The Herbalist Homestead, or (Almost) an Imperial Century
I spent busy (early) Sunday morning making a tutorial video* at my original homestead; I rode for 16.8 km on
The Bike
At 9:36 I and
That Woman set off from Piastów to intercept
The Roadie and
My Brother in Pruszków. The trip goal was to visit Justyna's Aunt, who is a famous herbalist; Ewa and her lifetime partner Jurek own the
Herbalist Homestead in Wycinka Wolska, Land of Łódź. The peloton consisted of (and mostly in that order):
- Yours Truly as the team leader (for 90% of the trip) and navigator, also carrying the team's goods (a lot of vegetables and drinking water) in two panniers (Speed-Vado 5.0)
- The Roadie riding as the "Queen of Drafting" behind the current leader (a road bike nicknamed Princess, 28 mm lowly inflated tyres)
- That Woman, riding her Haibike XC bike for most of the trip (and Giant Trance E+ for 30 km)
- Brother, acting as the Support & Gear and also carrying some cargo (aforementioned Trance E+, except 30 km, when he rode the traditional Haibike).
I can only say it is difficult to be a team leader but I seem to have fulfilled that role well.
Fast ride all the way except on strong headwind segments (typical cruising speed was 30 km/h). We stopped for coffee and ice-cream at the Radziejowice Palace, then continued the ride. We were expected at the Herbalist Homestead at 14:00, and we would have made it if not a navigation error of yours truly that added 10 km to our trip and cost us another half an hour.
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Ewa and Jurek managed to create a quaint paradise (including their Bernese she-dog and cats) in secluded countryside of Central Poland. The couple make for living by organizing herbalist workshops, and they are popular on the telly. Top: We're all enjoying delicious "Green Soup" cooked by Jurek; the soup was made solely of herbs, water, butter, and salt.
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Top: Ania The Roadie (who is a vegan) preparing vegetables. Bottom: Justyna That Woman prepared vegan lecho as the main meal. (You can see I was very tired at that moment).
I admit the Saturday's metric century and the Sunday's ride made me exhausted. Just after finishing the meal, I excused myself, and took a nap. (My team was worried, thinking they lost their leader, haha!)

After I woke up, I washed my face, neck, and hands with cold water and took some sightseeing.
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Centre: The thatched-roof barn
Top, bottom: The Old House (1924). Ewa and Jurek bought it, cleaned it up, and happily lived there for 20 years (until they built the new house).
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Top, centre: brick & stone cowbarn (1936)
Bottom: An old well.
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Inside the Old House (kitchen). Justyna used to spend her vacation there as a kid.
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Inside the Old House. Top: Bedroom/living room. Centre: Assorted artefacts; see a charcoal-heated iron! Bottom: Ewa presenting a toy airplane.
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Skylarking in Wiskitki on the return way (I jokingly renamed Wiskitki to Wisconsin, as the latter is easier to pronounce!)
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The day was full of adventures. Ania -- who was riding her road bike -- had to cope with: concrete block road, sand, cracked asphalt, and even off-road! All with flying colours! Justyna tried riding an e-MTB for 30 km, and Jacek proved his own fitness by riding Justyna's XC bike at the same segment.
Several kilometres before the finish line, our group (riding at steady 30 km/h with slight tailwind on the flat) was overtaken by a young girl riding a hardtail bike. She virtually zoomed by us. "Stefan, don't" Ania exclaimed but it was too late

A nasty smile on my face, Turbo on, high cadence, and I rode side by side with that girl instantly. "Nice riding indeed!" I shouted to that girl and disappeared at distance. My own peak power was 433 W, Specialized 1.2s motor added its 520 W, and I sped up past the limiter, reaching 47.9 km/h! That is my guilty pleasure: Breaking morale of fast traditional cyclists

And that girl gave up (she shouted to Ania she had to stop to wait for her partner; they always give up -- save Time Trial roadies)
My pride was punished soon. Upon arriving to Piastów, I found a tyre of my car being flat. My brother turned back from his way home and saved me. He's an incredible person that Jacek!
Summary: 157 km ridden on a single day. Two miles short of the Imperial Century.
*) The tutorial video made early on Sunday morning: