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Anyone tried an etrike? Looks fun …
Greenspeed Etrike

Harlin, South East Queensland
6:50 am; 15 km
I was riding with a new group on this little adventure, so I have yet to find out the full details of this etrike. I think it's a Greenspeed Magnum XL with a Bafang motor. Whatever the details, someone was enjoying their ride in the country!
Location shown on previous page.
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I felt so alone. When being asked who could help me, i discovered even my brother Jacek couldn't have helped me as a person suspected to be ill with covid. There was a young fireman personally taking care of me. He used Facebook to send a message to my girlfriend @Brix in London. She in turn called my close friend Jazza in Warsaw. (I'm lodging at Jazza's now). Meanwhile, Social Care arrived to the scene. I'm impressed how the things are organised in Poland now.

Trust me, it could be far worse, especially with all that covid trouble.

P.S. In the evening, tests proved Jacek was not a covid victim (just a cold). He's ready to help me.
I felt so alone. When being asked who could help me, i discovered even my brother Jacek couldn't have helped me as a person suspected to be ill with covid. There was a young fireman personally taking care of me. He used Facebook to send a message to my girlfriend @Brix in London. She in turn called my close friend Jazza in Warsaw. (I'm lodging at Jazza's now). Meanwhile, Social Care arrived to the scene. I'm impressed how the things are organised in Poland now.

Trust me, it could be far worse, especially with all that covid trouble.

P.S. In the evening, tests proved Jacek was not a covid victim (just a cold). He's ready to help me.
Stefan, so thankful you are ok. 🤗🚴‍♀️
A Day Without An Adventure Is A Day Lost (Part 2, or 2021 edition)

Let the video tell the story first :) (1 min 58 s).

We met with Joanna Makenzen at a well-known parking lot of the Kampinos National Park (KPN) at 9:00 am. It was +8 C. As soon as we both rode out, I discovered I almost had no brakes! (Apparently worn brake pads). The first ride leg was upwind. Makenzen cheated me on the night before: "Oh, I'm riding my recumbent bike at a pensioner pace, some 15-20 km/h..." And she actually rode 22-24 km/h into the wind! :D (I rode with 25/25% assistance on my Vado).

Riding with back & side wind, we rode to Zaborów where Marta Katrina was awaiting us. (Katrina rides a recumbent bike exactly the same as Makenzen's, only her handlebars are different: resembling Jones H-bars). From the very start, Katrina (who has enormous charisma) asked me for the remaining range on my single battery. I was surprised how much of charge has left -- and agreed to a ride longer than planned. When we changed the ride direction and started riding with the tailwind, both girls sped up and reached 33 km/h. As I didn't want to increase my assistance, I worked out more to not be left behind :)

Meanwhile, the temperature reached as much as +19 C!!! Full sunshine! At the Roztoka parking lot, I removed some clothing. At Cybulice Duże, I only left my base layer! No goggles, no gloves!!!

After a stop at McDonald's in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, we rode with traffic towards Czosnów. And there, we had the first adventure. A police patrol demanded we all moved to the bike path. I vigorously refused: "Who, me? Officer, no way! I'm riding an electric moped!" -- "We're gonna talk. Pull over, sir!"

I admit I was behaving horribly. I was shouting at both officers, I was actually offending them! It was all because I was perfectly legal. Now, I regret my actions, because the cops had the right to do the vehicle check. I calmed down a little (it is not wise to offend a police officer on duty), presented my personal ID and driving license. One of the guys checked my registration and insurance in the database, then returned my documents.

