Need advice for Ebike order

one week after I order the Allan + 7, the chain got an issue. I bring it to the seller and he adjusted it. today, while I was ringing, back from office to home, the chain cut completely.
i will bring the bike to the seller, but I was wondering if there is any risk on that. Does this happened already ? or I'm I the only who face to such problem ?
one week after I order the Allan + 7, the chain got an issue. I bring it to the seller and he adjusted it. today, while I was ringing, back from office to home, the chain cut completely.
i will bring the bike to the seller, but I was wondering if there is any risk on that. Does this happened already ? or I'm I the only who face to such problem ?
Such things do happen, especially when the derailleur had not been adjusted properly. The seller shall now make the first real servicing of your Allant+ per warranty. Let's hope your LBS knows what they are doing.
P.S. Do you ease up on pedalling (or even pause pedalling) when you're shifting?
Such things do happen, especially when the derailleur had not been adjusted properly. The seller shall now make the first real servicing of your Allant+ per warranty. Let's hope your LBS knows what they are doing.
P.S. Do you ease up on pedalling (or even pause pedalling) when you're shifting?
At the beginning I use not to respect that but they explain me and I use to ease up on pedalling when shifting!
one week after I order the Allan + 7, the chain got an issue. I bring it to the seller and he adjusted it. today, while I was ringing, back from office to home, the chain cut completely.
i will bring the bike to the seller, but I was wondering if there is any risk on that. Does this happened already ? or I'm I the only who face to such problem ?
All good with the chain now when you ease up on pedaling when shifting?
I'm looking for a GPS tracking for my bike. is it possible to get something which doesn't need a sim subscription ?
The +7 does not come with an adjustable stem but you can retrofit. My wife’s Lowstep version came with the normal stem and our LBS found a Bontrager adjustable that I could not see when I looked around online.
View attachment 70172
BTW, the +7 DOES come with Walk mode.
I sure wish that you could have been in Morgantown WV today. 65 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. I had my wife there to test ride the Allant 7. I mentioned walk mode. “ Bosch does not allow that on US models”! The owner,tech, and salespersons were sure until I showed them from your info. Never knew these 3 to be so speechless after knowing them for 40+ years. Then we went into the stem. Showed your pics and not a sound. I guess ever the pros have a lot of room to learn. It’s been fun learning from you and more fun teaching LBS pros.
I sure wish that you could have been in Morgantown WV today. 65 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. I had my wife there to test ride the Allant 7. I mentioned walk mode. “ Bosch does not allow that on US models”! The owner,tech, and salespersons were sure until I showed them from your info. Never knew these 3 to be so speechless after knowing them for 40+ years. Then we went into the stem. Showed your pics and not a sound. I guess ever the pros have a lot of room to learn. It’s been fun learning from you and more fun teaching LBS pros.
Well, great! I learn so much here on this forum that I educate my Trek guy fairly often. Though he did show me how Walk worked on my Allant+7. In fact today I spoke with him about an update from the Purion controller to a new Nyon controller and he didn’t know hardly anything about it. Even the Bosch team guy here didn’t know specifics on cost or availability yet. Did your wife approve of the +7?
I ran into similar situations when I owned an ‘05 Corvette and spent time on Corvette forums. I knew so much more than 90% of Corvette salesmen that I could spot BS from a mile away!
Well, great! I learn so much here on this forum that I educate my Trek guy fairly often. Though he did show me how Walk worked on my Allant+7. In fact today I spoke with him about an update from the Purion controller to a new Nyon controller and he didn’t know hardly anything about it. Even the Bosch team guy here didn’t know specifics on cost or availability yet. Did your wife approve of the +7?
I ran into similar situations when I owned an ‘05 Corvette and spent time on Corvette forums. I knew so much more than 90% of Corvette salesmen that I could spot BS from a mile away!
Loved it, but was on a large and really needs a medium. Feb 15th? Maybe.
hi !

My Allan +7 shows error message today :


i took it back to the seller for diagnostic.
he asked me to wait until he finished and he will tell me what is going on.

Do you know what it may be ?

hi !

My Allan +7 shows error message today :


i took it back to the seller for diagnostic.
he asked me to wait until he finished and he will tell me what is going on.

Do you know what it may be ?

No idea.
hi !

My Allan +7 shows error message today :


i took it back to the seller for diagnostic.
he asked me to wait until he finished and he will tell me what is going on.

Do you know what it may be ?

For your information
the issue seems to be cleared now. I got the nuke from the seller, he made an update of the firmware.
i will test in the coming days and weeks and see.
Thank for you help in this
i have got the references of allan + 7 ebike painting : PMS 74-63
Can anyone tell me in which shop i can get it ?
I would like to get some quantity near me in case ...