Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

I missed out on the Scottish trip, partly because I.didnt trust the bike and partly because I couldnt be arsed driving 8 hours to the top of Scotland.
They did a few very remote mtb trails.
Just a few pics so you can see what they are like.

One was Balblair, Rabh might know it.

Looks pretty heavy going, old men on ebikes trying to hold on to their youth.
Why not.

Sorry to be depressing but this shot weve called Nibbys hill, they spread his ashes here because he loved the climb up to it.
He broke his neck going over the bars on a easy trail and ended up partially paralysed, took his own life 2 years later.
So be careful out there..not like these idiots .......

He was a larger than life character, all of 5ft foot four tall, could chat up a supermodel, did every dangerous sport on two wheels.
Left superbike racing tracks in an ambulance 3 times.
Once he spun in the air so fast and high his boots and helmet were found 200m apart.
So it finally got him and he spent the last year refusing to talk to us or anyone offering help.
He was only 42, but thats 257 in Nibby years.
The Herbalist Homestead, or (Almost) an Imperial Century

I spent busy (early) Sunday morning making a tutorial video* at my original homestead; I rode for 16.8 km on The Bike :)

At 9:36 I and That Woman set off from Piastów to intercept The Roadie and My Brother in Pruszków. The trip goal was to visit Justyna's Aunt, who is a famous herbalist; Ewa and her lifetime partner Jurek own the Herbalist Homestead in Wycinka Wolska, Land of Łódź. The peloton consisted of (and mostly in that order):
  • Yours Truly as the team leader (for 90% of the trip) and navigator, also carrying the team's goods (a lot of vegetables and drinking water) in two panniers (Speed-Vado 5.0)
  • The Roadie riding as the "Queen of Drafting" behind the current leader (a road bike nicknamed Princess, 28 mm lowly inflated tyres)
  • That Woman, riding her Haibike XC bike for most of the trip (and Giant Trance E+ for 30 km)
  • Brother, acting as the Support & Gear and also carrying some cargo (aforementioned Trance E+, except 30 km, when he rode the traditional Haibike).
I can only say it is difficult to be a team leader but I seem to have fulfilled that role well.

Fast ride all the way except on strong headwind segments (typical cruising speed was 30 km/h). We stopped for coffee and ice-cream at the Radziejowice Palace, then continued the ride. We were expected at the Herbalist Homestead at 14:00, and we would have made it if not a navigation error of yours truly that added 10 km to our trip and cost us another half an hour.


Ewa and Jurek managed to create a quaint paradise (including their Bernese she-dog and cats) in secluded countryside of Central Poland. The couple make for living by organizing herbalist workshops, and they are popular on the telly. Top: We're all enjoying delicious "Green Soup" cooked by Jurek; the soup was made solely of herbs, water, butter, and salt.


Top: Ania The Roadie (who is a vegan) preparing vegetables. Bottom: Justyna That Woman prepared vegan lecho as the main meal. (You can see I was very tired at that moment).

I admit the Saturday's metric century and the Sunday's ride made me exhausted. Just after finishing the meal, I excused myself, and took a nap. (My team was worried, thinking they lost their leader, haha!) :D After I woke up, I washed my face, neck, and hands with cold water and took some sightseeing.


Centre: The thatched-roof barn
Top, bottom: The Old House (1924). Ewa and Jurek bought it, cleaned it up, and happily lived there for 20 years (until they built the new house).


Top, centre: brick & stone cowbarn (1936)
Bottom: An old well.


Inside the Old House (kitchen). Justyna used to spend her vacation there as a kid.


Inside the Old House. Top: Bedroom/living room. Centre: Assorted artefacts; see a charcoal-heated iron! Bottom: Ewa presenting a toy airplane.


Skylarking in Wiskitki on the return way (I jokingly renamed Wiskitki to Wisconsin, as the latter is easier to pronounce!)


The day was full of adventures. Ania -- who was riding her road bike -- had to cope with: concrete block road, sand, cracked asphalt, and even off-road! All with flying colours! Justyna tried riding an e-MTB for 30 km, and Jacek proved his own fitness by riding Justyna's XC bike at the same segment.

