Nyon Retrofit

Thanks. I do have one other avenue if your suggestion doesn't work - my older son lives in London, so I should be able to get him to facilitate things.

Bob, You can download the app on US App Store and then purchase the two custom modes if you want. AT least this is available for iPhone users. I believe Android as well.
Paul - the process is (I'm asking): Get the Nyon mounted, attach to your WiFi, update the firmware, then sync it with the iPhone app. Once you've done this the in app purchases should be available in the app. Make sense?

So, I guess I'm back here again. Trying to understand how the Bosch maps work for the Nyon. I have a lot of experience with openstreetmaps (OSM). I contribute to them every year - they do great work. I use an iOS mapping app (Citymaps2go) that is very good. And I use OSM map sets on my Garmin 1030.
For the Garmin, I go to the OSM website and select the 'tiles' I want to download. They put my request in their queue snd send me an email when the map sets are ready. I have pretty much all of France, Netherlands, Belgium, and England and Scotland. All of these map sets combined are around 3 Gigs. If I add in all of the US maps I have I'm sure it's less than 5 Gigs. So, the 8 Gigs on the Nyon is more than adequate. So here we go.
OSM sends me a file for my Garmin that is an 'img' file. I drop it into a folder on the Garmin and it just uses it. Works very well. The question is this - how does the Bosch system work? Does Bosch go to OSM, download the map sets, and massage them a bit for the Nyon? Stick the map sets on the portal and you can download them. I'm still a few weeks away from being able to delve into this with my Nyon - does anyone have experience with this aspect of the Bosch system? A lot of folks take the basic OSM map sets and massage them to their needs. Maybe that's what Bosch is doing.
Next - I did a lot of cycle touring over the past two years. Europe, Oceana. Most of the tour operators provide you with routes from 'Ride with GPS'. I love these things. Has anyone used these routes with the Nyon? This is the real reason I'm excited about the Nyon. (Well a few more things). A lot of the tour operators use Bosch-motored bikes with Intuvia displays. I wonder if I can take my Nyon along and slip it into the Intuvia head? That would be nice.
Anyway, I'd like to hear if anyone has any experience with this.

Best Regards,

Anyone looking for a Nyon, I sold my Super Commuter today and have one available that the new owner declined (he preferred the Intuvia).
Anyway, will post it to classified section.
$100 and includes installed ScreenGUARD screen protector with several extras (which you may never use)
Also purchased the custom modes, not sure if it is transferrable or embedded, but it was purchased nonetheless.
If I didn’t already have a spare, I’d buy yours. To every Nyon user out there: you can’t count on being able to buy a new Nyon if yours breaks. You may be down for weeks if you don’t have a spare. Or at least a spare Intuvia. So take advantage of opportunities to buy a spare when they pop up!
Anyone looking for a Nyon, I sold my Super Commuter today and have one available that the new owner declined (he preferred the Intuvia).
Anyway, will post it to classified section.
$100 and includes installed ScreenGUARD screen protector with several extras (which you may never use)
Also purchased the custom modes, not sure if it is transferrable or embedded, but it was purchased nonetheless.
Hey - could you give us a bit more info? 1 Gig or 8 Gigs? what's in the kit?


Hey - could you give us a bit more info? 1 Gig or 8 Gigs? what's in the kit?


It’s only the 1 gig Nyon in a box and plastic screen protectors (3)
it is described on the classified forum

If I didn’t already have a spare, I’d buy yours. To every Nyon user out there: you can’t count on being able to buy a new Nyon if yours breaks. You may be down for weeks if you don’t have a spare. Or at least a spare Intuvia. So take advantage of opportunities to buy a spare when they pop up!
Well, I took your advice and bought a spare. My Nyon on my Gazelle Arroyo is still working great, although as I reported in another post, the thin plastic frame fell off and broke. So far this hasn't affected the operation of the Nyon other than making it look a little tacky. I have tried to buy a replacement frame (Bosch calls it the display mask), but it isn't available in the US. Buying from a European supplier with shipping comes to a ridiculous $45 for a 1 oz. piece of plastic. So I decided to spend $30 more and just get another eBay Nyon as a spare.

Now my question is, how should I prepare and store the spare? I have plugged it in, charged up the battery and updated the software. But should I also register it on my eBikeConnect account? Should I pair it with my phone and ebike? Or is it best to just keep it unregistered, but charged and updated until I might need it? What happens if you have 2 Nyons paired under the same user account for the same ebike and cell phone?
Good questions - wish I had the answers. The real answer is that Bosch should relent and realize that allowing us to have the Nyon over here is not going to affect anything negatively. I have an 8 Gig Nyon for my R&M Delite. Sort of a long story, but the bike I got was assembled just after R&M moved into their new factory. Apparently the entire bike was built to the European spec and sent over here. Bosch won't respect the warranty until the motor is swapped out. So R&M had to replace the motor with one for the NA market. The bike came with a Kiox, which I really do not care for, so I asked the LBS to install an Intuvia. Got the call today that the bike is now ready for prime time and will be picked up this Sunday.

Trying to figure out an elegant way to get on the Apple UK App store so I can purchase the in app purchases. I have an older iPod Touch that has WiFi. Thinking of setting that up as a UK-based device. Then go to the UK App Store and buy the apps. Believe I can get an iTunes gift card from the UK that should work. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I'll report back in a few days to update things.

Here is my take. Again, my opinion. If wrong, so be it. If right, then maybe I'm onto something.
In Europe and the UK most OEM e-bikes are limited to a lower top speed than in the US (28 MPH in US, 15.5 in UK, 20 in Europe), of course unless someone chooses to "chip" it to bypass the limits.
With that being said the Nyon allows manipulation of the motor via the Nyon controller and can (in my opinion) push the US bike into uncharted territory or possibly proven (? by Bosch) that would not normally be in the same as UK or Euro devices.
What I'm saying is those power curves, those programming changes potentially might create issue, I think. I speak from 1st hand experience as I did some testing. Of course this is my opinion and others may not have had the same experience, but nonetheless, I'm sharing.
A US Trek Super Commuter 8 with the OEM Bosch Purion controller changed to an Intuvia, a similar experience as far as feel, response, etc. However, when a Nyon is used I saw equal everything UNTIL I made my own assist curves. I DEFINITELY felt and HEARD things that concerned me. That's the summary. I won't get into specifics as the key is it's my belief the reason it's not sold/used in the US is exactly the suspicion I reference. Others MAY have not had the experience I reference, but I felt the need to chime in to express my 2 cents.
Given I had an 2017 Super Commuter 8 with a replaced motor after 3,000 miles (never a Nyon on that one) and then THAT bike with an additional 2,000 miles (5k total) with oddities that necessitated a warranty replacement with a new 2018 Super Commuter 8, and then using the Nyon on the replacement 2018 Super Commuter and swapping it back and forth with the Intuvia to make the determinations I reference valid.
I felt and heard differences when using the Nyon. I took it off and put the Intuvia on and rode it for 500 miles with zero issues. Just saying with the Nyon it's not a good feeling to hear clicking, and similar things I heard on the 2017 bike.
Possibly, this has also something to do with the reasoning as to why Bosch has changed the motor and size of the chainring on the 2020 models. And, the Nyon just added an additional "push over the edge" to the previous generation motor. Who knows, my observations.
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Good questions - wish I had the answers. The real answer is that Bosch should relent and realize that allowing us to have the Nyon over here is not going to affect anything negatively. I have an 8 Gig Nyon for my R&M Delite. Sort of a long story, but the bike I got was assembled just after R&M moved into their new factory. Apparently the entire bike was built to the European spec and sent over here. Bosch won't respect the warranty until the motor is swapped out. So R&M had to replace the motor with one for the NA market. The bike came with a Kiox, which I really do not care for, so I asked the LBS to install an Intuvia. Got the call today that the bike is now ready for prime time and will be picked up this Sunday.

Trying to figure out an elegant way to get on the Apple UK App store so I can purchase the in app purchases. I have an older iPod Touch that has WiFi. Thinking of setting that up as a UK-based device. Then go to the UK App Store and buy the apps. Believe I can get an iTunes gift card from the UK that should work. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I'll report back in a few days to update things.

I think Bosch now allows you to download the App directly from the US App Store; at least they do with Android on the Google Play Store. When I first got my Nyon about a year ago, I had to play the games to get the Android app, but now it is just a simple Play Store download.
Another thing I like about the Nyon … adjusts DST changes automatically. I don't know if it does that through the GPS chip or the WiFi, but it is one less clock I have to set.
I have used a Nyon on two Trek Ebikes, the 700xm and the 2019 Police EBike. Bosch recently made The App EBikeConnect available. when I connected it to my Nyon to the App it downloaded all my rides for the past 2-1/2 years, with lots of info. I is great . I may still get the SmartphoneHub, and compare them
I have used a Nyon on two Trek Ebikes, the 700xm and the 2019 Police EBike. Bosch recently made The App EBikeConnect available. when I connected it to my Nyon to the App it downloaded all my rides for the past 2-1/2 years, with lots of info. I is great . I may still get the SmartphoneHub, and compare them
I'll be curious to read about your comparison between Nyon & smart phone hub, especially with regards to how the phone battery holds up on a 2-3 hour ride with the screen on the whole time at optimum brightness.
I was on several European bike tours the past two summers. Pretty much all of the tour companies were pushing mobile phone-based routing services. The eBikes were not capable of providing power to the phones so a lot of them died before the end of the day. Some riders had external batteries so they were OK. I was using a Garmin Edge 1030 and several times we had to use the routes I'd downloaded for navigation. I'm looking forward to having an Intuvia instalIed on my R&M bike in early January. I intend to switch over to my Nyon as soon as I can. Will keep the Intuvia as a backup. I suppose the phone cradles are substantial, but i would be concerned with having the phone fall off and be run over - probably by me.