Nyon Retrofit

I was on several European bike tours the past two summers. Pretty much all of the tour companies were pushing mobile phone-based routing services. The eBikes were not capable of providing power to the phones so a lot of them died before the end of the day. Some riders had external batteries so they were OK. I was using a Garmin Edge 1030 and several times we had to use the routes I'd downloaded for navigation. I'm looking forward to having an Intuvia instalIed on my R&M bike in early January. I intend to switch over to my Nyon as soon as I can. Will keep the Intuvia as a backup. I suppose the phone cradles are substantial, but i would be concerned with having the phone fall off and be run over - probably by me.
I could not agree more. My Samsung Galaxy s9+ makes for a very expensive bike display and would be sitting in a rather open and vulnerable spot. If I took a tumble I might lose much more than the bike data display. I would rather have a dedicated, contained, task-designed display that is powered directly by the bike's battery.
The new Bosch SmartphoneHub has a new mount different from the Cobi (Which used the Nyon and Investa mount). There is supposed to be a phone charger plug, and when you remove the phone there is a small weather proof screen with some ridding/Bosch motor & battery functions. I think Trek only has one high end 2020 bike, Allant+ 8S Stagger with this new system, It will be a while before we see them. Trek has little info on this system. An Trek excitative told me that it would be a while, if ever, Trek would this system. Maybe some of the European users can review the SmartphoneHub. Bosch has a manual online for this computer.
Does anyone know for sure if the Nyon will work on the new Performance Line Speed (Gen4) motor? www.bike24.com has them complete with controller and mount for $318 landed which seemed pretty reasonable.

Does anyone know for sure if the Nyon will work on the new Performance Line Speed (Gen4) motor? www.bike24.com has them complete with controller and mount for $318 landed which seemed pretty reasonable.

Marc, I can not answer your question with certainty. However if the bike has an Intuvia display the Nyon will fit on the handlebar display mount. If you have a Kiox display you would also need the Intuvia mount. It appears that the kit does not include the mount which is also available from the same seller https://www.bike24.com/p2235246.html?q=bosch+Nyon


Given that Bosch does not support Nyon in North America, this would be a question best asked of the Bosch support team in Europe.
Thank you. Actually the kit includes both the mount and controller even though I don't need the mount (have Intuvia).

https://www.bike24.com/p2236088.html Bosch Nyon Upgrade Kit incl. Display Mount and Control Unit - 0275007818 - anthracite

I sent an email to a couple of suppliers in Germany including bike24 and heard back from one of them this morning confirming that it works with my bike. I also downloaded the 2020 Nyon Online Manual and it lists the Performance Speed application in their chart regarding assist levels so that pretty much confirms it :) I read your post detailing installation and it looks like a snap. Thanks a lot for doing that!

Hi - I'll know for sure on January 7th - have an appointment with a shop in Seattle to swap out the Kiox for an Intuvia. Have a Nyon and controller sitting in their boxes.
Just wondering if anyone knows of a way to update the Nyon to show the actual total mileage instead of just the mileage since the Nyon was installed? I'm missing the mileage accumulated on the Intuvia and it would be nice to know the total at a glance without having to do the math.

Just wondering if anyone knows of a way to update the Nyon to show the actual total mileage instead of just the mileage since the Nyon was installed? I'm missing the mileage accumulated on the Intuvia and it would be nice to know the total at a glance without having to do the math.

Marc, Your total mileage on this or any other bike connected to the Bosch cloud and the bike's total mileage are data points you can include in fields you can include on your two custom screens. I keep those on my custom fitness screen as I don't need them all the time but with a few pushes in pulls on the Nyon joystick they are readily available.

My custom fitness screen bike & me top two left column

My custom ride screen
That's what I don't get. When I look at the total distance field on ebike-connect I see only the mileage since the Nyon was installed. Is there another field that would show the accumulated mileage on the bike regardless of the controller?
I assumed that the motor controller itself kept track of the total mileage independent of the control installed but that might not be the case obviously. I was relating it to a modern car where the mileage is maintained by the car's computer so if you replace the digital speedo assembly the correct mileage shows as compared to the old mechanical speedos that always started at "0".

Total bike mileage is tracked and retained by the bike motor's microprocessor. It can be displayed on your Nyon but does not appear on the Bosch page or app.
Total bike mileage is tracked and retained by the bike motor's microprocessor. It can be displayed on your Nyon but does not appear on the Bosch page or app.
Ah! That's what I was hoping. Would you be so kind as to walk me through finding that field please?

Please can someone tell me how to add work address and edit home address on the Nyon. I’ve looked everywhere on the app and at my account at Ebike connect but can’t find either anywhere!!!
EMTB is only available on a CX motor, not the Performance Speed. Also it is enabled as part of a dealer firmware update not through the Nyon.
Finally! Got the Nyon switch made yesterday. Very nice device - will take it out for a spin when the weather moderates. Could have gone today but needed some time at the local wood shop this afternoon. The installation was weird.
Got through the registration and pairing with iPhone fairly easily. The Nyon told me that it had to be 'off board' to do the firmware upgrade. So, I plugged it into an older Mac laptop and hazanga, the upgrade proceeded flawlessly. Even got the extra in-app purchases taken care of. No problems at all. Then the fun started.
Could not get the Nyon to pair with the iPhone, even though Settings said both were connected. My account had the wrong firmware version. Had not been synced since 1969. That sort of stuff. Finally decided to remove the Nyon from my account and reinstall it. Did no good at all. Started paging through the Nyon screens and saw that I could basically delete everything on the Nyon and start over from scratch, which is what I did. Long story short - it worked. Got the Washington State maps on the Nyon so I'm good to go.
One really bizarre thing, though. I keep getting this message on the Nyon that it can't connect to my WiFi network and I have to re-enter the 'WiFi Authorization Token'. I't's a six digit code. Have never heard of that. It should not be the Bluetooth pairing code, which is six digits. Has anyone heard of this?
Oh - and thanks for the EMTB heads up. The dealer installed it yesterday.
More when i have a few miles on the Nyon.


Finally! Got the Nyon switch made yesterday. Very nice device - will take it out for a spin when the weather moderates. Could have gone today but needed some time at the local wood shop this afternoon. The installation was weird.
Got through the registration and pairing with iPhone fairly easily. The Nyon told me that it had to be 'off board' to do the firmware upgrade. So, I plugged it into an older Mac laptop and hazanga, the upgrade proceeded flawlessly. Even got the extra in-app purchases taken care of. No problems at all. Then the fun started.
Could not get the Nyon to pair with the iPhone, even though Settings said both were connected. My account had the wrong firmware version. Had not been synced since 1969. That sort of stuff. Finally decided to remove the Nyon from my account and reinstall it. Did no good at all. Started paging through the Nyon screens and saw that I could basically delete everything on the Nyon and start over from scratch, which is what I did. Long story short - it worked. Got the Washington State maps on the Nyon so I'm good to go.
One really bizarre thing, though. I keep getting this message on the Nyon that it can't connect to my WiFi network and I have to re-enter the 'WiFi Authorization Token'. I't's a six digit code. Have never heard of that. It should not be the Bluetooth pairing code, which is six digits. Has anyone heard of this?
Oh - and thanks for the EMTB heads up. The dealer installed it yesterday.
More when i have a few miles on the Nyon.


Have you tried giving the Nyon a static I.P.?