Several kilometres before the finish line, our group (riding at steady 30 km/h with slight tailwind on the flat) was overtaken by a young girl riding a hardtail bike. She virtually zoomed by us. "Stefan, don't" Ania exclaimed but it was too late :D A nasty smile on my face, Turbo on, high cadence, and I rode side by side with that girl instantly. "Nice riding indeed!" I shouted to that girl and disappeared at distance. My own peak power was 433 W, Specialized 1.2s motor added its 520 W, and I sped up past the limiter, reaching 47.9 km/h! That is my guilty pleasure: Breaking morale of fast traditional cyclists :D And that girl gave up (she shouted to Ania she had to stop to wait for her partner; they always give up -- save Time Trial roadies) :D

My pride was punished soon. Upon arriving to Piastów, I found a tyre of my car being flat. My brother turned back from his way home and saved me. He's an incredible person that Jacek!

Summary: 157 km ridden on a single day. Two miles short of the Imperial Century.

*) The tutorial video made early on Sunday morning:
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@Chargeride I have heard of Balblair but never visited!
@Stefan Mikes Amazing effort over the weekend, Stefan! If you hadn't chased that girl you could have completed your first imperial century! ;)
@Haystacks Can we keep the politics out of here please, don't spoil a fun thread!


It was good to get out on the bike again and it was such a beautiful day which made it even more enjoyable! Back to the beautiful Clyde Valley which has amazing views everywhere, its impossible not to stop and take photos!;)



I love this view part way up the climb, its very steep where I stopped but no problem getting going again with an e bike!


We really are being blessed with beautiful weather at the moment, I got pretty red at the motorcycle racing yesterday! 🤣 It was even warm when the sun disappeared ocasionally, most unusual for the notorious Knockhill Racing Circuit which usually has a climate of its own! ;) I just loved my ride today, wish I could have gone much further but time was limited! The roads were pretty busy but the drivers were all in a good mood because of the fabulous weather I think!🤣


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No photos today, too hot, hazy and ugly out
"Lee, fa caldo!" :D

Anecdote: I was to Italy for the first time in 1974, as a 13-yo. As we visited our remote family in the Italian Tirol, I was trying to pick up some words both in Italian and German. How confused I was to discover the Italian "caldo" meant hot while the German "kalt" was something totally opposite! :)
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View of Castle Mountain

My wife and I hit the road, once again, this time riding out of the resort town of Banff, AB. We would ride to Castle Mountain and back, a 30 km stretch of road along Hwy 1A which is closed to vehicular traffic during the summer months allowing only cyclists/hikers open access. Much of Western Alberta has been hit by the heatwave and the forecast on this day was expected to top 34C. Nothing like what the folks out in BC are enduring or, for that matter, our American friends in the western states.

The start of the ride was relatively cool (17C) and even dipped a few degrees in the shade as we made our way to 1A. A good sign to start the day. :cool:

Scenic Vermillion Lake and Mount Rundle

One of the five sets of gates and electrified mats that one will encounter when cycling the Legacy Trail. These are installed to prevent wildlife from wandering out onto the adjoining hwy. No worries if you’re riding a bike or walking across grid although it’s suggested that you keep your pets off of them.
A definite sign that bears are nearby and this particular morning was no exception.
Backswamp view along the Bow Valley Parkway. Having the train enter into the photo was a bit fortuitous.

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Mule Shoe Lake

I’ve never encountered a grizzly this close before so we kept our distance and slowly moved on. Several other cyclists could be seen placing calls into Parks Canada and it wasn't long before a parks staff vehicle drove right by us.
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A video tribute of our ride to the Bow Valley Park System and Castle Mountain.

… a few more images of the morning’s ride.

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View of Castle Mountain
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My wife and I hit the road, once again, this time riding out of the resort town of Banff, AB. We would ride to Castle Mountain and back, a 30 km stretch of road along Hwy 1A which is closed to vehicular traffic during the summer months allowing only cyclists/hikers open access. Much of Western Alberta has been hit by the heatwave and the forecast on this day was expected to top 34C. Nothing like what the folks out in BC are enduring or, for that matter, our American friends in the western states.

The start of the ride was relatively cool (17C) and even dipped a few degrees in the shade as we made our way to 1A. A good sign to start the day. :cool:

Scenic Vermillion Lake and Mount Rundle
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One of the five sets of gates and electrified mats that one will encounter when cycling the Legacy Trail. These are installed to prevent wildlife from wandering out onto the adjoining hwy. No worries if you’re riding a bike or walking across grid although it’s suggested that you keep your pets off of them.
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A definite sign that bears are nearby and this particular morning was no exception.
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Backswamp view along the Bow Valley Parkway. Having the train enter into the photo was a bit fortuitous.
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Mule Shoe Lake
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I’ve never encountered a grizzly this close before so we kept our distance and slowly moved on. Several other cyclists could be seen placing calls into Parks Canada and it wasn't long before a parks staff vehicle drove right by us.
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A video tribute of our ride to the Bow Valley Park System and Castle Mountain.

