Nyon Retrofit

Finally went on two rides with the Nyon. This is a very well engineered system. Put one of my routes into it just to see how it works. Has a lot more info than my Garmin
Edge 1030. Display is much better also. Liked the turn directions that show up well before the turn. For some reason it got off track and went a bit crazy on the return - I typically head to the end of the Island, do a U-turn, then head home. Maybe the doubling back caused the hiccup, though I also do a U-turn when I hit the top of one hill and it had no trouble picking things up.

And - I am having a devil of a time pairing my BLE Heart Rate Monitor with the Nyon. It's a Viiiiva HRM that works in ANT+ and BLE. I know the BLE is working because it's paired with my iPhone. Could be that HRM can only pair with one device at a time. Will try to disconnect and try the Nyon again.

Also - the tire diameter is way off and I don't understand why Bosch won't calculate it automatically the way Garmin does. Measure the distance with GPS, count the number of revolutions the tire makes, then do some simple math to get the circumference. Piece of cake. May send Bosch an email and suggest that they do this.

Will now start learning how to use the custom assist settings and the topo range app. Now, if only the rain would let up I'd be out a bit more......

Hello, folks.

We've had some spectacular weather the past few days on Bainbridge Island and in the Seattle area generally. So, I've been riding my R&M eBike as much as possible and have been using the Nyon a lot. Preparing for the Chilly Hilly, Puget Sound's official kickoff of the cycling season. The ride is 32 or so miles and 2,200 feet. There are a few interesting hills. I'm trying to build routes and transfer them via gpx files to the Nyon. I'm using Easy Route on my iPad. If anyone has a better app I'd like to know.
One thing I wanted to ask is, for those of you who are successfully using HRMs on your Nyon, which makes and models are you using? Still can't make mine work.
Again - i am very impressed with the Nyon. Have several eBike cycling tours planned for this summer in Europe and would like to the the Nyon along. The Nyon's navigational capabilities are superb.


I use a Polar chest strap type HRM. It paired right away and the connection is normally very stable. Occasionally, on turning on the Nyon, it fails to connect. I simply go to settings/connections/hear monitor/ it then appears on the list, hit enter and good to go.
I bought an 8G nyon from the UK last year and dropped it right onto a used haibike full 7 that had an intuvia. I had to pay $5 for some software but it linked right up with the econnect app and added emtb mode. had to download the applicable navigation files for nearby states. nyon is way better than intuvia, rivals kiox, does some things kiox wont. the app also links up with my kiox bike.
In case you have been wanting a Nyon, I see that a few of the 1G Nyons are again available on eBay for $89. This is the same vendor that I bought one of my Nyon's from and had no issues. That said, I am not sure how reliable the shipping from China will be with the current corona virus situation. But if you have been wanting to upgrade from an Intuvia to a Nyon, it may be worth taking a chance.
I've been riding my R&M Delite a lot. Trying to also ride my carbon flat-bar. I thought that, because I'm getting a lot of assistance from the eBike that my cardio response on the flat-bar would be much worse. I monitor my heart rate. Was very surprised to find that is not the case. Could be because I maintain a high cadence rate on the eBike. Could also be that the darn thing weighs so much that it's easy to get a good workout.
I was planning on heading to Europe for six cycling tours this summer. Three in Italy!! Two in France, and one in Croatia. Cancelled them all and will try again next year. To prepare for that I was generating my own gpx files and testing them on the Nyon. It has some weirdness. Does not like u-turns and adds phantom tracks. Once I have a good idea of exactly what's going on I'll send a letter to Bosch. At one point it tried to make me turn into Puget Sound. Still love the Nyon, though.

Just bought a couple Cube eBikes with Bosch Motors & Intuvia displays. Interested in the Nyon. Dealer is currently closed due to Covid so a couple questions ... is the Nyon a "drop fit" on these Cubes? I know the Cradle Mount is the same for both Intuvia & Nyon but am under the understanding that the dealer needs to "tweak" something with their Bosch software when you do a switch like this. Is that true or not?

On the subject of those eBay Nyons mentioned above (seems there are still 2 left) ... is the 1G model an older one?? Why would they be going so cheap when a new one is almost $500?
You need to replace the Intuvia handlebar control buttons with the Nyon version which has a joystick button. That requires taking the mount apart to remove the old control and attach the new one, but it is a fairly simple job. I didn't have to make any additional adjustments on my Gazelle Arroyo which has the Gen 2 Performance Line motor. The Nyon works beautifully. I would be surprised if your shop would know much about the Nyon as they aren't generally available in North America. My shop didn't know anything about the Nyon until I installed it. So far they haven't given me any grief though when I take my bike in for service. Note that on most of the 1 GB Nyon eBay listings I have seen, the button controls are not included with the Nyon purchase and must be bought separately.

I have purchased 2 of the 1 GB Nyons on eBay. They were both in new condition. I suspect someone bought out the unsold stock when Bosch introduced the 8 GB model and got them pretty cheap.
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AlanDB ... thanks for the information. Bosch Customer Service Canada told me that the Nyon is NOT available or serviceable in North America but for $89 I "might" take a chance. Where can I get the Nyon remote control button assembly?
AlanDB ... thanks for the information. Bosch Customer Service Canada told me that the Nyon is NOT available or serviceable in North America but for $89 I "might" take a chance. Where can I get the Nyon remote control button assembly?

and there’s more than a few eBay sellers to sift through.
I may not be able to purchase the $89 Nyon (Hong Kong, I believe) as they ship DHL and apparently (from a German Vendor) DHL stops delivery to Canada but ... that may be just Germany??? I'll keep looking for another possible eBay option? Where there's a will there's a way and I am not in a huge rush.
I may not be able to purchase the $89 Nyon (Hong Kong, I believe) as they ship DHL and apparently (from a German Vendor) DHL stops delivery to Canada but ... that may be just Germany??? I'll keep looking for another possible eBay option? Where there's a will there's a way and I am not in a huge rush.
If it works like the US, DHL passes the package along to Canada Post. My DHL packages always arrive by USPS.
dblhelix ... yes I understand, that's what I thought too ... but weird that the German Vendor said no. I'll check the control unit our on the UK site that AlanDB mentioned. I NEED to be the first kid on my block to have a Nyon ... I will be king ..... lol.