Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit (MGU)

I've been riding on a Pinion 18-speed gearbox for the last full year.

The only very minor problem was that the shifter needed to be greased after assembly and we didn't do that when we built the bike. Also, the shifter was a custom part and not from Pinion.

10k+ km on it and zero trouble. I'm due for a gearbox oil change and just received the kit to do so. As a bonus, I can also purchase gearbox oil in larger quantities so if I save the syringes from the kit I'm good.

If the MGU is as good or evolves into something as good as this P.18 then it will be something very special. Probably not for everyone but you can't complain about a combination of very low maintenance and indestructibility. I've destroyed more than my share of derailleurs over the years.
Started a new thread with this, forgetting about this old one so here's my post again.

On the EMBN channel Steve Jones puts the Simplon Rapcon PMax with the Pinion E1.12 Gearbox motor through it's paces:

Very cool. A bit noisy for my tastes, though. I hope they can iron that out in time.
The only thing that will keep this from being the future of most eBikes is cost.
But if you are replacing chains frequently and replacing the cassette every year or so you'll probably break even on costs in three or four years.
But if you are replacing chains frequently and replacing the cassette every year or so you'll probably break even on costs in three or four years.
I'm all for it... But so far the only bikes that offer it are +10k.
From my end that's a life times supply of hardware plus another bike!
In a few years if it becomes well accepted, proves reliable and is offered on less expensive bikes... it'll be a winner.
I'm all for it... But so far the only bikes that offer it are +10k.
From my end that's a life times supply of hardware plus another bike!
In a few years if it becomes well accepted, proves reliable and is offered on less expensive bikes... it'll be a winner.
I would think Priority Bikes would be an early mover offering an affordable Pinion drive e-bike. Note that the whole shebang isn't yet available in the states anyhow and that will take some time.
I really like this product, but one of the major drawbacks for me would be finding a shop that could do the repairs, if needed.
A derailleur has drawbacks, but at least any bike shops can repair or replace derailleur parts. How many bike shops will be able to repair a Pinion gearbox?

An example of this problem would be the Kindernay hub on my Watt Wagons Hydra mountain bike. Last year the hub started to leak, so I had to send the hub back to Sweden (or Norway?). so Kindernay could send me a replacement.
Since then Kindernay has gone in receivership and I'm now on my own. If the hub fails again I'll have to junk this very expensive piece of kit, and replace it with a derailleur running gear.
I would think Priority Bikes would be an early mover offering an affordable Pinion drive e-bike. Note that the whole shebang isn't yet available in the states anyhow and that will take some time.
Agree on Priority. Could see them doing this on their 600 series (the commuter and adventure ones). They're really tied into Gates and Pinion, already doing the 1.12 gears on them. Not sure about the HXT - we'll see what Hardtail Party says about that bike. Personally I think the Pinion now is best suited to commuting especially and bike packing.
I asked Priority if I could upgrade the 600x c1.12 with electronic shift and they said no. I can't remember if Pinion ever said it was just technically not possible, or if there is hope in the future someone will provide the smartshift separately to add to the existing gear-boxes. Not a fan of the twist shift, but for my riding I can live with it, would never want it on one of my main bikes though. Electronic shifting is the way to go.

Definitely makes sense that Priority would try to do something with the mgu. Since Lectric hit first, with a more affordable pinion with electronic shifting and hub motor Priority might have a harder time getting the right price point for a decent sales volume. Still I'd be happy if Priority just made a good trecking bike with huge battery, hub motor, belt-drive, good gear ratio, and the i1.12 gear box for the electronic shifting. If they used the MGU, that would be interesting, but maybe a bit risky. Seems like they are currently focused on their new mountain bike though, so I don't think it will be soon. I'm tempted to try the Lectric One just for fun, but the small batteries, Lectric hub motor, and I already have a commuter gives me pause. Waiting to see what other bikes are in stock in the next couple months.
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if that’s what it actually sounds like … I couldn’t imagine riding such a thing in a natural environment. maybe the video exaggerates it.
Yeah we need more reviews for sure. A written one I read talked about gears 1 to 4 being a bit noisy but higher gears being quiet. And a pre-production review of a Rotwild emtb in the Alps said it's a bit noisier then say a Brose or Bosch but not bad. So it's certainly not quiet but I hope not as awful grinding as that Jones review made it sound. He never mentioned the noise in the review so might be just his mic. Time will tell.
Anyone can remember Betamax VCRs? :)
I, for one, would be interested whether @Ravi Kempaiah is ready to build a Pinion MGU ZEN e-bike.

We have considered it, and we have approached some relevant people.
The Pinion MGU will enter the North American market only in 2025 as they still need to build their service network here and get the products certified to UL standards.

Currently, we are testing the Valeo motor. We typically test the core components - motor + battery for a year before offering it as a product.
This test is critical for ensuring our customers have the best riding experience.

That we shall see, but it means they have a proven technical track record, and a financial stability, which is important.
The Fuell is just a too pricey for the components provided, but that 2S has the battery I need; with little comparable models it's hard to fault them on the price. I've heard very little since it was introduced last year, and I want to know if they managed to silence this motor as it was much worse than even the Pinion MGU. Fuell also has a pedestrian level rack since it's primarily designed as a commuter bike. Still I think that can be changed to something robust (I like that the Photons have a nice capable rack), and the tires swapped for a more all-terrain choice. Very interested in seeing this motor on a nice bike.
Decathlon's internal gear/motor combo. Looking slick:
