Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Ooh-stzhee-kee :D

You can hear the name sung in the chorus:

Fun fact: In 1979, there were only three punk-rock bands in Poland: Deadlock of Gdańsk, Kryzys of Warsaw, and KSU of Ustrzyki Dolne. You might want to ask how it happened a punk-rock band was created in a small town at the foot of remote mountains. The answer is simple: Because no-one cared about them there :) The lyrics start with: "A beautiful town in the heart of the mountains, two streets, and a single bar..." :D Today, at 8 p.m., I'm about to have a beer with the original singer whom I met last in 1979... He's now a local guide and a promoter of Ukrainian culture.

Pałaszczuk :D (the name is Polish but has Ukrainian roots to my ear).

Tadeusz Kościuszko was the name of the man who fortified West Point during the American Revolutionary War. Oh, I used to listen to Midnight Oil, too!
We all know Stefan was pogoing at the front.

Getting back to bikes... ;) My legs were still feeling it from my epic Sunday ride so I was intending to go for an easy ride today...yeah right!🤣 They actually felt ok after a few miles so I went for a longer and harder than expected ride! I'm so glad I had my spare battery with me as the wind really picked up on my return journey and of course it was a headwind! I stupidly deleted my photos, first time I've managed that!:rolleyes:

Anyway it was a fun ride with a lot of climbing and a lot of lovely descents, one of those descents was on a road I had forgotten about and hadn't ridden for probably 20 years! It was epic, you can follow it here from the top of the descent! https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.9...AjMYgaqcgesvIu7zPShQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en Lovely smooth tarmac all the way down!👍

Thankfully it stayed dry despite some nasty looking black clouds and the temp was perfect for cycling, around 14C! Mostly quiet back roads today but I met a giant tractor whilst climbing a huge hill, it was taking up the whole road and the farmer wasn't stopping! I managed to get off the bike and lift it to the side, it sure is hefty with 2 batteries!;) I managed to get going again but had to use level 3 assist due to the gradient! I would have been pushing for sure if it wasn't an e bike! All the way home I was still using level 3 assist, that headwind was brutal...e bikes really are awesome when it comes to headwinds!:D


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I Would Have Never Guessed...
... I could jump onto my Vado after 8 1/2 hours spent in the car to energetically pedal for 25 km in the mountains to ride to a craft beer brewery...😁
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Brewery Ursa Maior, Uherce Mineralne, Bieszczady Mts, Poland.
Boy, I miss hiking and cross-country skiing in Europe. Where most of the group would be ordering various beers while I had sparkling water! No, not a tea-totaler. Just too easy for alcohol to go straight to my brain and then be able to hike or ski afterward. I saved mine for after the activity ceased for the day!
I saved mine for after the activity ceased for the day!
Actually, I went there to see the place, as it was recommended to me by friends who visit Bieszczady more often than I do. I bought a litre and a half of Strong Ale in a plastic bottle (poured from the tap) for later there. Some gifts, and a small glass of Black IPA. I was very lucky to get there just before closing at 5 pm!

I was riding vacant side roads (50 km in total). Later, I rode to a restaurant for a regional dinner, and then I had a large Black IPA there. So I had to walk my Vado to the guesthouse in Walk mode 😁

On the way back from the brewery to Ustrzyki, I could see several miracles, which I will report in a few days (the Internet is crappy here).

My friend could not make it on time. He messaged me to advice taking both the "Ukrainian" and "Slovak" bike trips. So I cancelled the Lower Beskid hotel booking, and extended my stay in Bieszczady for another day. (After driving for almost 500 km, it has been a good thing to do).

I talked with a co-guest here. He brought his family with him, and his driving was for 700 km. It is true what people are saying: seeing Bieszczady is worth of pain! My last time here was, what, 38 years ago? The area is really secluded. In the past, some people used to find a refuge in Bieszczady (ones who couldn't conform to the society).

Bieszczady Mts are the only area left to Poland after WW2 of the huge land that extended all the way to Romania. The mountains border with Ukraine and Slovakia, magical place!

P.S. I rode out at 6:20 am today, to a large petrol station for breakfast first. Now, I'm heading to the most distant village of Wołosate that is located high and is the farthest corner of Poland (separated from Ukraine by mountain range). A long trip upwards, I hope I can make it! Note: It is terribly cold here.


A Ruthenian Uniate church in Równia. Uniates are Greek Orthodox who united with the Catholic Church while they can practice their own rites. The faith is specific to the historical Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth of past ages.

