Graveloza #6, or Meeting A New Riding Mate
A Mazovian gravel-cycling club has announced not exactly Gran Fondo but sub metric century ride for last Sunday, and I got attracted to it. The name of Graveloza might be associated to some illness (like comatose) but the name is expected to indicate how addicted to gravel-riding the members are
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Sunday, around 9 a.m. The group gathering in Żyrardów, formerly a textile industry city. Almost all participants drove with their bikes to the start point, as it is usual for all forms of trail cycling.
The disaster struck me just at the ride start. My heavy pannier detached from the rack, and I had to fix it. The group left me be (I'll comment on it later). When I started the ride, I lost my way in the city; no chance to catch up with the group. And yes, I tried by an intensive riding my Monster in the Active mode (level 3 of 5) and energetic pedalling, all against massive headwind. And I managed to catch up with a single group ride member!
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Cezar (Czarek) is a recent covid convalescent. He was not in the position to be on par with the group ride professionals who were very fast on asphalt and could zoom over forest dirt fire-roads at improbable speed. We both decided we wouldn't turn pleasure into torture and had some 50 km of wonderful ride together. (It was sunny, pretty warm, and only wind was very strong; I could ride without goggles or gloves).
What the club did to both of us was a bad, bad practice in the cycling world. The event was announced as "a friendly ride for anyone; the speed would be adjusted to the slowest members" and so on. The ride group lost 20% of its members and nobody even asked us what was going on! I'm disappointed, at least. I'm, however, glad to win a new friend and riding mate!
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As Cezar and I were not in a hurry anymore, we could make several short stops and take some pictures en route.
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The Bolimowski Landscape Park is a picturesque area. Especially when it is warm, sunny, dry and "windless"
I have been to that Park for several times last year. I admit the organised route was better from ones I could invent myself 
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A well-known parking lot near Ruda, near city of Skierniewice. I swapped batteries there. I usually start with the 500 Wh battery and then switch to the 625 Wh one.
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Highway 719, or "my road" (I live near to the 719). We parted our ways with Cezar soon before, still in the forest. He had to ride towards the beginning of the road to continue his return trip to Żyrardów; meanwhile, I rode fast in the woods. What a surprise! When I crossed that very junction, stopped and turned back, I could see Cezar zooming the road! 
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Our own Amish?!
I took out my camera and turned it on too late to take a good picture of a horse-drawn buggy.
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Polonez, or a Polish designed car. Poland had only two car brands designed domestically, and Polonez was one of them. Very, very bad car. Still, a luxury vehicle to Poles under Commie times. Here: at some collector's place?
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It poured. At some point, sleet carried ice needles, attacking my face. I had to shorten the ride a little.
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Graveloza Addicts and Adventures Naturally. The organisers left these stickers behind the wiper of my car. I had a little chat with them on FB later and they at least seemed sorry for what had happened. OK...
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Ride map with POI. Blue dashed line: Planned route. Red line: Actually ridden.
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"Repaired" ride metrics.
@Prairie Dog: First of all, Strava had a hiccup and I had to repair the ride map. Secondly, the Giant display gave 92.3 km ridden. Does it ring a bell?