Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Wifey and I visited beautiful New Zealand on vacation back in the ’80s. I insisted on dragging my full sized Calumet 4x5” with two lenses, my Century Graphic with two lenses, my Nikon with three lenses. Fantastic optics and the best films I could get at the time. Had a great time and some great images but got sick of dragging so much stuff around in the small compact car we rented.
As a pro videographer, I often carried over 60 lbs of camera, recorder (yes, before camcorders), tripod, batteries and tape around on all day shoots, including inside a nuclear reactor building in 90+ degree temps with me and my equipment wrapped in plastic to protect from contamination. Followed firefighters training up stairs with simulated smoke and flew around hanging outside helicopters as scientists darted elk.
Bottom line is I‘ve just been there and done that and certainly understand why folks want to carry more & better gear. Years ago I went whole hog for digital and light weight and I’m glad I did. My iPhone is all I need.
I can’t argue with what your preferences are. I don’t disagree with what you say. From my point of view is that I’m not dragging 60 lbs of gear around. I’ve got my Nikon D800 with a 24-120 f/4 lens that is going to give me images that my iPhone can’t. Couple that with this manfrotto super clamp and I have a great rig setup for what I need. I’ve seen the photos you posted from trips you got with your iPhone. But you can’t see the photos that got away from me because all I had was my iPhone.
We had a nice ride out today, but as like the last few days a very cold and strong wind. The weather also decided to throw some rain in as well for good measure.

Consequently, because of the wind, we found ourselves using eMTB mode most of the time and Turbo for going up hills. Usually, we use Eco and Tour modes respectively.

Found a new and nice Bridleway through Claydon Park with some nice views of Claydon House with a Ha-Ha running around it.

Wifey and I visited beautiful New Zealand on vacation back in the ’80s. I insisted on dragging my full sized Calumet 4x5” with two lenses, my Century Graphic with two lenses, my Nikon with three lenses. Fantastic optics and the best films I could get at the time. Had a great time and some great images but got sick of dragging so much stuff around in the small compact car we rented.
As a pro videographer, I often carried over 60 lbs of camera, recorder (yes, before camcorders), tripod, batteries and tape around on all day shoots, including inside a nuclear reactor building in 90+ degree temps with me and my equipment wrapped in plastic to protect from contamination. Followed firefighters training up stairs with simulated smoke and flew around hanging outside helicopters as scientists darted elk.
Bottom line is I‘ve just been there and done that and certainly understand why folks want to carry more & better gear. Years ago I went whole hog for digital and light weight and I’m glad I did. My iPhone is all I need.
I still use both a compact digital camera and my cell phone for pictures on trips (well, when I was still doing trips pre-covid).

For a while I really hated when I would ask someone along on the trip who had taken a cellphone picture of me or something else I missed for a copy. I would get a copy that looked similar to what I show below. I blamed it on the cell phone quality but it really was that folks just tossed their phone in a lint lined pocket or purse or whatever. Or handled the phone casually with fingers on lens.

Dirty Lens Compare.jpg

I believe much of that was due to a dirty, smeary lens. Most take much better care of regular cameras which is why I thought a real camera helped with images (and it probably does).

I was sitting in the back yard a while back and it was a nice sunny day and I decided to snap a picture with my cellphone. I was really annoyed by the image. Then I looked at the lens.
I bought a box of these a few years ago and carry a number of these Zeiss lens cleaning wipes packets along with me to keep my lenses clean when necessary. I’ve used them on all my lenses of all my cameras and my iPhones.


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An hour from home…

Brisbane River near Lowood

Brisbane River
Near Lowood, QLD, AU
Sometimes a quiet road is the best place to ride an ebike. On this ride, with my TOP Cycling group, we were less than ten minutes from our coffee stop: a good place to be! You should be able to see our route snaking alongside the river's right bank (we're looking downstream). In the distance is the D'Aguilar Range which is recognised as a proper mountain range in this vertically-challenged part of the world.

Beyond the 'mountains', the land drops down to the coast and, eventually, the part of the Pacific Ocean known as the Coral Sea. Despite the name, we're several hundred kilometres south fo the Great Barrier Reef. Now, back to forests and dairy farms… (and coffee stops).

(It's 5:10 am on Wednesday morning: I'm off with my TOP Cycling friends. Again!)
Whatever you do, a smartphone won't ensure the right optical quality.

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Not that this photo is especially good, no. Yet show me so shallow depth-of-field with your iPhone.

(But you're happy with the Purion, aren't you) :D Sorry Dallant "DRail"! I had to say that! :D
Pretty off on the focus, of course, since the focus actually was a few feet before the bike in the gravel.
FYI…just so you understand what bokeh really is. https://photographylife.com/what-is-bokeh
And yes, I can get the effect on my iPhone quite easily though it’s an in-camera effect called Portrait, and is not actually an optical effect. It’s not something I use very often.