-- "Sir. We understand you might have been upset but we're on duty and have the right to make a check on your vehicle. You have to be aware there are perhaps as many as two S-Pedelecs registered in Poland. Yes, we wrongly assessed your moped, taking it for a regular bike. However, we have never seen an S-Pedelec before and wanted to check what it was like. Now, some more checks:"

-- "Does your headlight carry Certificate of Conformity?" -- he almost took me by surprise -- "Yes, officer. See from below, it is there" -- "Okay".
-- "Is your moped equipped with turn signals?" -- "The Bill of 2001..." -- "Okay, okay, you have the right to indicate your turns with arms, fine".
-- "Demonstrate your brake lights" -- "Here you are" -- "Excellent. Be informed, sir, that the STOP light at a moped is just optional".
-- "You need to be aware sir we know the law and are not idiots. We wish you a pleasant trip. Only I would like to discourage you from riding out on Highway 7" -- "From my side, officers, I want to apologise for my harsh words: I'm very sorry indeed. And... I'm not an idiot to ride out onto Highway 7 either" :D

Just after passing Czosnów, the crank in Makenzen's bike fell off. As a gentleman, I switched to 70% Turbo mode and zoomed for 13 km towards the parking lot to rescue Makenzen with my station-wagon. Meanwhile, Katrina pedalled hard towards home against growing headwind and into the rain...

What a beautiful day it was!

View attachment 82996
Ride map.

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Ride metrics.
Don't worry! I would have bailed you out :)
Fire has destroyed half of my house. Tygra the cat died in flames. All my e-bikes and anything related to them have been rescued. Almost no harm to me except slightly burned palms.
Staying with a friend. Soon, getting a social flat from the Council for several months. My home will be renovated.
Don't worry, I'll be back soon!

P.S. It's so good to have good neighbours and trusted friends...
That is tough to hear, keep positive thinking! I will pray for you and your loved ones (big hug)
Stefan, that is terrible. You survived and like Icarus, rose from the flames, indomitable spirit in tact. Stuff can be replaced. Loss of your feline companion must be difficult. Do you know how the fire started?

You have a virtual community of friends here rooting for you. Material support is hard to give under the circumstances. Know that you have all the moral support from your international ebike friends.

Use this unplanned change as an opportunity to come back stronger, leaner, better.
Fire has destroyed half of my house. Tygra the cat died in flames. All my e-bikes and anything related to them have been rescued. Almost no harm to me except slightly burned palms.
Staying with a friend. Soon, getting a social flat from the Council for several months. My home will be renovated.
Don't worry, I'll be back soon!

P.S. It's so good to have good neighbours and trusted friends...
I don’t know you but have seen many of your posts.
I wanted to say I feel for you and hope everything works out for that was a terrible thing to happen. From a quarter of the world away from you, I wish you the best, I will be looking for new posts from you after you resettle. – Ron.
I am sorry for Tygra.
Fire has destroyed half of my house. Tygra the cat died in flames. All my e-bikes and anything related to them have been rescued. Almost no harm to me except slightly burned palms.
Staying with a friend. Soon, getting a social flat from the Council for several months. My home will be renovated.
Don't worry, I'll be back soon!

P.S. It's so good to have good neighbours and trusted friends...

Oh wow Stefan, that’s really sad. And the kitty did not survive.
A couple rough weeks, you lost a close friend and then a house fire.
I am relieved that you were not injured.
There are losses. Lost my work PC, retained a laptop. All basses and guitars have burnt, amps saved. Two compacts cameras and several lenses lost. My DSLR camera with two good lenses rescued. The first floor and cellar survived. When my neighbours rushed to help, I handed my e-bikes, then batteries, then chargers to them in the first place. They removed anything valuable from the first floor before the fire brigade came. I took the car key and wallet with me. Smartphone burned. Writing from a new one. I do hate Samsung...
So sorry to hear about this. It does sound like you have really good friends and neighbors. I hope you are back in your home soon and I'm extremely glad you weren't hurt.
Fire has destroyed half of my house. Tygra the cat died in flames. All my e-bikes and anything related to them have been rescued. Almost no harm to me except slightly burned palms.
Staying with a friend. Soon, getting a social flat from the Council for several months. My home will be renovated.
Don't worry, I'll be back soon!

P.S. It's so good to have good neighbours and trusted friends...
Stefan - so sorry to hear your house is half destroyed by fire and the loss of Tygra - yesterday we had a near miss with a wild grass fire 10 miles wide move just south of our rural property, four neighbors to the south lost everything to the fire fanned by 100 km winds; it gave us pause to reflect on a fire exit plan and while we were discussing this I glanced at your post - all the best with your future plans and I am glad you still have your bikes to give you the exercise and release of all that tension that surely has built up - take care and look forward to hearing about the rebuilding of your home - Bill
Fire has destroyed half of my house. Tygra the cat died in flames. All my e-bikes and anything related to them have been rescued. Almost no harm to me except slightly burned palms.
Staying with a friend. Soon, getting a social flat from the Council for several months. My home will be renovated.
Don't worry, I'll be back soon!

