Lectric XP

It's not a big deal for most people, it's really quite irrelevant period.. unless you don't own a phone LOL and then still shouldn't matter

What I don't like about it is having to break out my phone when my vehicle already has an odometer. I should be able to just use it.

Also, I don't have extra grey cells laying around lol. How many miles was that to the store, 8? No, it was 8 on the odometer, which means it's really 10. No, I was using my phone the day I measured it, so it really is 8. No, I had my phone with me but I didn't use it which means it was really 8, which means it was really 10. That's no way to do data. Just mho.

Edit: But of course there is no solution to it, so it's just spilled milk.
First let me say I'm happy with my bike and for what I use it for if the odometer is off doesn't effect me in the slightest.

If you were in Lectric's shoes what would you do about 6000 problem bikes out there. Can't just adjust wheel size because it messes up the spedo too. Seems the only fix would be reprogram the lcd or replace it with a more accurate display. Not everyone is comfortable with doing that. Ship the bikes back? Who pays those costs? Say they do 50-100 to ship each way say 50 for the new parts/labor.... No way they do that and I wouldn't expect it either.

As a few people have pointed out. They don't care about the settings or the inaccuracy of their speedometers/odometers and that's probably going to be the majority of folks. So lectric does nothing for them. Those that are complaining, however, should be corrected completely on lectrics dime. They are the ones that did what they did and stopped you from being able to dial in the settings correctly. It's not our fault that they screwed up and locked settings they shouldn't have. Again, there are 2 settings for the wheel. 1 sets odometer correctly and 1 adjusts the speed readout. Nor should we forget the low voltage cutoff being to low. These are $1000 bikes. I don't think it's asking too much that the basic functions of the bicycle computer actually work. Like I said on my lawnmower. The battery gauge had an issue. You could charge it to full and let it sit overnight and the readout would show 75% but was actually fully charged. If you unplugged the charger and reconnected it, it would instantly go to 100% and read out correctly. That wasn't my fault. It came like that. It doesn't matter if it doesn't affect the lawnmower's ability to mow. It's a part of a brand new device that I bought with my hard-earned money that isn't functioning properly. The company that sold you that device has the responsibility to correct the issue. It's not our fault the part was faulty or misprogrammed from the manufacturer. I fully expect every company I deal with to back their products. Regardless if they sold millions of defective items, it's their responsibility. Why should I care that a company screws up thousands of bikes. That was their fault, not mine. I mean sure, it's got to suck but it's a lesson they learn and if they survive it, it should make them better company, an honest company, a company that says hey, We will 1000% back our products. That's a company people become loyal to.

I still buy a specific brand of memory for my computer because of the support I received on the very first batch of memory I bought and it had a bad module in it. The company not only overnighted a new stick, but they overnight expressed it to be at my house before lunch the following day. Now that kind of customer service, even though their prices are a little higher than most, has gotten them 10x the money it cost them to send me that replacement stick, just from me alone. I have recommended them to all my friends and they made a bunch of money over the years from them as well. Did they have to overnight express a stick to me? No. I would have been happy just getting it within the week. The extra effort to show their customers they care, that got them a lot more than just that 1 sale. But hey, that's just me. I have high expectancy of any company I deal with. Lots of people don't really care one way or another.
Does anyone here know if this Lectric XP can fit into a Camry trunk?
No it does not, and I found that taking off the seat post and seat, and the battery it helps a lot at putting it in the back seat, and if your one of the people like me on here that left the derailleur guard on, you put that side against the seat, otherwise your screwing up the stuff on the handle bar.
As a few people have pointed out. They don't care about the settings or the inaccuracy of their speedometers/odometers and that's probably going to be the majority of folks. So lectric does nothing for them. Those that are complaining, however, should be corrected completely on lectrics dime. They are the ones that did what they did and stopped you from being able to dial in the settings correctly. It's not our fault that they screwed up and locked settings they shouldn't have. Again, there are 2 settings for the wheel. 1 sets odometer correctly and 1 adjusts the speed readout. Nor should we forget the low voltage cutoff being to low. These are $1000 bikes. I don't think it's asking too much that the basic functions of the bicycle computer actually work. Like I said on my lawnmower. The battery gauge had an issue. You could charge it to full and let it sit overnight and the readout would show 75% but was actually fully charged. If you unplugged the charger and reconnected it, it would instantly go to 100% and read out correctly. That wasn't my fault. It came like that. It doesn't matter if it doesn't affect the lawnmower's ability to mow. It's a part of a brand new device that I bought with my hard-earned money that isn't functioning properly. The company that sold you that device has the responsibility to correct the issue. It's not our fault the part was faulty or misprogrammed from the manufacturer. I fully expect every company I deal with to back their products. Regardless if they sold millions of defective items, it's their responsibility. Why should I care that a company screws up thousands of bikes. That was their fault, not mine. I mean sure, it's got to suck but it's a lesson they learn and if they survive it, it should make them better company, an honest company, a company that says hey, We will 1000% back our products. That's a company people become loyal to.