So Stefan did you have a go on the carts?
I can't understand that idiom! 😁
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Actually, I went there to see the place, as it was recommended to me by friends who visit Bieszczady more often than I do. I bought a litre and a half of Strong Ale in a plastic bottle (poured from the tap) for later there. Some gifts, and a small glass of Black IPA. I was very lucky to get there just before closing at 5 pm!

I was riding vacant side roads (50 km in total). Later, I rode to a restaurant for a regional dinner, and then I had a large Black IPA there. So I had to walk my Vado to the guesthouse in Walk mode 😁

On the way back from the brewery to Ustrzyki, I could see several miracles, which I will report in a few days (the Internet is crappy here).

My friend could not make it on time. He messaged me to advice taking both the "Ukrainian" and "Slovak" bike trips. So I cancelled the Lower Beskid hotel booking, and extended my stay in Bieszczady for another day. (After driving for almost 500 km, it has been a good thing to do).

I talked with a co-guest here. He brought his family with him, and his driving was for 700 km. It is true what people are saying: seeing Bieszczady is worth of pain! My last time here was, what, 38 years ago? The area is really secluded. In the past, some people used to find a refuge in Bieszczady (ones who couldn't conform to the society).

Bieszczady Mts are the only area left to Poland after WW2 of the huge land that extended all the way to Romania. The mountains border with Ukraine and Slovakia, magical place!

P.S. I rode out at 6:20 am today, to a large petrol station for breakfast first. Now, I'm heading to the most distant village of Wołosate that is located high and is the farthest corner of Poland (separated from Ukraine by mountain range). A long trip upwards, I hope I can make it! Note: It is terribly cold here.

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A Ruthenian Uniate church in Równia. Uniates are Greek Orthodox who united with the Catholic Church while they can practice their own rites. The faith is specific to the historical Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth of past ages.

I can't understand that idiom! 😁
That beer hall had some kind of mining cart ride on its website.

I made another of my dreams come true. I have reached the most remote Southeast tip of Poland accessible by road. And recorded my personal best: the longest mountain road e-bike ride with the biggest elevation gain 😊


That was not easy. Two kilometres before my target, I was stopped by a female ranger who told me any bikes had been banned from the Bieszczady National Park. After I told her about my disability, about the price of my ebike (that could not be left at the Park entry point), and about my dream, she let me go ❤️ Later, she let another senior roadie make his dream come true! A lovely person!

@Chargeride: I've got the photo of railroad bike-carts! Allow a few days until I return home.
As we continue our somewhat working vacation on our family's ranch in the Nechaco Valley of central British Columbia I am exploring lots of forestry trails via the e-bike. With the bear spray dangling from my handlebar one might think I have a bear story to share but no the numerous bear sightings fortunately are of black bears enjoying an abundant berry crop. However, last night as my wife and I enjoyed several large Canadian geese rise off the lake's tributary we were astonished to see a Bobcat leap up and grab the last goose lifting off by the neck. And away he went dragging his supper that was at least as big as him - it took both of us some time to process what we just witnessed!!!
Cruising the Icefields Parkway - Lake Louise to Bow Lake

Yesterday’s ride, once again, took us out along the Icefields Parkway as we braved a chilly AM push off from Lake Louise. By the time we left, the mercury had only risen from 2C to 5C and our decision to bundle up and add an extra layer or two was a prudent one as the sun wasn’t expected to make an appearance until close to noon hour. The peak summer traffic, as expected, was heavy at times and was the only downfall to an otherwise spectacular outing on the bikes.

In terms of sheer beauty, this section of the Parkway and its attractions is hard to beat. :cool:

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On this rare occasion, my wife and I treated ourselves and spent the night at a quaint lodge 2km down the road from Lake Louise. It was nowhere near as posh and luxurious as the Iconic Chateau Louise but quite charming nonetheless. We would meet up with my sister and brother-in-law who were planning on driving from Calgary the following morning.

Realizing that we would be pressed for time in the morning, we decided to spend part of our evening with a casual stroll down to the lake. Upon our arrival, thick clouds hung over and enshrouded Mount Temple foiling an otherwise idyllic setting.

The Iconic Chateau.
A memorial to the first Swiss mountain guides who forged many of the local trails making them accessible to the countless number of hikers who frequent the area.


View of Hector Lake nestled amongst the evergreens and a mountain backdrop.


We were unable to view Crowfoot Glacier on our ride last month out to Bow Lake due to wildfire smoke and so we were delighted that the divinities were looking fondly upon us on this day.



