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Back on the trusty old Giant CRS 1.0 Hybrid, first ride since September 2018! I've had it for over 12 years and it has never let me down, I even managed to cover 120 miles on it and crashed head on into a kid on a mountain bike 50 yards from home!

I had to pick a day with a 20mph headwind but at least it was dry, I felt like I was going backwards for the first 10 miles!
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I'm not going to lie, this climb up to here hurt

but the descent sure was fun!
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It felt so alien after riding my e bike for such a long time but after a few miles it started to feel more like normal, I might get brave and attempt a 50 miler on Sunday! My last ride on it before this was a 58 miler so hopefully I am still strong enough! The strangest thing is lifting it, it feels like a feather compared to my e bike!

584 miles now covered this month, hoping to take it over 600 on Friday if my legs have recovered!

The rim brakes take a bit of getting used to again after having disc brakes for so long, they are fine in the dry though!