… a few more images of the morning’s ride.

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nice - fantastic pictures and video - they will go a long way in convincing my better half to take the same trip but maybe skip over the grizzly bear somehow - hmm, I've been meaning to get a new bear spray canister to replace my out of date one . . .
nice - fantastic pictures and video - they will go a long way in convincing my better half to take the same trip but maybe skip over the grizzly bear somehow - hmm, I've been meaning to get a new bear spray canister to replace my out of date one . . .
Thanks Bill. I highly recommend doing it. We rode the 1A last year to Lake Louise and overnight-ed there with the intention of returning to Banff the next morning. Unfortunately, my wife was experiencing mechanical issues with her bike and the LBS in the Village was of no help as their mechanic was off for the day. We ended up taking the shuttle bus back to Banff which is another viable option for many who just want to cycle one way to Louise. Parking over night in Banff is fine as long as you choose one of the unmarked residential areas outside of the DT core.

Parking at the Fenlands Recreation Center for the full day is convenient as you’ll be able to take in the gorgeous views as you ride along Vermillion Lakes Road. Many who choose to park close to the gates at 1A will miss that on the ride out there.

We brought bear spray as well as an air horn with us but I think the big fella was more interested in the grass at the side of the road. ;)
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Now that’s what I call bike infrastructure. What a beautiful ride.
The ability to enjoy a vehicle free highway is just part of what makes this such a beautiful ride. It was so popular with cyclists in 2020 that Parks Canada decided to continue the practice again this year. The concept of no shoulder checking takes some getting used to as well as riding in the middle of the road. ;)
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View of Castle Mountain
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My wife and I hit the road, once again, this time riding out of the resort town of Banff, AB. We would ride to Castle Mountain and back, a 30 km stretch of road along Hwy 1A which is closed to vehicular traffic during the summer months allowing only cyclists/hikers open access. Much of Western Alberta has been hit by the heatwave and the forecast on this day was expected to top 34C. Nothing like what the folks out in BC are enduring or, for that matter, our American friends in the western states.

The start of the ride was relatively cool (17C) and even dipped a few degrees in the shade as we made our way to 1A. A good sign to start the day. :cool:

Scenic Vermillion Lake and Mount Rundle
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One of the five sets of gates and electrified mats that one will encounter when cycling the Legacy Trail. These are installed to prevent wildlife from wandering out onto the adjoining hwy. No worries if you’re riding a bike or walking across grid although it’s suggested that you keep your pets off of them.
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A definite sign that bears are nearby and this particular morning was no exception.
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Backswamp view along the Bow Valley Parkway. Having the train enter into the photo was a bit fortuitous.
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Mule Shoe Lake
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I’ve never encountered a grizzly this close before so we kept our distance and slowly moved on. Several other cyclists could be seen placing calls into Parks Canada and it wasn't long before a parks staff vehicle drove right by us.
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A video tribute of our ride to the Bow Valley Park System and Castle Mountain.

… a few more images of the morning’s ride.

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IF there is a nicer ride I sure have no idea where it would be!
The ability to enjoy a vehicle free highway is just part of what makes this such a beautiful ride. It was so popular with cyclists in 2020 that Parks Canada decided to continue the practice again this year. The concept of no shoulder checking takes some getting used to as well as riding in the middle of the road. ;)
Nothing to look back for and nothing to listen for except bells .., edit fat tires
Nothing to look back for and nothing to listen for except bells .., edit fat tires
Old habits are sometimes hard to break. ;) No one typically rings their bells on a two lane highway. They simply zip by you on the other side of the road. Spotted plenty of e-bikes as well as standard rides but me thinks a fat bike might be out of its elements. We did see a few recumbents but being slung so low to the pavement on such a hot day must have been challenging. There were plenty of hard core riders too who seemed to care less about their surroundings and more about getting from point A to B as fast as possible. To each their own I guess.
Old habits are sometimes hard to break. ;) No one typically rings their bells on a two lane highway. They simply zip by you on the other side of the road. Spotted plenty of e-bikes as well as standard rides but me thinks a fat bike might be out of its elements. We did see a few recumbents but being slung so low to the pavement on such a hot day must have been challenging. There were plenty of hard core riders too who seemed to care less about their surroundings and more about getting from point A to B as fast as possible. To each their own I guess.
/offtopic My roadie brother described a night in a B&B with windows open only the sound of derailleurs coming from the streets .
All cars trucks etc.banned. Downtown closed for a race./offtopic