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Pretty off on the focus, of course, since the focus actually was a few feet before the bike in the gravel.
FYI…just so you understand what bokeh really is. https://photographylife.com/what-is-bokeh
And yes, I can get the effect on my iPhone quite easily though it’s an in-camera effect called Portrait, and is not actually an optical effect. It’s not something I use very often.
You seem to be a type of person who would love to teach Bob Marley what reggae was really all about...



Take some photos with this Dynamic Range, wealth of colours, detail and bokeh using your iPhone.

Can we go back to Our Rides?
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You seem to be a type of person who would love to teach Bob Marley what reggae was really all about...

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Take similar photos with this Dynamic Range, wealth of colours, detail and bokeh using your iPhone.

Can we go back to Our Rides?
You're the one arguing, as usual. I never said an iPhone is superior, just that I don’t bother carrying separate camera/lens combos anymore. And please…what’s hilarious is these were taken in STAGE LIGHTING with a longer lens which you obviously aren’t carrying on your bike.
Whats even more hilarious is you somehow comparing yourself to Bob Marley!😂
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Two Gravel Cycling Escapades

Bolimoza with Jacek (Saturday Oct 2nd 2021)

Only Jacek showed up in Żyrardów at the planned group ride for last Saturday. Both equipped with our latest toys (Garmin/Wahoo bike computers, both Strava subscribers), we started talking if we should beat some E-Bike KOM's en route. (A little explanation: Strava supports road segments where cyclists can compete. The male segment record is called KOM, and the female one is QOM. E-bikers have their segments made separately from ones created by traditional cyclists).

-- Jacek, are we willing to beat any KOM on our trip? -- I asked my brother.
-- I'm rather not inclined to make it today... -- Was his leisurely answer.

The point is, we both cannot ride slowly when we are on our trips together. When we reached a perfect asphalt road northward (and we were riding with the wind), we sped up. Nothing serious, as we both rode in weakened Eco modes of our e-bikes. Eventually, I let my brother win the race, as he indeed was stronger than me.

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Two days later:
-- Brother, how come you took my KOM from me?! -- Jacek asked.
-- Well... Unawares. It was not my intention. You see, I was on a Graveloza group ride in March. I was left behind and was trying to catch up with the group. I rode in the POWER mode at that time... :D

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Mikulski Brothers (The Elder and The Middle) in Popielarnia. (The Younger doesn't ride with us).

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Equipped with the excellent bike GPS computer, I missed my way and we reached the morass and the ankle-deep puddle I rode through six days before :D We retraced our steps on last Saturday, of course.

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A German war cemetery of WW2 in Joachimów-Mogiły. There are more war cemeteries in the area, one of them being German & Russian of World War I.

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A picturesque singletrack with a steel gangway over R. Rokita.

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Ice-cream in Skierniewice-Ruda.

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A store, and six bikes: Four of them being e-bikes:

  • A senior man riding a traditional bike, and his younger companion riding a Trek Powerfly 7 (for health reasons); both long distance off-road cyclists;
  • A young couple: Him riding a traditional Giant XC bike, and her riding a Haibike SDuro;
  • Two brothers, both riding e-bikes (Specialized and Giant): One for health reasons, and the other just for fun :)
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"The Haunted Manor" in Lisna.

I have been to Lisna for three times. The tourist map clearly indicated a manor there but that manor seemed to be inaccessible. Thanks to Jacek (he found the access), I could eventually see the 19th c. manor. A rather sad story:

30 years ago, an informal couple of a French and a Pole (of both sexes, and of unequal financial status) bought the manor and a huge surrounding property. The couple had big plans: a hotel or a restaurant maybe? Unfortunately, the rich party died soon, leaving the poor partner with nothing, except a house made in the former stables. The survivor could not sell the land, and had no means to develop. I hear that person (now very old) still lives in the stable-house. How sad.

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And we passed the Ewa & Jurek's Herbal Farm for one more time! That time, we paid no visit (it might seem rude without an appointment, and we needed to get back to Żyrardów before the sunset too). Top photo: Jacek plays with Ewa/Jurek cat ;)

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Jacek could photograph a snake on the road, and I also asked for a photo while in Jealousy :)

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Ride Map. 51% of paved roads, 23% of dirt, 26% of gravel.

The Gang of Four (Sunday, Oct 3rd, 2021)

Przemek "the Gravel Man" is a fanatic of gravel cycling to the level that he -- having a perfect paved road nearby -- would always select a dirt path instead (the more bumpy the better!) :D We started at 7 a.m. in Grodzisk Mazowiecki to be joined by Michał and Leszek some half an hour later (en route).

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The Gang of Four at a sand mine in Suchodół. Can you see the front tyre of my Vado?! (L to R: Przemek, Michał, Leszek, and yours truly).

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I stopped at some singletrack to document the 10,000 kilometres on the odometer of my Vado. The best e-bike of all I have owned!

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It is notable I could complete the ride on a single battery (due to its degradation, the initial charge has been as low as 502 Wh). I mostly rode in 33% Eco mode, with the average assistance of 36%. My Vado has turned out to be a capable gravel e-bike if not one thing: You couldn't carry it over serious obstacles :D (Leszek and Michał helped me carry Vado in such a situation).
Love that abandoned manor, I have a thing for them.
hat’s hilarious is these were taken in STAGE LIGHTING
In total darkness (using a flash). It was a 35 mm fast lens. You cannot take such good photos even in bright daylight. Now, can you tell us something on your own rides, show pictures, videos, maps?

P.S. Because you wrote "BS" below and I don't want to continue the flame war in this excellent thread, let me just explain the people on stage were lit by weak stage lighting but the singer jumped off the stage into the audience that was in total darkness (see where the stage monitors are? Behind him). Yet I'm a competent concert photographer, and I lit the man with a flashgun, with the flash bounced off a high ceiling. You can do miracles with an f/1.4 lens and full-frame camera. OK, you use Purion and iPhone. Some people have more refined demands.

Ah, I didn't compare myself to BM. If you think so, you're appearing silly a little bit.
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The picture you get with your iPhone is so much better than the one you didn’t with your better camera sitting at home.
Me !!!!! sitting on my leather massage chair.
Today was was a cool morning start. Tradewind/headwind is 20-25mph I geared up with helmet, hi-viz ensemble and headed to an abandoned air field that was deemed not needed by the Navy. I did a few high speed laps on the circle on the screen shot captured with my Samsung trying to best my lap time from my ride here previous Monday.
It's a thriller of a ride the trail is also use by Joint Base Police to patrol the area on their night duty
When I was good and satisfactorily pleased that my balance, reflexes and eyes focused.
I went pedaling around doing community service. I arrived a few miles at a Ville, where James Campbell once settled. He was one of the biggest landowners on Hawaii. He came to Hawaii at an early age as a stowaway on a ship from England he was of Ireland/Scotland descendant. He was big on Cane sugar production. He built a town complete with Churches and sugar mill.
Today I went to admire the architectural design of the Churches and the various types of machinery parts for production of sugar.
He also built the railway for transportation of sugar to the port. The Hawaii Railway Society now operates the trains on a short track preserved by his descendants.
The mill that he had built in the early 1900s smoke stack still stands today. It is only a few minutes ride from my house.
I will photo it with my Samsung on my next ride.
Enjoy the my photos captured with a pocket phone device.
An interesting looking area.
This reminds me of an argument I got into over the flattening effect. of a telephoto lens

I called it a zoom lens and got battered that a zoom lens isnt a telephoto..so I said it is when its not zooming and I got banned for a week.
People take their photograohy very seriously indeed.
The picture you get with your iPhone is so much better than the one you didn’t take with the 'better camera' sitting at home.

Just after sunrise this morning, when Stephen and I were travelling at speed on the rail trail, he pulled his Android smartphone out of his cycling jersey pocket and snapped this image of me over his shoulder.

The silvery strip between Stephen's helmet and his ear is magpie-scaring tape which everyone in our Tyred Old People cycling group uses.

Sunrise over the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

5:45 am; ~25 km/h
Wanora, Brisbane Valley Rail Trail
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I woke to a beautiful sunny wind free morning, it was frosty though but didn't feel that cold due to the lack of wind! I decided to head east on a route I haven't done since June, it was going great until I reached my turning point and the council had been surface dressing the road, basically they scatter loose gravel across the road!:rolleyes: Thankfully the road is flat for a couple of miles before the big descent, to my relief the gravel stopped just before the descent!😌

You can see the gravel here, somebody took a dislike to the road sign I think!;) A few years ago I had a run in with this very sign, I was standing next to it to get a photo of the bridges in the distance and as I passed it I caught my waterproof jacket on one of the sharp edges and destroyed it...of course it was brand new!!!


Another great day for photos, some lovely views in the sun!


I had such a great day and couldn't ask for better weather at this time of year, it really helps to put all the bad stuff to the back of your mind and enjoy life whenever the opportunities arise! I might get out on Friday with a bit of luck but it will probably be Sunday if the weather holds out!


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