Luna Wolf 52 v question


I have a luna wolf 52 v 13 ,5 the charger reads 58.8 when it’s down the battery reads 58.5-6 when I plug it into the mighty mini display it’s will jump from 58.3-5 sometimes 6 is this normal? its a brand new battery and I have already replaced the charger
Your fine, why did you replace the charger?

First of your display is not a reference calibrated device, don't expect a high level of accuracy.

Are you worrying about the fact that it does not read 58.8? Or that sometimes it reads 58.5, 58.6, 58.3? etc... Not sure what you mean by when it's down.
It was only reading 58.2 to 58.6. I did end up getting a new charger and it got the battery up to 58.8 the other charger would only push it to 58.6 and a multimeter did help out a lot!! the display seems to always be off by a few V.