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Very true. It was a pleasant 24F during the ride. In fact, I had to hang my coat, gloves, hat, etc near the fireplace upon my return as they were soaked--with sweat!
Seriously? That’s spring like weather. We don’t have a hope in hades of reaching those kind of temps here anytime soon. A high of -29C (-20F) without the windchill factored in for tomorrow. At least it’ll be sunny.
Seriously? That’s spring like weather. We don’t have a hope in hades of reaching those kind of temps here anytime soon. A high of -29C (-20F) without the windchill factored in for tomorrow. At least it’ll be sunny.
Seems about right. Both places will be about 25 degrees below normal on Monday. Your problem is that your degrees are Celcius. If you were smart you'd use Fahrenheit like us, then it wouldn't be as cold there.

I'm pretty sure that's how it works ;)
ha not for us, heating engineer now, got underfloor heating and a radiator suitable for siberia.
I left my heat on last night (17F (-8.x C) this morning) in order to make sure that the kitchen water does not freeze. In the past, that is the only faucet/drain susceptible to freezing below about 20F. When I had a new bathroom installed and remodeled the other one, I did have floor heating installed but don't really use it. I don't mind cold floors and I don't find that using it heats the rooms sufficiently.

@DiggyGun A few years back I had Mitsubishi mini-splits put in four rooms mainly for air conditioning (after high heat and forest fire summers) and also heating. I call the Mitsubishi units "range hoods" hanging on the walls!
True, until the temperature drops to -40C then it becomes slightly warmer here.😬
We typically look at the Yakutsk weather to feel better :D


And, found this poor little guy trying to stay warm up under the beam of our balcony - it's 19 degrees right now and falling:

View attachment 110243
He didn't move all night, and I was really afraid he was dead! But, this morning, the second I put the feeder back out, he fluffed up and zoomed right to it 🤗🤗🤗!

I'm going to have to bring the feeder in and out throughout the day to keep it thawed, and I'm investigating what kind of plants I can have in pots (I live in the 3rd floor) to provide food in winter.

Sorry .. This probably belongs in the Green Room 😉 - I was just so happy the little critter wasn't dead!!!

"Getting better - forecast is now -2C. Group ride shaping up!"

Oh, one rider and his/her bike? o_O

I just did a four mile walk in the snow in 20F (-6.7 C) which is chilly for Seattle.



There was more than enough glare ice to make some of you STUDS happy. (g)
Been raining here all day and the forecast for the rest of week is more rain, sprinkled with more rain…
@Prairie Dog: A friend of mine, an experienced travelling journalist asked me to show you this video: "Norilsk, the Hell of the North". Sorry it is in Polish only.

Norilsk, a Russian city above the Polar Circle in the Asian part of Russia. It is not only the cold that makes living there hopeless.

  • White bears and wolverines are a real issue there
  • The fifth most polluted city in the world
  • Dilapidated housing
  • Local authority dictatorship
  • No warm water during the winter
  • The only way to get there is by ship or airplane
  • As it is an enclosed industrial area, you need a permission from the Russian authorities to get in
One minute of watching tells you the whole story.

Compared to that, Canada is a paradise...
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