Bow Lake, the source of the mighty Bow River.We couldn’t think of a more appropriate time and place for reflection.



Our stopover at Mosquito Creek Wilderness Hostel stirs up fond memories of when my wife and I spent our Christmas holidays with another couple back in ‘92. I clearly remember that crisp Christmas morning when we strapped on skates and skimmed along the crystal-clear surface of Lake Louise.


Picturesque Herbert Lake. There were a few hearty souls who braved the cold waters of this small glacial fed lake.


Video of our ride from Lake Louise to Bow Lake

A hell of an escort - Just before we arrived at Bow Lake, a long procession of Hell's Angels and affiliated biker gangs led by an official police escort passed by us in thunderous fashion. They’ve been known to stop in neighboring Cochrane for ice cream and I presume the authorities were on hand to keep the peace.

Cruising the Icefields Parkway - Lake Louise to Bow Lake

Yesterday’s ride, once again, took us out along the Icefields Parkway as we braved a chilly AM push off from Lake Louise. By the time we left, the mercury had only risen from 2C to 5C and our decision to bundle up and add an extra layer or two was a prudent one as the sun wasn’t expected to make an appearance until close to noon hour. The peak summer traffic, as expected, was heavy at times and was the only downfall to an otherwise spectacular outing on the bikes.

In terms of sheer beauty, this section of the Parkway and its attractions is hard to beat. :cool:

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On this rare occasion, my wife and I treated ourselves and spent the night at a quaint lodge 2km down the road from Lake Louise. It was nowhere near as posh and luxurious as the Iconic Chateau Louise but quite charming nonetheless. We would meet up with my sister and brother-in-law who were planning on driving from Calgary the following morning.
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Realizing that we would be pressed for time in the morning, we decided to spend part of our evening with a casual stroll down to the lake. Upon our arrival, thick clouds hung over and enshrouded Mount Temple foiling an otherwise idyllic setting.
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The Iconic Chateau.
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A memorial to the first Swiss mountain guides who forged many of the local trails making them accessible to the countless number of hikers who frequent the area.
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View of Hector Lake nestled amongst the evergreens and a mountain backdrop.

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We were unable to view Crowfoot Glacier on our ride last month out to Bow Lake due to wildfire smoke and so we were delighted that the divinities were looking fondly upon us on this day.

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Bow Lake, the source of the mighty Bow River.We couldn’t think of a more appropriate time and place for reflection.

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Our stopover at Mosquito Creek Wilderness Hostel stirs up fond memories of when my wife and I spent our Christmas holidays with another couple back in ‘92. I clearly remember that crisp Christmas morning when we strapped on skates and skimmed along the crystal-clear surface of Lake Louise.

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Picturesque Herbert Lake. There were a few hearty souls who braved the cold waters of this small glacial fed lake.

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Video of our ride from Lake Louise to Bow Lake

A hell of an escort - Just before we arrived at Bow Lake, a long procession of Hell's Angels and affiliated biker gangs led by an official police escort passed by us in thunderous fashion. They’ve been known to stop in neighboring Cochrane for ice cream and I presume the authorities were on hand to keep the peace.

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Wonderful pictures. Thanks for the memories. I'd skied across Lake Louise a number of time up to the Plain of the Six Glaciers. Skied Mosquito Creek and Bow Lake, too. How close to heaven do you folks live?
Wonderful pictures. Thanks for the memories. I'd skied across Lake Louise a number of time up to the Plain of the Six Glaciers. Skied Mosquito Creek and Bow Lake, too. How close to heaven do you folks live?
Not close enough I’m afraid. It’s a 3-hour drive to Banff NP and even longer to Jasper. There is some consolation in that our central location provides the option for us to travel to either destination. We’re looking forward to a Jasper ride next month when the vacationing crowds thin out.

Wow, you really do know your way around these parts. 👍
Not close enough I’m afraid. It’s a 3-hour drive to Banff NP and even longer to Jasper. There is some consolation in that our central location provides the option for us to travel to either destination. We’re looking forward to a Jasper ride next month when the vacationing crowds thin out.

Wow, you really do know your way around these parts. 👍
It's about 12 hours from here. We went up there four years in a row for back country skiing. But it has been a while. Then another friend and I did a Fall trip hiking around. She is very much a hostel enthusiast - me a bit less so but I did like the one at Lake Louise which is where we stayed when skiing. You can probably find some of our refried beans on the ceiling in the basement kitchen!!! :) Oh, someone accidentally hit the pot handle and the pan went flying!