I still buy a specific brand of memory for my computer because of the support I received on the very first batch of memory I bought and it had a bad module in it. The company not only overnighted a new stick, but they overnight expressed it to be at my house before lunch the following day. Now that kind of customer service, even though their prices are a little higher than most, has gotten them 10x the money it cost them to send me that replacement stick, just from me alone. I have recommended them to all my friends and they made a bunch of money over the years from them as well. Did they have to overnight express a stick to me? No. I would have been happy just getting it within the week. The extra effort to show their customers they care, that got them a lot more than just that 1 sale. But hey, that's just me. I have high expectancy of any company I deal with. Lots of people don't really care one way or another.
I'm sure lectric is regretting the few they sent out that were unlocked this wouldn't have occurred if they had done that. Lectric has proven over and over again their customer service has been great especially under the circumstances where they're in and dated with hundreds of orders and calls all at once.
I'm sure lectric is regretting the few they sent out that were unlocked this wouldn't have occurred if they had done that. Lectric has proven over and over again their customer service has been great especially under the circumstances where they're in and dated with hundreds of orders and calls all at once.
Great? I'm not sure if I would say great. I wouldn't say it's terrible either. I would say it's a little below average. Some folks waited over 2 months to get their bicycle. I wouldn't call that great. It's not even about the first bikes going out unlocked. (I mean it was to some that specifically ordered their bikes because they knew it was coming unlocked) but even if they had it locked down from the start, that doesn't negate the fact that the speedometer/odometer is off and is something that would still need to be fixed if people wanted theirs fixed.

Kev central said something in his video that rang 100% true with me. His prototype was malfunctioning and display kph instead of mph. He doesn't like having to do the math to convert it. Even though the bicycle was given to him, he was thinking about buying one just to have the mph be on it. What can be insignificant to some, can be a major annoyance to others. So much so that it severely hampers your enjoyment of the product.
Kev central said something in his video that rang 100% true with me. His prototype was malfunctioning and display kph instead of mph. He doesn't like having to do the math to convert it. Even though the bicycle was given to him, he was thinking about buying one just to have the mph be on it.

I thought about Kevcentral saying that too. lol

How does the fact that we bought pre-orders enter into this? They were/are still working bugs out. The odometer/speedo bug is annoying but we did save money by buying a 'work in progress'. Just speaking for myself, I'd buy it again. Either I'll keep it for a long time or sell it and upgrade to something more refined next year. Either way, the total-cost-of-ownership will be very low.
I thought about Kevcentral saying that too. lol

How does the fact that we bought pre-orders enter into this? They were/are still working bugs out. The odometer/speedo bug is annoying but we did save money by buying a 'work in progress'. Just speaking for myself, I'd buy it again. Either I'll keep it for a long time or sell it and upgrade to something more refined next year. Either way, the total-cost-of-ownership will be very low.

Dangit you had to stump me on that one. I hadn't considered it being a pre-order. I mean, I still spent almost $1k on the bike, but yeah. Preorder. I will have to do some thinking on that. A preorder can still be a final product and that is how I have felt about this bike but if we look at the history so far.... It's obviously not a final product.
Dangit you had to stump me on that one. I hadn't considered it being a pre-order. I mean, I still spent almost $1k on the bike, but yeah. Preorder. I will have to do some thinking on that. A preorder can still be a final product and that is how I have felt about this bike but if we look at the history so far.... It's obviously not a final product.

I have the utmost confidence in your ability to come up with something. lol <--- friendly jest (in case it isn't obvious)
As a few people have pointed out. They don't care about the settings or the inaccuracy of their speedometers/odometers and that's probably going to be the majority of folks. So lectric does nothing for them. Those that are complaining, however, should be corrected completely on lectrics dime. They are the ones that did what they did and stopped you from being able to dial in the settings correctly. It's not our fault that they screwed up and locked settings they shouldn't have. Again, there are 2 settings for the wheel. 1 sets odometer correctly and 1 adjusts the speed readout. Nor should we forget the low voltage cutoff being to low. These are $1000 bikes. I don't think it's asking too much that the basic functions of the bicycle computer actually work. Like I said on my lawnmower. The battery gauge had an issue. You could charge it to full and let it sit overnight and the readout would show 75% but was actually fully charged. If you unplugged the charger and reconnected it, it would instantly go to 100% and read out correctly. That wasn't my fault. It came like that. It doesn't matter if it doesn't affect the lawnmower's ability to mow. It's a part of a brand new device that I bought with my hard-earned money that isn't functioning properly. The company that sold you that device has the responsibility to correct the issue. It's not our fault the part was faulty or misprogrammed from the manufacturer. I fully expect every company I deal with to back their products. Regardless if they sold millions of defective items, it's their responsibility. Why should I care that a company screws up thousands of bikes. That was their fault, not mine. I mean sure, it's got to suck but it's a lesson they learn and if they survive it, it should make them better company, an honest company, a company that says hey, We will 1000% back our products. That's a company people become loyal to.