P.S. It's so good to have good neighbours and trusted friends...
What a nightmare, I'm so sorry Stefan! Poor Tygra, what an awful way to lose your kitty! :( As others have said it could have been so much worse, imagine your batteries catching fire, that would have caused an inferno! I'm glad you only had minor burns, I hope you will get back to your home as quickly as possible! Take care my friend, we are all here for you at this truly awful time!

Believe it or not I actually had a very lucky escape very recently, I had a bedside lamp that suddenly switched off and within seconds I could smell electrical burning! I instantly pulled the plug from the wall socket and the 3mm jack plug going into the led lamp was red hot! I was really lucky as I had only just enetered the room a few minutes before it happened, it doesn't bare thinking about what might have happened if I hadn't been in the room at the time as the lamp had been switched on for around 30 minutes! My bike and my 2 batteries were in the same room....
Sorry to hear about your house and cat! Stefan, do you know how the fire started? My ex-husband's house caught fire from where the woodstove chimney pipe went into the ceiling. He lost everything except what was in his vehicle. No insurance at all. It is a hard thing to recover from. But you are not alone - - your many friends on this forum just aren't close by. Let us know how we can help.
It was me who started the fire. Smoking kills.

Some positive news: the masonry of my house is solid and the first floor is totally safe and only very dirty. Although the second floor looks terrible, the roof is almost undamaged. I can imagine lowering the house to the first floor level.

And... Although I lost the kitty and a lot of ware, all my e-bike world is intact. (Because almost everything related was kept downstairs). I might have lost my Adidas FreeRider Pro shoes though 🤔

Thank you so much friends for your positive support! I think I needed changes in my life anyway...

I managed to get out for a couple of hours today, it was still pretty windy but thankfully dry! It was just a local route I really enjoy and have done many times during the restrictions so I didn't take any photos today! I had a nice 30mph tailwind for the first 14 miles or so which was very welcome, the last 13 miles were straight into the 30mph headwind and really depleted my battery! Thankfully I was carrying my spare battery just in case and I was very glad I did! There were quite a few cyclists out today but I didn't see any braving that headwind, can't blame them;)

My bike is 3 years old today and it still rides like a brand new bike, it has really changed my life for the better and I hope to enjoy many more years riding it! In those 3 years I have covered 13,940 miles from 294 rides which is an average of over 47 miles per ride, I think I can safely say I got my moneys worth! 😁
It was me who started the fire. Smoking kills.

Some positive news: the masonry of my house is solid and the first floor is totally safe and only very dirty. Although the second floor looks terrible, the roof is almost undamaged. I can imagine lowering the house to the first floor level.

And... Although I lost the kitty and a lot of ware, all my e-bike world is intact. (Because almost everything related was kept downstairs). I might have lost my Adidas FreeRider Pro shoes though 🤔

Thank you so much friends for your positive support! I think I needed changes in my life anyway...
Stefan, my respect for you grows the more I learn about you. Your honesty, with us, with yourself is truly admirable...and not very common. No denial...just the facts stated with no evasion or attempt to avoid personal responsibility. Combine that with an honest assessment of what you need to do to avoid such an awful thing recurring shows not just a willingness to learn but an eagerness to do so that is quite unusual and something that demonstrates your true integrity.
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Fire has destroyed half of my house. Tygra the cat died in flames. All my e-bikes and anything related to them have been rescued. Almost no harm to me except slightly burned palms.
Staying with a friend. Soon, getting a social flat from the Council for several months. My home will be renovated.
Don't worry, I'll be back soon!

P.S. It's so good to have good neighbours and trusted friends...
Very sorry to hear about your loss Stefan. :( You've experienced quite a traumatic past few weeks but it's nice to know that you have a great support group to lean on during this time.
Chin up my friend.