride yet because the weather has been below freezing temperature. I also ran the micro usb cable inside the bike so it looks much nicer now.
I love those DIY separate buttons. I might do one in the future if my buttons fails.
Hi,im Manel from Barcelona,i have a qiroll emute 250w kit with 200wh battery.Im happy with the kit,but only for a little help in not really hard hills.I use it que n a 20 inch small bike,a classic 80s spanish bike.With throttle only i make arround 16 kmhs.In dry conditions i dont have problems with the stock friction tape,but in minimal wet conditions,it slips a lot.I like to open the b70 battary to ser what cells and bms have inside.My plan is to put a custom battery in a home made box that looks a lot better.


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What i meant is that i can do arround 16 kms on the throttle alone.Sorry fot my english.
Thought I'd chime in with another update -- my QR-E Pro x2 setup can indeed consistently make it up my steep hill if I run 3M grip tape. As EMGX noted it can wear kinda fast, but I found that by dropping my tire pressure about 10psi and running it tighter against the tire the larger contact patch seems to slow down wear -- enough for the grip tape to last about a month. Which is OK for now since the roll I ordered cut into about 30 strips.

Did experience a complete failure on the commute home after it working during a rainy morning... over the course of the workday water apparently sat in the micro-usb connections to the Qiroll motor and corroded/shorted things. Did clean up OK with contact cleaner at home, and after it dried I redid the connections and filled them with dielectric grease... so far so good.

Overall I think it's a great product, but as perplexed as ever that there is no factory pedal assist and that they thought micro-usb was a good exterior connector. Both things would be so cheap and simple to fix.
Hi,im Manel from Barcelona,i have a qiroll emute 250w kit with 200wh battery.Im happy with the kit,but only for a little help in not really hard hills.I use it que n a 20 inch small bike,a classic 80s spanish bike.With throttle only i make arround 16 kmhs.In dry conditions i dont have problems with the stock friction tape,but in minimal wet conditions,it slips a lot.I like to open the b70 battary to ser what cells and bms have inside.My plan is to put a custom battery in a home made box that looks a lot better.
Opening these batteries is a pain, but you don't really have to. The B70 uses 18650 cells in 6 series 3 parallel -- so you could do the same for yours if you do build one. You don't have to use any specific BMS for the Qiroll to work, though obviously do try to pick a quality one that can handle the expected current, appropriate cells, etc.
Pomyślałem, że dodam kolejną aktualizację -- mój zestaw QR-E Pro x2 rzeczywiście może konsekwentnie pokonywać strome wzniesienie, jeśli użyję taśmy antypoślizgowej 3M. Jak zauważył EMGX, może się ona zużywać dość szybko, ale odkryłem, że po obniżeniu ciśnienia w oponach o około 10 psi i mocniejszym dociśnięciu do opony większa powierzchnia styku wydaje się spowalniać zużycie -- na tyle, że taśma antypoślizgowa wystarcza na około miesiąc. Co jest w porządku na razie, ponieważ rolka, którą zamówiłem, została pocięta na około 30 pasków.

Doświadczyłem całkowitej awarii w drodze do domu po tym, jak urządzenie działało w deszczowy poranek... w ciągu dnia roboczego woda najwyraźniej dostała się do połączeń micro-USB z silnikiem Qiroll i skorodowała/zwarła elementy. Wyczyściłem OK środkiem do czyszczenia styków w domu, a po wyschnięciu poprawiłem połączenia i wypełniłem je smarem dielektrycznym... jak dotąd wszystko w porządku.

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, uważam, że to świetny produkt, ale jestem tak samo zdziwiony, jak zawsze, że nie ma fabrycznego wspomagania pedałowania i że uznali, że micro-USB to dobre złącze zewnętrzne. Obie rzeczy byłyby tak tanie i proste do naprawy.
Hej a gdzie umiejscowiony silnik ???
Opening these batteries is a pain, but you don't really have to. The B70 uses 18650 cells in 6 series 3 parallel -- so you could do the same for yours if you do build one. You don't have to use any specific BMS for the Qiroll to work, though obviously do try to pick a quality one that can handle the expected current, appropriate cells, etc.
What i like to know is what brand of cells they have.Maybe its a unknow brand shitty cells.
I finally got around to make the DIY S2 switch with the 2 flat buttons that EMGX recommended. It feels much more natural on the grip. I haven't had a chance to really test it on a ride yet because the weather has been below freezing temperature. I also ran the micro usb cable inside the bike so it looks much nicer now.
How do you connect the cable for the DIY the S2 switch?I manage to find the switch online just need the wiring process.
How do you connect the cable for the DIY the S2 switch?I manage to find the switch online just need the wiring process.
I followed what EMGX described:

"I can try to take pictures but it is super simple. Like Blueberry noted there are 3 wires on the USB cable that you use: the green and white signal wires, one for each switch and the common ground used for both switches. A red (+) wire isn't used and can be clipped back out of the way."

Once you stripped the cables you will understand. You can just make contacts on the cables to test out the function before soldering. I thought it would be complicated but it really is not. Can one can do this.
The Pro 320W performed well in all weather condition after many months of daily ride. I haven't wash my bike since last installation. It took it all the dirty grimes and soot very well and still perform excellent. Speed dirt is everywhere. I had no complaint. Its perfect! Time for me to clean my bike and ready to install a more powerful unit soon. ;)



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A new Qiroll product or something else?
Yes it from Qiroll. I don't have permission to reveal it yet but definitely i saw it and will do a test once it arrive at my door step. They didn't have name yet for their new unit, its still a prototype. It claimed to be able to conquer steep hill with power wattage over EU regulation. If they allow me to post picture and test details then i will share it given permission but for now i'll keep it a secret while doing intense test ride. Everything looks the same except it has slightly bigger roller but i can't see what friction tape it use. So i'll be detaching the PRO and install the "power monster" soon. Looking at overall spec from my email it seem very promising.