I still buy a specific brand of memory for my computer because of the support I received on the very first batch of memory I bought and it had a bad module in it. The company not only overnighted a new stick, but they overnight expressed it to be at my house before lunch the following day. Now that kind of customer service, even though their prices are a little higher than most, has gotten them 10x the money it cost them to send me that replacement stick, just from me alone. I have recommended them to all my friends and they made a bunch of money over the years from them as well. Did they have to overnight express a stick to me? No. I would have been happy just getting it within the week. The extra effort to show their customers they care, that got them a lot more than just that 1 sale. But hey, that's just me. I have high expectancy of any company I deal with. Lots of people don't really care one way or another.
First time making a bike. Think they did a good job on XP 1.0.
Fully unlocked, No not usually. Of the bikes that I did look at, all that had a computer screen did allow you to change tire size and associated settings. That is the most basic function of the bicycle computer, to display speed, odometer and power settings. So I assume they all knew tire size adjustments would be necessary to dial in the accuracy of the computer. As for battery low voltage cutoff, Most do not allow you to go below the minimum value they set but they don't set that value to the dangerous level of 38.5v the first bikes released at or the slightly less dangerous 40.0v that ours is currently set at. What I wonder is, Did lectric learn anything from this and the October recipients of the bicycle have any different settings?
As far as the speed and odometer setting go, I have changed mine and they are still not accurate. One ride they are right on with the GPS, the next day they are off like I never changed them. To be honest, they are not that accurate and later delivered bikes are not missing a thing. I use the app now for accuracy and use the LCD display for battery level, that seems to be accurate. But as far as any of the tires size etc. you are not missing a thing. At least on my 2 bikes.

If someone wants a couple of unlocked bikes bad enough there are 2 for sale on the FB Lecrtic XP user group, brand new, never opened in the original boxes for the original price of $899.
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As far as the odometer/speedometer issues - I don't care. I got this cool, affordable, folding electric bike to have fun with, to take on my RV and travel around the country with, to ride around campsites, to close-by stores for supplies, and just have fun with. For me, so what if it says I'm goin' 18 mph and I'm really goin' 15 mph, or it says I rode 5 miles, but I actually rode 4.6 miles. I'm sure some care about those details, I understand. But as long as it works, it takes off when I turn the throttle, pedal assist kicks in when I need it to, I'm having a blast with it!
As far as the speed and odometer setting go, I have changed mine and they are still not accurate. One ride they are right on with the GPS, the next day they are off like I never changed them. To be honest, they are not that accurate and later delivered bikes are not missing a thing. I use the app now for accurace and use the LCD display for battery level, that seems to be accurate. But as far as any of the tires size etc. you are not missing a thing. At least on my 2 bikes.
As far as the odometer/speedometer issues - I don't care. I got this cool, affordable, folding electric bike to have fun with, to take on my RV and travel around the country with, to ride around campsites, to close-by stores for supplies, and just have fun with. For me, so what if it says I'm goin' 18 mph and I'm really goin' 15 mph, or it says I rode 5 miles, but I actually rode 4.6 miles. I'm sure some care about those details, I understand. But as long as it works, it takes off when I turn the throttle, pedal assist kicks in when I need it to, I'm having a blast with it!
WELL SAID!!!! hopefully within the next hundred pages of this forum or so, it will be no longer a discussion.. Here's a spot I stopped at last night on my night ride, the exact mileage and speedometer reading didn't affect the ride...I was having to much fun..


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Great? I'm not sure if I would say great. I wouldn't say it's terrible either. I would say it's a little below average. Some folks waited over 2 months to get their bicycle. I wouldn't call that great. It's not even about the first bikes going out unlocked. (I mean it was to some that specifically ordered their bikes because they knew it was coming unlocked) but even if they had it locked down from the start, that doesn't negate the fact that the speedometer/odometer is off and is something that would still need to be fixed if people wanted theirs fixed.