Was it Payto Bills or some such?
It's about 12 hours from here. We went up there four years in a row for back country skiing. But it has been a while. Then another friend and I did a Fall trip hiking around. She is very much a hostel enthusiast - me a bit less so but I did like the one at Lake Louise which is where we stayed when skiing. You can probably find some of our refried beans on the ceiling in the basement kitchen!!! :) Oh, someone accidentally hit the pot handle and the pan went flying!

Was it Payto Bills or some such?
Perhaps it’s time to pay a visit to the area and relive some of those memories. :) (Wild) Bill Peytos was a well-known guide/mountaineer in Banff and the alpine hut where you stayed at was named in his honor. His face also adorns the welcome to Banff sign near the entrance to the town.

Its hard to follow @Prairie Dog's amazing pictures, they are truly breathtaking!

Another perfect day for cycling with a temp of 15C and very light winds, no need for the second battery today! It was overcast but no sign of rain so I'm not complaining, I was flying along today on fantastic roads! :D This road never fails to make me smile, this is just before the big descent which is such a buzz!



Some of the back roads had lots of gravel scattered on them due to the recent heavy rain but thankfully it was mostly near the centre of the road and easy to avoid! I just can't praise my amazing bike highly enough, without doubt its the best purchase I have ever made! 16,388 miles covered in 3 years and 4 months says it all, I hope it lasts for many more years! I said I would use my old hybrid occasionally but its almost impossible to leave my e bike behind, its just too much fun!:D

I'm looking forward to Sunday already but it will be a shorter ride this time, if only I could get away with doing a 100 miler every weekend!;) I have done 5 this year though so I'm very lucky, hopefully more to come before the year is out!🤞All going well I hope to head further north when time allows, I really want to ride over Ben Lawers in the Highlands again which is awesome on the right day! The mountain is just under 4,000ft in elevation but the paved road only goes up to 1,800ft! This was where I had to get a lift back to my car years ago when I got a puncture that I couldn't repair! I would have to go next month at the latest as it will be virtually impassable from October onwards!

No doubt @Chargeride could reach the top of it with ease!;) The fun part is the descent of course , my favourite part as long as they haven't released the cows again which I came across on my motorbike years ago! They made a right mess of the road, as cows do!🤣 One time I was at the top of the climb and 3 RAF Tornados shot past in the valley below, they were too fast for me to get a photo but what a sight that was!


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Its hard to follow @Prairie Dog's amazing pictures, they are truly breathtaking!

Another perfect day for cycling with a temp of 15C and very light winds, no need for the second battery today! It was overcast but no sign of rain so I'm not complaining, I was flying along today on fantastic roads! :D This road never fails to make me smile, this is just before the big descent which is such a buzz!

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Some of the back roads had lots of gravel scattered on them due to the recent heavy rain but thankfully it was mostly near the centre of the road and easy to avoid! I just can't praise my amazing bike highly enough, without doubt its the best purchase I have ever made! 16,388 miles covered in 3 years and 4 months says it all, I hope it lasts for many more years! I said I would use my old hybrid occasionally but its almost impossible to leave my e bike behind, its just too much fun!:D

I'm looking forward to Sunday already but it will be a shorter ride this time, if only I could get away with doing a 100 miler every weekend!;) I have done 5 this year though so I'm very lucky, hopefully more to come before the year is out!🤞All going well I hope to head further north when time allows, I really want to ride over Ben Lawers in the Highlands again which is awesome on the right day! The mountain is just under 4,000ft in elevation but the paved road only goes up to 1,800ft! This was where I had to get a lift back to my car years ago when I got a puncture that I couldn't repair! I would have to go next month at the latest as it will be virtually impassable from October onwards!

No doubt @Chargeride could reach the top of it with ease!;) The fun part is the descent of course , my favourite part as long as they haven't released the cows again which I came across on my motorbike years ago! They made a right mess of the road, as cows do!🤣 One time I was at the top of the climb and 3 RAF Tornados shot past in the valley below, they were too fast for me to get a photo but what a sight that was!
It may not be the Canadian Rockies but it looks more than pleasant. So, let me ask: those 16,000+ miles have all been done on the original battery although I see you have a second. And, you Brits use Imperial for distance and height but Metric for temperatures.
It may not be the Canadian Rockies but it looks more than pleasant. So, let me ask: those 16,000+ miles have all been done on the original battery although I see you have a second. And, you Brits use Imperial for distance and height but Metric for temperatures.
228 cycles on the original battery and 35 cycles on battery 2! We tend to alternate between fahrenheit and celsius, but use mostly celsius!
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