Kev central said something in his video that rang 100% true with me. His prototype was malfunctioning and display kph instead of mph. He doesn't like having to do the math to convert it. Even though the bicycle was given to him, he was thinking about buying one just to have the mph be on it. What can be insignificant to some, can be a major annoyance to others. So much so that it severely hampers your enjoyment of the product.

hey man, if you have that many problems with it, you can just return it and ask for your money back.
I'm sure Lectric will honor that. If they don't then their customer service will definitely be below average.
As far as the odometer/speedometer issues - I don't care. I got this cool, affordable, folding electric bike to have fun with, to take on my RV and travel around the country with, to ride around campsites, to close-by stores for supplies, and just have fun with. For me, so what if it says I'm goin' 18 mph and I'm really goin' 15 mph, or it says I rode 5 miles, but I actually rode 4.6 miles. I'm sure some care about those details, I understand. But as long as it works, it takes off when I turn the throttle, pedal assist kicks in when I need it to, I'm having a blast with it!
First world problems right
I assumed there would be some snafus. If A speedometer issue and if it's unlocked are the issues, I'm golden.
hey man, if you have that many problems with it, you can just return it and ask for your money back.
I'm sure Lectric will honor that. If they don't then their customer service will definitely be below average.
Kevcentral loves this bike. Has made more videos stating so.
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I have the utmost confidence in your ability to come up with something. lol <--- friendly jest (in case it isn't obvious)

LOL, OK. After a short time of thinking about this. You are right. Giving them some slack on a preorder bike (basically a beta product) is warranted. I feel there should be some caveats though. The non-preorder people, the ones paying full price. They are the final product. So let's see if the settings are the same or if lectric found a middle ground. If they found a middle ground and allows people to send in their preorder controllers for reprogramming if they want, then that would be good customer support. Of course, those with non locked bikes would probably never ever do that lol.

hey man, if you have that many problems with it, you can just return it and ask for your money back.
I'm sure Lectric will honor that. If they don't then their customer service will definitely be below average.

It's not that I hate the bike. It will put a smile on your face as you ride it, there is no denying that (and a little bit of terror at times lol). It's only that for the money I paid, I feel that I was not given a complete product. Technically I guess I wasn't since it was a preorder bike. I am becoming torn on this issue. See Kev Centrals bike with the flaws can be annoying, he didn't actually pay for it so it's understandable that it wouldn't bother him to that extreme. I guess my issue has been me considering this as a full-fledged product when I guess technically it was little more than a slightly higher version of a Kickstarter project.

First world problems right
I assumed there would be some snafus. If A speedometer issue and if it's unlocked are the issues, I'm golden.

I am fully happy that this is just a first-world problem. Things could be so much worse and I'm not nieve to that.
As far as the odometer/speedometer issues - I don't care. I got this cool, affordable, folding electric bike to have fun with, to take on my RV and travel around the country with, to ride around campsites, to close-by stores for supplies, and just have fun with. For me, so what if it says I'm goin' 18 mph and I'm really goin' 15 mph, or it says I rode 5 miles, but I actually rode 4.6 miles. I'm sure some care about those details, I understand. But as long as it works, it takes off when I turn the throttle, pedal assist kicks in when I need it to, I'm having a blast with it!

Just a side note here. I am one of those people who care about those details. A lot of the discussion on here has been so what, just enjoy riding the bike, it's a minor detail. It's not a minor detail to those that care about details. It can be extremely annoying.

When I was young, I remember being called out to a house that had just finished construction and was there to clean the carpet. As I was walking through, there was probably 50 post-it notes hanging on the walls, cabinets, fixtures, you name it, they were everywhere. In talking with the construction guy that was there to show me what to clean, I asked him about all those notes. I had been cleaning their homes for a couple of years and never seen that. It was an infuriating topic for him. Every post-it was from the buyer. They were flaws that he wanted to be fixed. I read many of them, a slight bump in the wall here, a slight dip in the wall there. This cabinet door is off by 1cm. Very minor things in my opinion. I actually couldn't believe this guy was being so fanatically picky. It actually wasn't till years later that I realized, it wasn't just that he was picky. This was a huge investment. Someplace he may live at for the rest of his life. If you are a detail-oriented person, those flaws could have driven him mad if he had to live with them for the rest of his life. I fully understood that guy and actually had a newfound respect for him willing to go to the extremes he did to ensure he got what he felt he paid for. It was a contractor's nightmare, there is no doubt about that but the buyer wasn't wrong for wanting those things. No matter how minor I felt the detail was It must not have been minor to him.